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Rapid adoption and expansion of the CCTV systems in Turkey as well as all over the world have produced a fair amount of ―technological determinism‖ among many law enforcement officials, which Norris and Armstrong (1999, p. 9) define as... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial SciencesSpatial Analysis
Abstract: Continuity and severity of homicide incidents in Karachi in actuality is a sign of negligence by administration, one of the components of Routine Activity Theory. Looking at other crimes, like car and motorbike thefts or cell... more
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      Geography of CrimeUrban CrimeComparative StudyMicro-level Study
Crime is a pathological disorder in society. It is an outer manifestation of the other side of human nature, contrary to humanism. Crime is a major field of study carried by disciplines like criminology, law, anthropology, psychology and... more
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    • Geography of Crime
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeGeography of CrimeCyber crime
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      Urban StudiesGeography of CrimeSpatial Statistics
This paper analyses urban crimes in Turkey from a geographical perspective. The study aims at presenting the development and distribution of crimes. Urban crimes are grouped as crimes against persons and crimes against property, and then,... more
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    • Geography of Crime
Crime tends to cluster in small areas. Police have taken advantage of this by identifying these “hot spots” of crime and concentrating their resources in these locations. This practice has shown evidence in reducing crime in the hotspot... more
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      Agent Based SimulationCrime AnalysisGeography of Crime
Urban experts have long recognised crime and fear of crime as dominant challenges to sustainable cities. A sustainable community is a place free from the fear of crime, where a feeling of security underpins a wider sense of place... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentGeography of CrimeFear of CrimeCrime
In the last few years there have been several “drug panics” over new synthetic drugs such as mephedrone and the substituted cathinones. These new designer stimulants have become increasingly popular as substitutes for MDMA and other... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsDrugs And AddictionDrugs and drug cultureGeography of Crime
Erstmals liegt für den deutschsprachigen Raum liegt ein geographisches Lehrbuch vor, dass sich in kompakter Form mit den Zusammenhängen von (Un-) Sicherheit, Kriminalität und Raum befasst. Auf Basis einer umfassenden Quellenrecherche... more
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      Geography of CrimeUrban Space and Crime
From womb to tomb, a woman is under the constant fear of violence. Rape is the most heinous and frequent forms of violence against women. In India, with a relatively more severe taboo on sex and sex offences committed on women, one... more
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      GeographySocial GeographySocial SciencesSpatial Analysis
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      Geography of CrimeSpatial StatisticsSão Paulo (Brazil)
Literatür değerlendirmeleri bilimsel araştırmaların temel yapıtaşlarından olup, ele alınacak konuyla ilgili daha önce ortaya konmuş görüşlere bir çerçeve sunmaktadırlar. Bunlar, araştırmalarda genellikle bölüm bazında bulunabildiği gibi... more
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    • Geography of Crime
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    • Geography of Crime
ABSTRACT At present, Crime maps are densly used in crime studies carried out by many branches of science. The types of the crime maps produced in various sorts according to the branch of the science and to the character of the study vary... more
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      Geography of CrimeCrime MappingApplied Geography
Özet: Çok farklı özelliklere sahip olan suç, çeşitli bilim dalları tarafından incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmalarda çeşitli tipte suç haritaları kullanılmaktadır. Problem çözmede değerli bir araç olan suç haritaları, genel olarak iki tip... more
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      Geography of CrimeCrime MappingApplied GeographyCrime Investigation
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      Geography of CrimeCrime Preventionurban spatial anaylsis, GIS, Environmental Criminology
Crime is an inseparable part of society and for the fact that place, time and society are inextricably interwoven implies that the conceptualization of the spatial aspect of crime is imperative. By adopting crime pattern and social... more
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      CriminologyUrban StudiesGeography of CrimeCrime
Abstract Crime data consisting of published and unpublished sources is taken from the sources of T.D.i.K (statistical InstItute of the Turkey), police, gendarme and court. Each of them is different from each other regarding the contents... more
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      Geography of CrimeCrime StudiesCrime Investigation
Crime tends to cluster in small areas. Police have taken advantage of this by identifying these 'hotspots' of crime and concentrating their resources in these locations. This practice has shown evidence of reducing crime in the hotspot... more
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      ArchitectureAgent Based SimulationCrime AnalysisGeography of Crime
Crime Dislribotiorl and its Characteristics in Elaz~g City Yrd. DOG. Dr. Erdal KARAKAS-~z e t Bugiin heriz sanuyileqnliq hem Be geliqnrekte oltrrl iilke qe1zi1-1e1-i suq gibi ljir ~o k qehir sonlnsi ile kurp ;Grrr,nyurlzr: Cok farkll... more
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      Crime AnalysisGeography of CrimeUrban Space and CrimeElazığ
Research in geography of crime started almost 200 years ago in Europe and environmental criminology has been developed for 30 years. In this study we showed and argued two theories that can be a convergence between the geography of crime... more
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      BrazilGeography of CrimeEnvironmental CriminologyRoutine Activities Theory
Urban crime is unplanned change from urban development processes. Understanding of urban crime is necessary for crime prevention and increase urban living quality. The geographical approach in urban crime analysis can analyze crime... more
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      Urban StudiesGeography of CrimeUrban resilienceGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Geography of CrimeSituational Crime PreventionCrime and Public HealthGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Desde fi nales del pasado siglo ha habido un incremento importante de la web 2.0 que permite al usuario introducir información, contribuyendo así a confi gurarla. En este ambiente, ha proliferado en todo el mundo, aunque con diferencias... more
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      CriminologyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyCartography
Abstract [wersja polska poniżej]: This paper is focused on some of the possibilities of the use of cluster analysis (clustering) in criminology and the sociology of law. Cluster analysis makes it possible to divide even a large dataset... more
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      CriminologyClustering and Classification MethodsGeography of CrimeComputational Social Science
Este estudio provee una prueba empírica y correlacional de un modelo descriptivo de la geografía del robo en la zona metropolitana del valle de México (ZMVM). Incluye una revisión de estudios previos en geografía del crimen y una... more
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      Geography of CrimeMexicoCrimeMexico City
violência e a criminalidade são fenômenos amplamente discutidos pela sociedade brasileira, seja pelo senso comum ou pela universidade. Esta última, atualmente, vem recebendo subsídios de diversas ciências, configurando, sobretudo, um... more
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      CriminologyBrazilGeography of Crime
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      GeographyHuman GeographySociology of Crime and DevianceGeography of Crime
Crime is a serious concern in modern times in which we live. Day by day we encounter criminal event which starts from the weaker motivations to the more unusual ones. Types, forms and categories of crime are extended. Not few are the... more
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      Human GeographyPopulation GeographySocial GeographyLaw
The Malta CRISOLA case study is investigated in terms of its analysis of the approaches taken to ensure that data in the physical and social domains are tackled within a reliable structure as that provided by the spatial domain through... more
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      Geography of CrimeSituational Crime PreventionCrime and Public HealthGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
This paper is an exploration into the fear of crime that pervades South Africa, indeed more than crime itself. The obvious linkage of high rates of crime resulting in higher degree of fear of crime suggests itself. However, in the... more
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      Environmental SociologyClinical PsychologyDevelopment StudiesSociology of Crime and Deviance
En las proximas paginas abordaremos el analisis de datos empiricos sobre denuncias e intervenciones policiales acaecidas en la ciudad intermedia de Lerida, para establecer algunas pautas que permitan desvelar su logica locacional, que,... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyCartographyPhilosophy
In Europe, especially in Eastern Europe, geographic research in criminology deals mainly with data analysis and accompanying cartographic communication through the visualisation of crime maps is less developed. Therefore, there is still a... more
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      Human GeographyGeologySpatial AnalysisGeography of Crime
Crime is an inseparable part of society and for the fact that place, time and society are inextricably interwoven implies that the conceptualization of the spatial aspect of crime is imperative. By adopting crime pattern and social... more
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    • Geography of Crime
Abstract Today, cities both in the industrialized and developing countries face to many problems such as crimes. Crime are human phenomena therefore their distributions across all landscape. In this study, I try to find out how the place... more
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      Geography of CrimeUrban Space and CrimeUrban Environments and CrimeElazığ
This article provides an overall picture of crimes committed against women in the district of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. The rate of crime against women is quite startling in South 24 Parganas district in comparison to other... more
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    • Geography of Crime
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      Geography of CrimeSituational Crime PreventionCrime and Public HealthGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Military engagement of insurgents risks destruction of religious monuments and historic structures, and political and economic instability that follows armed conflict enables looting of antiquities. In combination, threats to cultural... more
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      International RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalismIntellectual Property
According to Sabatini (2001), Musset (2009), and Avendaño (2016), Latin American cities have had to deal simultaneously with increasing urbanization and informal economies, land-use conflicts, and tension between crime and imaginaries of... more
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      Geography of CrimeSpatial JusticeBronxInsecurity
This dataset to complete the paper in Jambura Geoscience Review 2019 Volume 1 Issue 1
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      Geography of CrimeCrimeEnvironmental Criminology
De um modo especial gostaria de agradecer à Professora Doutora Paula Cristina Cadima Remoaldo por toda a sua disponibilidade, ajuda, e principalmente incentivo demonstrado ao longo de toda a investigação. À instituição da Guarda Nacional... more
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      Geography of CrimeGeografiaGeografia UrbanaGuimarães
Suç analizi, hepsi kendine özgü birçok aşamadan oluşan bir bü- tündür. Analiz süreci her ne kadar farklı aşamalardan oluşsa da birbiriyle etkileşimli bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu aşamalar; verilerin toplanması, kontrol edilmesi, uygun şekilde... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeSpatial AnalysisPolicing Studies
En estas páginas se estudia la lógica locacional de ciertos delitos en tres ciudades inter- medias de Cataluña: Gerona, Lérida y Tarragona; con el objetivo de validar y afinar modelos formulados con anterioridad. Se analiza el... more
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      CriminologyGeographyHuman GeographyCartography
Crime is an unplanned change due to the process of urban development. The geographical approach is able to analyze spatial interactions of criminogenic factors into crime phenomenon. This study aims to explain the spatial interaction... more
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      Human GeographyGeography of CrimeGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Resumen La ciudad de Acapulco, en el sur de México, construyó fama mundial en la segunda mitad del siglo XX por sus cualidades turísticas. Sin embargo, en losúltimos cinco años se ha ubicado como una de las más violentas del país por la... more
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      ViolenceHomicideOrganized CrimeGeography of Crime