Papers by Marinho C Bender
…to the ones Who believe that education can change not only people, but the world. ACKNOLEDGMENTS... more …to the ones Who believe that education can change not only people, but the world. ACKNOLEDGMENTS I wish to dedicate this research study to all my colleagues, professors and people from my family who cheered and encouraged me to take the master"s course, and who supported the accomplishment of this paper. My parents, Laci and Mário, who always supported and encouraged my academic life, and who taught me how play honestly and to always understand my stressful moments. To my dear friends from Escola da Praia, especially, Marília and Adriana, who also supported me and who believed in my potential as an English teacher and in the artistic filed. To all the wonderful friends I made in the master"s course. To Karla, who was always helping me with my difficulties and who, for many times, was my paper presentation partner, and was my company at lunch time. To Kátia, for having offered me your friendship and for all your attention to me, as well as all the philosophical moments we had during the classes and in our leisure times. To Márcia, for all the fun we all had together and for the help you provided me in the disciplines we attended together. To Fernanda, for all support and all the good moments, cinema, snacks, and, of course all the tips on the public career that I, just like you, want to follow. To all the people from the PGI secretary, for all the help and support when was necessary. To Suzana Funck, for being such a wonderful and fun Professor, and being always there for us whenever was necessary. And finally, to Professor Raquel D"Ely, who so gently provided me with great feedback on my review of literature, and who was always open to my inquiries and accepted to be part of the committee. To Professor Rosane Silveira, who so kindly accepted to participate in this research study, and provided me with help when necessary and also provided me with the opportunity to collect the data through the discipline she was teaching at that time. And to Professor Josias Hack for also being part of this committee, and for providing insightful feedback and comments on the use of videos for educational purposes, which is the main focus of this study. To my advisor, Professor Celso Tumolo, for advising me in the process of development of this study in such a wonderful way, and for believing in me and in my potential when, at many times, I did not. "You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it." "Above all, never give up hope."
The ESPecialist
Uma das questões que atualmente giram em torno dos jogos em contextos educacionais, é como eles p... more Uma das questões que atualmente giram em torno dos jogos em contextos educacionais, é como eles podem ser incorporados no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Este artigo apresenta conceitos sobre o que são jogos, discutindo aspectos como suas características em relação ao ato de jogar, conceitos sobre o design de jogos, como suas características intrincadas trazem diferentes experiências para os jogadores, e como esse processo pode contribuir para contextos educacionais. Para tanto, apresentou-se e discutiu-se a utilização de dois jogos sem fins pedagógicos já existentes (o jogo analógico Tong e o jogo digital The Sims) para o contexto de ensino de inglês, tendo o primeiro sua narrativa adaptada para o contexto de compras e o segundo utilizado para a aquisição de vocabulário na língua-alvo, possibilitando experiências significativas para os aprendizes e um recurso alternativo para auxiliar os educadores no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
Domínios de Lingu@gem, 2023
This study aimed at investigating the use of digital videos for L2 development, with the specific... more This study aimed at investigating the use of digital videos for L2 development, with the specific objectives of identifying the: 1) frequency of use and the sources of the videos, 2) selection criteria and instructional use, and 3) perception of their benefits. Data werecollected by means of a questionnaire with thirteen English teachers from extracurricular courses offered at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The results showed that 8 teachersreported using videos about 20% of their classes; 1, 40%; 1, 60%; and 3, 80%. Most teachers use videos from YouTube, TED talk videos, DVDs in general, and videos accompanying the textbooks. For the selection criteria, teachers use: video length, authenticity, difficulty level, topic adequacy in relation to the topic in class, grammar and vocabulary presentation in context; and for the instructional use, videos are used mostly to teach vocabulary and grammar, introduce and explain the topics related to the unit, contextualize the language and foster topic discussions, show diversity of language with abstract/poetic language, promote skills development, and prepare for activities. The perceived benefits include contextualization and authentic use of the language, language use in its natural pace, topic introduction and explanation assistance, attractiveness and engagement, delivery of visual input, and use of subtitles. The possible conclusions are that digital videos are present and can contribute for L2 development, and that teachers are capitalizing on their best use in their L2 classrooms.
The Especialist, 2021
Uma das questões que atualmente giram em torno dos jogos em contextos educacionais, é como eles p... more Uma das questões que atualmente giram em torno dos jogos em contextos educacionais, é como eles podem ser incorporados no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Este artigo apresenta conceitos sobre o que são jogos, discutindo aspectos como suas características em relação ao ato de jogar, conceitos sobre o design de jogos, como suas características intrincadas trazem diferentes experiências para os jogadores, e como esse processo pode contribuir para contextos educacionais. Para tanto, apresentou-se e discutiu-se a utilização de dois jogos sem fins pedagógicos já existentes (o jogo analógico Tong e o jogo digital The Sims) para o contexto de ensino de inglês, tendo o primeiro sua narrativa adaptada para o contexto de compras e o segundo utilizado para a aquisição de vocabulário na língua-alvo, possibilitando experiências significativas para os aprendizes e um recurso alternativo para auxiliar os educadores no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
Revista X, 2021
Digital resources can help the language teaching pro- cess in an innovative way and its use has b... more Digital resources can help the language teaching pro- cess in an innovative way and its use has become increasingly frequent in classroom practices. The present article seeks to deepen general re- flections regarding digital resources and their innovative use as aids for teaching and developing English as a foreign language. We discuss a properly grounded theoretical approach and characterize the use of digital resources such as videos and digital stories. In this way, the ob- jective is to disseminate and discuss the use of digital resources in the classroom of English as a foreign language, bringing reflections on es- sential aspects for the development of foreign languages. By pointing out and exemplifying how the digital resources can be used, it is expec- ted to contribute to their use and application into the teaching practice of teachers in the field of teaching and developing foreign languages.
Intercâmbio Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pos Graduados Em Linguistica Aplicada E Estudos Da Linguagem Issn 2237 759x, Dec 18, 2013
Silveira, Rosane; Bender, Marinho. Interpretações da Abordagem Comunicativa por Alunos de um curs... more Silveira, Rosane; Bender, Marinho. Interpretações da Abordagem Comunicativa por Alunos de um curso de Licenciatura na Modalidade a Distância. Revista Intercâmbio, v.
Books by Marinho C Bender
This chapter seeks to read Mike Flanagan's Hush (2016) in the light of a psychoanalytical interpr... more This chapter seeks to read Mike Flanagan's Hush (2016) in the light of a psychoanalytical interpretation that is informed by Dani Cavallaro's (2002) theory about the abandoned child. The film tells the story of Maddie Toung, a deaf-mute writer who lives all by herself in the woods and, on a certain night is attacked by a man who tries to kill her. This analysis establishes a connection between the main character of the film and the notion of the abandoned child to understand how the protagonist displays a behavior that can be considered a regression to a child-like state of abuse, trauma, and repression. The idea here is that the abandoned child behavior is not restricted to children, but it can also emerge in adults when faced with overwhelming situations, as it is the case with character Maddie Toung. Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) catagorizes Flanagan's Hush into the horror/terror genre. Therefore, I will start out by discussing Ann Radcliffe's famous differentiation between the concepts of terror and horror, arguing that Hush merges the two ideas to create tension and climax in different ways.
Papers by Marinho C Bender
Books by Marinho C Bender