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This thesis’ objective is to present characters of Satan, Lucifer and Mephistopheles in the English literature from the Middle Ages and make a definite statement whether they are one and the same being or not. The first chapter covers the... more
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      John MiltonChristopher MarloweSatanEvil in literature
Nei primi mesi del 1868 il "Mefistofele" di Arrigo Boito (Padova 1842 - Milano 1918), «opera» di soggetto fantastico e filosofico, insolitamente lunga, tutt'altro che convenzionale e in odore di eresia germanico-wagnerista, riscrittura... more
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      OperaJohann Wolfgang von GoetheFaustFaust legend
Mephistopheles is the term for the demon or devil found in the Faust tradition, going back to its origins in the sixteenth century. Kierkegaard’s writing on the figure, then, at times touches upon the conception of the Devil in Christian... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesJohann Wolfgang von GoetheKierkegaardSoren Kierkegaard
Several villains are compared regarding ambition-driven violence, the ontological status of the supernatural, and the nature of evil. When the Earth changed from the center of the universe to a planet orbiting a star, Hell changed from a... more
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      ShakespearePoetryPsychology of EvilPsychoanalysis And Literature
A comprehensive exploration of Dr. Faust, the man who sold his soul to the Devil, and those who dared to tell his tale. Volume 1 includes: New insights into the life and times of the historical Dr. Faustus, the notorious occultist and... more
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      LiteratureRenaissance StudiesMagicDrama
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      FolkloreDance StudiesDeath StudiesHeinrich Heine
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      English LiteratureEarly Modern LiteratureRenaissance literatureDoctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe
A short essay where the usual identification of Lucifuge Rofocal (Prime-Minister of Hell in the Grimoire Tradition) with Focalor (41st Goëtic Daemon), based on the similarity of their names, is exposed as being impossible. This is also an... more
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My thesis is that Faustus fails in his attempt at self-transcendence because what he asks and receives from Mephistopheles merely substantiate his human nature. Mephistopheles can therefore be viewed as Faustus’ assistant in a quest for... more
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      Doctor Faustus Christopher MarloweMephistopheles
Sympathy for the Devil: The Representation of Satan in Western Literature and Popular Culture
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      Popular CultureBeethovenDemonolatry and SatanismPostmodern Literary Theory and Popular Culture
In this study, the term intermediality, together with the term intertextuality, should serve as a theoretical model for analyzing two diverse texts or types of text from the fields of literature and music on the basis of their medial... more
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      LiteratureIntermedialityJohann Wolfgang von GoetheIntertextuality
Granting corporeality to the elusive Devil has engendered two aesthetics: the figure of the circus-master, and the grotesque. Filmmakers Murnau, Sokurov and Svankmajer have responded to these two figures of diabolical iconography in... more
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      Literature and cinemaPuppetryFilm AnalysisEarly Christianity
Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" has been read to holes by mankind. But, I affirm, no one has yet answered it main question: from where and why did Woland (Satan) come to Moscow. The whole mystery of the novel lies in... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsLanguages and LinguisticsCosmology (Anthropology)
Marlowe’s integrity is nothing in politics and everything in religion; in neither sphere will he tolerate wishful thinking. Milton’s integrity is everything in politics, and nothing in religion; in neither sphere will he give up his... more
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      SovereigntyTheodicyShakespearean DramaJohn Milton
Despite their marginalisation in mainstream Christianities after the European Enlightenment, the figure of the demon endures within modern literature and popular culture, its many artistic "lives" standing in stark opposition to its... more
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      Critical TheoryDeathLiteraturePoststructuralism
Ликот на Мефистофилис/Мефистофел, познат и под скратеното име Мефисто, е лик примарно од германската митологија, воведен најпрво во литературата. Во англиската литература се појавува во драмата Трагичната историја на Доктор Фаустус или... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTheatre Studies
Goethe, var ettiği Faust ile birlikte neredeyse tüm hayatı boyunca yaşamış ve Faust, Goethe ile birlikte büyümüş, olgunlaşmıştır. Çünkü o, Faust adlı eserini henüz 18 yaşındayken yazmaya başlamış ve tam 83 yaşındayken de eseri... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheModernityFaustMephistopheles
In hell, the vale of human suffering, there is an exact place where he, the Moon exists. Haven and hell, God and devil are united in it as the flame and shadow.
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      Russian StudiesMetaphysicsHellenistic LiteratureMetaphysics of properties
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      OntologyPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
In Geburt der Tragödie (The Birth of Tragedy) Nietzsche emphasises that "it is only as an aesthetic phenomenon that existence and the world are eternally justified." The fusion of existence and art, as suggested here, is predicated on a... more
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      AestheticsEpistemologyPerforming ArtsFriedrich Nietzsche
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      Afro-Brazilian CultureOrishasMephistopheles
Marlowe’s integrity is nothing in politics and everything in religion; in neither sphere will he tolerate wishful thinking. Milton’s integrity is everything in politics, and nothing in religion; in neither sphere will he give up his... more
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      SovereigntyJohn MiltonChristopher MarloweRaymond Williams
Embora a primeira menção à lenda de Fausto em um livro impresso tenha sido feita no texto anônimo editado por Johann Spiess em 1587, a propagação e perenidade do assunto fáustico no imaginário ocidental são fenômenos que certamente devem... more
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      German LiteratureJohann Wolfgang von GoetheFaust legendMephistopheles
Με βάση τη λεγόμενη σκηνή με το φοιτητή (Schülerszene) στον Φάουστ του Goethe, πραγματοποιείται μια ανάλυση της αντίληψης για τη θέση της πανεπιστημιακής-επιστημονικής γνώσης στο εν λόγω δράμα, και μέσα από αυτήν στη νεωτερικότητα.
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheChristopher MarloweKarl MarxFaust
Um Mefistófeles afro-brasileiro? Considerações sobre uma extinta imagem de "Exu" do Museu da Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio de Janeiro *
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      Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian CultureOrishasMephistopheles
The following story is taken from G.W.M. Reynolds' novel Faust: A Romance of the Secret Tribunals, which was serialised in the London Journal between 1845 and 1846. Reynolds was of the most popular novelists of his day, being the author... more
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      Victorian StudiesVictorian LiteratureHistory of PlagueVictorian cultural studies
We present the quantum mechanics problem of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with the trigonometric Rosen-Morse potential. This potential is of possible interest to quark physics in so far as it captures the essentials of the QCD... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryRomanticismGerman Romanticism
A 19th century Catalan author, Vicenç Baruta Valls, wrote Mefistòfeles, a play in verse and a parody of Gounod’s Faust. It was performed in Barcelona in 1877. Baruta wrote other successful plays and participated in many literary journals.... more
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      FaustParodiaMephistophelesCharles Gounod
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      Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian CultureOrishasMephistopheles