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This thesis’ objective is to present characters of Satan, Lucifer and Mephistopheles in the English literature from the Middle Ages and make a definite statement whether they are one and the same being or not. The first chapter covers the... more
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      John MiltonChristopher MarloweSatanEvil in literature
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      English LiteratureDoctor Faustus Christopher MarloweDr Faustus
This essay will discuss how the theme of power is abused in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Marlowe's Dr. Faustus by the behaviors of Claudius and Dr. Faustus. A point which is going to be discussed will be the difference between "the idea of... more
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      English LiteratureMedieval LiteratureShakespeareEnglish Renaissance Literature
A comprehensive exploration of Dr. Faust, the man who sold his soul to the Devil, and those who dared to tell his tale. Volume 1 includes: New insights into the life and times of the historical Dr. Faustus, the notorious occultist and... more
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      LiteratureRenaissance StudiesMagicDrama
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      Renaissance StudiesChristopher MarloweDr Faustus
Doctor Faustus, an Elezabethan drama of Christopher Marlowe, was mostly recognized as a blasphemous piece of writing, exhibiting how a man of Renaissance grew enthusiasm for attaining supremacy and dominance and how he was subjected to... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionComparative Literature
Usually the period after the Middle Age, or so called Dark Age, is known as Renaissance (rebirth); the period is regarded as transitional period; that is to say, a new worldview predominated in England. Reformation, explorations and new... more
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      DramaRenaissance dramaEnglish Renaissance LiteratureChristopher Marlowe
This article is the result of a study which consists of the writer's description of the comic or farcical scenes in Christopher Marlowe's play "Doctor Faustus". The comic episodes in dramatic or serious plays perform some definite... more
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      DramaComicsChristopher MarloweTragedy
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      Doctor Faustus Christopher MarloweFaust legendFaustusDr Faustus
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      Thematic AnalysisDr Faustus
Bu çalışmada, Doktor John Faustus’un, 24 yıl boyunca dünyevi olanın ötesine geçebileceği bir anlaşma ile ruhunu teminat olarak göstermesi ve sonrasında yaşadığı kâbusu anlatan, Christopher Marlowe dehasının ürünü Dr.Faustus eserinin,... more
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      SurrealismChristopher MarloweMarloweDadaism & Surrealism
The longstanding challenge and problem of living through tragedy, as opposed to living beyond it or simply carrying on in spite of it, is highlighted in this extensive and in-depth scholarly study. Shakespeare was able to live through... more
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      RomanticismShakespeareAnthroposophyRudolf Steiner
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      Doctor Faustus Christopher MarloweDr Faustus
Faustus's magic circle, then, represents a self-containment, undertaken for defence, and as a means of concentrating power in order to escape from the limits he sees pressing on his wilful soul in all the academic disciplines, and... more
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    • Dr Faustus
This is a transcription, into original pronunciation (OP) of Christopher Marlowe's Trgical History of Dr Faustus.
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      Christopher MarloweOriginal pronunciationDr Faustus
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      English LiteratureRenaissance StudiesChristopher MarloweDr Faustus
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      Renaissance StudiesChristopher MarloweDr Faustus
Entretien, Christiane Chauviré et Théo Bélaud
ERRATA : dans la note 55 de ce texte, la citation de Mann est extraite du Docteur Faustus (même pagination) et non, bien sûr, de Confessions d'un apolitique.
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      Thomas MannHanslickWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
Helen of Troy is famous for two things: her abduction from Sparta to Troy by the Trojan prince, Paris, and her beauty. In this article I consider the interest taken in these two topics by Renaissance writers. 1) ‘Rape’ was a term which... more
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      ShakespeareShakespearean DramaBeautyHelen of Troy
The article focuses on the Catalan theatre group La Fura dels Baus's works on the myth of Faust. The analysis is based on the drama F@ust versió 3.0 (1998), the free adaptation of Berlioz's La damnació de Faust (1999), the cyber show... more
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      Literature and cinemaCinemaFaustContemporary Spanish Theatre
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      Western Esotericism (History)Dr Faustus
This essay looks at the numerology used in Marlowe's play "Dr. Faustus".  In particular, it examines one possible interpretation as to why Marlowe chose 24 years as the amount of time for Dr. Faustus to indulge his occult powers.
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      OccultismChristopher MarloweNumerologyDr Faustus
Peter Stein ha sido el director alemán de teatro más reconocido de los últimos tiempos. Su carrera se consolidó en la compañía Schaubühne, la cual dirigió durante varios años, llevando a Alemania a continuar una larga de saga de... more
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      Theatre StudiesJohann Wolfgang von GoetheTextFaust legend
A lenda de Fausto que chegou ao conhecimento de Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), de Goethe (1749-1832), e de vários outros autores que ajudaram a eternizar o mito fáustico, foi, provavelmente, proveniente do primeiro livro escrito sobre a... more
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      Doctor Faustus Christopher MarloweFaust legendDr FaustusMefisto
Il patto col diavolo nella letteratura tedesca dell'esilio. Politica, germanicità e faustismo Roma, Aracne, 2011 (ISBN 978ABSTRACT Italiano:
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      Thomas MannFaustElse Lasker-SchülerHanns Eisler
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      Book HistoryJohann Wolfgang von GoetheMedia TheoryGoethe
El ADN, es asiento primigenio de la vida material, la pineal como el ojo de Horus, determina la capacidad de la visión espiritual y el corazón, como el futuro cerebro, nos inducirá a pensar con los sentimientos, tal como ahora lo hacen... more
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      EndocrinologyDr Faustus
Tematem dominującym w niniejszej książce, zawierającej siedem tekstów, jest próba cząstkowego przybliżenia- poprzez analizę zarówno arcydzieł, jak i utworów dziś zapomnianych - fenomenu przetwarzania faustowskich dylematów w obszarze... more
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      German LiteratureFaustFaust legendDr Faustus
Todo proceso de conocimiento de sí no puede prescindir de l encaramiento de nuestro lado oscuro. De hecho, y para ser más exactos, consiste principalmente en dicho encaramiento. Nos resulta mucho más llevadero, inicial y engañosamente,... more
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      Richard WagnerWilliam ShakespeareDoctor Faustus Christopher MarloweSatanism
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    • Dr Faustus
Il contributo propone un’analisi di alcuni aspetti della complessa ricezione cinquecentesca del romanzo pseudo-clementino "Recognitiones" con particolare attenzione agli aspetti legati alle controversie dottrinali tra cattolicesimo e... more
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      Simon MagusPseudo-Clementine LiteratureFaust legendPseudo-Clement of Rome
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      Thomas MannDialecticsDr Faustus
This is one of a number of pieces covering events at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, which runs from 9th–25th August 2014 at Charlotte Square Gardens, Edinburgh. Carol Ann Duffy and John Sampson performed at the Edinburgh... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreQueer StudiesMythologyPhilosophy
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      German LiteratureThomas MannWord and Image StudiesEkphrasis
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      IconographyArt History16th Century Netherlandish ArtPopular/Folk Magic
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      Devil's AdvocateDr Faustus