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An automatic Uni-or Multi-modal Inteligent Seizure Acquisition (UISA/MISA) system is highly applicable for onset detection of epileptic seizures based on motion data. The modalities used are surface electromyography (sEMG), acceleration... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBiomechanicsNeurophysiology
An adaptive two step paradigm for the super-resolution of optical images is developed in this paper. The procedure locally projects image samples onto a family of kernels that are learned from image data. First, an unsupervised feature... more
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      Image ProcessingNonlinear OpticsMultidisciplinaryOptical Imaging
Motion analysis technologies have been widely used to monitor the potential for injury and enhance athlete performance. However, most of these technologies are expensive, can only be used in laboratory environments and examine only a few... more
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This paper investigates the application of a new concept called the "Overcomplete Discrete Wavelet Transform"(0DWT) for image sequences compression. It has been demonstrated that: "The translated function with any integer multiple of the... more
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      Computational ComplexityData CompressionSimulationMotion estimation
An evolutionary-based procedure for designing adaptive filters based on second-generation wavelet (lifting scheme) packet decomposition for industrial fault detection is presented. The proposed procedure is validated by an experimental... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEvolutionary ComputationFault DetectionCultural Differences
A novel robust watermarking scheme based on wavelet transform is presented in this paper. The watermark is embedded into significant triplet of wavelet coefficients in the three lowest detail subband images. The embedding algorithm only... more
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      WatermarkingFrequency-domain analysisImage WatermarkingRobustness
In this study, electroencephalogram (EEG) signals obtained by a single-electrode device from 24 subjects - 10 with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 14 age-matched Controls (CN) - were analyzed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The... more
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      AlgorithmsElectroencephalographyDecision TreesFeature Extraction
This work represents a comparative study for the methods of registration for dental panoramic X-ray images. The study tried to find the best registration technique used to register images of the jaw. Three image registration techniques... more
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      MathematicsDentistryX-ray imagingComparative Study
Actually, hand vein biometrics is a recent technology that offers system for identification /authentication, it ranks among the best biometric modality by the results developed. Just like any recognition system this has four steps: the... more
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      Image ClassificationWavelet TransformWavelet TransformsFeature Extraction
The use of two dimensional (2-D) continuous wavelet analysis has not been extensive for image processing using wavelets. It has been overshadowed by the 2-D discrete dyadic wavelet transform (DWT) due to its compactness and excellent... more
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      Image ProcessingData CompressionImage AnalysisVideo Processing
A progressive improvement in gait following knee arthroplasty surgery can be observed during walking and transitional activities such as sitting/standing. Accurate assessment of such changes traditionally requires the use of a gait lab,... more
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      SurgeryGaitGait AnalysisProtocols
In the recent years, Internet multimedia applications have become very popular. Valuable multimedia content such as digital images, however, is vulnerable to unauthorized access while in storage and during transmission over a network.... more
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      BusinessData CompressionChannel CodingSource Coding
In this letter, a new satellite image contrast enhancement technique based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and singular value decomposition has been proposed. The technique decomposes the input image into the four frequency... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingRemote SensingGeoscience and remote sensing
The wavelet transform is an efficient technique for multi-resolution analysis of non-stationary and fast transient signals. For this reason, wavelet transform has been widely applied in signal analysis through processing, encoding,... more
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      Computer ArchitectureSignal ProcessingComputational ModelingHardware Description Languages
In this paper, we propose to extract the texture features of currency note images. To extract the features, first the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in particular Daubechies 1 (DB1) is utilized on a currency note and the approximate... more
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      Approximation TheoryComputer SciencePattern RecognitionStatistical Analysis
In this paper, a novel multi-resolution filter for on-line decomposition and analysis of partial discharge (PD) signals based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is developed. By applying this filter, as soon as a new sample of the... more
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      Signal ProcessingWavelet TransformField ExperimentPartial Discharge
This paper presents a new µController-based embedded system devoted to vibration analysis for fault diagnosis in rotating machine. The developed system is based on advanced spectra methods, such as Wavelet and Fourier Transform, to... more
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      Signal ProcessingVibrationsEmbedded SystemsGears
In this paper, we propose a pipelined real-time architecture for forward/inverse wavelet transforms that take into account the filter group delays. The required resources and the reconstruction error of this architecture were evaluated... more
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      Field-Programmable Gate ArraysWavelet TransformReal TimeDiscrete wavelet transform
The detection and localisation of partial discharge (PD) activities is gaining importance in maintaining operational transformers and diagnosing those which are faulty. Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) techniques have been applied successfully... more
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      Standard DeviationWavelet TransformPartial DischargeDiscrete wavelet transform
The widespread usage of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has motivated the development of fast DWT algorithms and their tuning on all sorts of computer systems. Several studies have compared the performance of the most popular... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingComputer GraphicsOptimization
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      AlgorithmsGeriatricsBiomedical EngineeringDecomposition
feature extraction tool to analyze sub-band frequency of Abstract--The purpose of feature extraction technique in wavelet transform. The sub-band frequencies were used as an image processing is to represent the image in its compact and... more
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      Image ProcessingImage ClassificationFeature ExtractionDimensional
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      MeasurementNoise reductionPSNRDiscrete Wavelet Transforms
In this paper, the performance of traditional variance-based method for detection of epileptic seizures in EEG signals are compared with various methods based on nonlinear time series analysis, entropies, logistic regression, discrete... more
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      LogisticsNonlinear dynamicsEpilepsyElectroencephalography
In the recent years, Internet multimedia applications have become very popular. Valuable multimedia content such as digital images, however, is vulnerable to unauthorized access while in storage and during transmission over a network.... more
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      BusinessData CompressionChannel CodingCryptography
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      Image QualityDigital ImagesMeasurementDiscrete Wavelet Transforms
Induction machines are widely used in industrial applications. Safety, reliability, efficiency and performance are major concerns that direct the research activities in the field of electrical machines. Even though the induction machine... more
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      Signal ProcessingFault DetectionReliabilityDiscrete wavelet transform
Transmission of wavelet-compressed still images using FFT-OFDM over multipath power line communication (PLC) channels under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and impulsive noise is addressed. Only the low-subbands coefficients were... more
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      Data CompressionPower Line CommunicationImage QualityOFDM
This paper introduces a low-complexity algorithm for the extraction of the fiducial points from the Electrocardiogram (ECG). The application area we consider is that of remote cardiovascular monitoring, where continuous sensing and... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsHealth CarePrincipal Component Analysis
Reverberation and multi-path reflection artifacts are a common problem in ultrasound imaging. We propose a novel method to remove these artifacts. Regions adversely affected by these artifacts are replaced with textures that resemble the... more
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      Ultrasound ImagingUltrasoundDiscrete wavelet transformReverberation
Pixel-level image fusion (PLIF) performance assessment includes information theory, feature-based, structural similarity, and perception-based objective metrics. However, to relate these metrics to human understanding requires subjective... more
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      Information TheoryStatistical AnalysisImage fusionMeasurement
WAVELET-BASED DIGITAL WATERMARKING FOR IMAGE AUTHENTICATION ... University of British Columbia Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2356 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 124, Caniada, { alexp, rababw}
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      Image ProcessingVisual perceptionData CompressionWatermarking
. This paper presents the development of a segmentation algorithm for ECG signals, using simultaneously discrete and continuous wavelet transform. Here, it has been proposed the use of the discrete transform in order to make the... more
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    • Discrete Wavelet Transforms
Nowadays industry pays much attention to prevent failures that may interrupt production with severe consequences in cost, product quality, and safety. The most-analyzed parameters for monitoring dynamic characteristics and ensuring... more
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In this paper, a design of a dual symbol processor for arithmetic coder architecture implemented on FPGA is proposed. Usually, the regular operation of the MQ-Coder is sequential, which can process only one symbol at a time. However, the... more
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      Computer ArchitectureFPGAField-Programmable Gate ArraysEntropy
In this paper, a new segmentation technique for multivalued images is elaborated. The technique accesses multiscale edge information of a multivalued image by a concept, called multiscale fundamental form. At different scales, an edge map... more
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      PhysicsRemote SensingImage segmentationBiomedical Imaging
DNA micro arrays are useful to identify the function and regulation of a large number of genes in a single experiment, even whole genomes. In this work, we analyze the relationship between DNA micro array image histograms and the... more
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      Image segmentationDNAImage codingImage compression
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is an unexpected death caused by loss of heart function when the electrical impulses fired from the ventricles become irregular. Most common SCDs are caused by cardiac arrhythmias and coronary heart disease.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSignal ProcessingSupport Vector MachinesDatabases
Two wavelet transformations are used for speckle reduction and enhancement of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. First, a discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) based on oversampled filter banks is used. The oversampled DWT is called a... more
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      GeophysicsWavelet TransformSynthetic Aperture RadarGeomatic Engineering
In this paper we present a new approach to ltering and reconstruction of periodic signals. The tool that proves to handle these tasks very e ciently is the discrete Zak transform. The discrete Zak transform can be viewed as the discrete... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNonlinear filtersImage ReconstructionWavelet Transforms
The information security has become one of the most significant problems in data communication. So it becomes an inseparable part of data communication. In order to address this problem, cryptography and steganography can be combined.... more
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      Data CommunicationsCryptographySteganographyDWT
Index Terms -De-noising, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), high voltage (HV) equipment, mathematical morphology, partial discharge (PD), wavelet transform (WT). worked for a number of projects on machine fault diagnosis and... more
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      MorphologyMathematical MorphologyWavelet TransformWavelet Transforms
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      Image ProcessingSignal ProcessingIterative MethodsMultidisciplinary
In this paper, we propose an architecture that performs the forward and inverse discrete wavelet transform (DWT) using a lifting-based scheme for the set of seven filters proposed in JPEG2000. The architecture consists of two row... more
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      Computer ArchitectureSignal ProcessingComputational ModelingVLSI
A filter-bank modulation technique called filtered multitone (FMT) and its application to data transmission for very high-speed digital subscriber line technology are described. The proposed scheme leads to significantly lower spectral... more
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      Distributed ComputingChannel CodingModulationPrecoding
Application of wavelet transform technique to high impedance arcing fault detection in distribution networks is presented. Phase displacement between discrete wavelet coefficients calculated for zero sequence voltage and current signals... more
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      Fault DetectionProtective RelayingWavelet TransformWavelet Transforms
A plethora of different onset detection methods have been proposed in the recent years. However few attempts have been made with regard to widely-applicable approaches in order to achieve superior performances over different types of... more
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      Audio Signal ProcessingNeural NetworksSpeech ProcessingSpeech
This paper concerns the exploitation of multiresolution time-frequency features via Wavelet Packet Transform to improve audio onset detection. In our approach, Wavelet Packet Energy Coefficients (WPEC) and Auditory Spectral Features (ASF)... more
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      Audio Signal ProcessingWavelet TransformsRecurrent Neural NetworksFeature Extraction
Partial discharge (PD) source classification aims to identify the types of defects causing discharges in high voltage (HV) equipment. This paper presents a comprehensive study of applying pattern recognition techniques to automatic PD... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisPattern RecognitionSupport Vector MachinesNeural Network