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From the Foreword by Colonel Walter J. Boyne, USAF (Ret.) "Written in a brisk, accessible style, this encyclopedia provides a collective description of the principle weapons systems of the United States at the most definitive juncture of... more
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      Military ScienceCataloguingEncyclopedismWeaponology
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      CartographyLawWorld LiteraturesRenewable Energy
Feng Yuxiang (馮玉祥) - an article from Big Russian Encyclopedia
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      Chinese StudiesChinaModern Chinese HistoryHistory of Republican Period China
Taiping tianguo 太平天國 (Taiping State)  - an article from Big Russian Encyclopaedia
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      Chinese StudiesChinaChina studiesChinese history (History)
This is an encyclopedia entry for public relations.
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      Public RelationsDefinitionDictionaries and Encyclopedias
Academic Reference: Zuckermann, Ghil'ad & Monaghan, Paul (2012). "Revival linguistics and the new media: Talknology in the service of the Barngarla language reclamation", pp. 119-126 of Foundation for Endangered Languages XVI Conference:... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesSociologyCultural Studies
Relativism dan relative, dari kata Latin yaitu Relativius (berhubungan dengan). 1 Relativisme berasal dari kata latin, relativius yang berarti nisbi atau relatif. Sejalan dengan arti kata secara umum relativisme berpendapat bahwa... more
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      RelativismPhiloshophyDictionaries and EncyclopediasRelativisme
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      MusicMusicologyDictionaryMusic Dictionary
This is the entry for "Documentary Media" in the SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, published in December 2019. Focusing on documentary cinema, it deploys five contextual frames, considers academic fields and... more
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      EthicsHumanitiesSocial SciencesFilm Studies
Pourquoi Cesare Ripa a-t-il choisi et sans cesse perfectionné la forme du dictionnaire pour sa célèbre Iconologia (Rome, 1593) ? Et pourquoi la déclaration d'intention que constitue la longue Préface (Proemio) de l'ouvrage est-elle... more
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      Italian StudiesEmblem studiesAllegoryIconology
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesImmigration HistoryHistory of the JewsAmericanization
"Ilya Vinitsky discusses Vladimir Dahl, whose religious passions and unbridled energy recall Webster. Dahl structured the entries in his Explanatory Dictionary as 'nests' and thereby worked to cast the Russian language as a kind of... more
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      Russian LiteratureEmanuel SwedenborgLexicographyNineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
УДК 808.2:030](477)(072) ББК 81.2Укр-5я7+92(4Укр)я7 М54 Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою Державної наукової установи «Енциклопедичне видавництво» (протокол № 5 від 9 грудня 2015 р.) Рецензенти: Пархоменко Т. С. – доктор філософських... more
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      EncyclopedismEncyclopediaEnciclopediaDictionaries and Encyclopedias
Plus de cent-cinquante collaboratrices et collaborateurs ont participé à cet Atlas littéraire du Québec (500 p.). « À quoi ressemblent les conditions de vie des écrivains au XIXe siècle? Comment évoluent, dans l’histoire littéraire... more
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      Canadian LiteratureQuebecois LiteratureQuébec StudiesLittérature québécoise
ABSTRACT: By means of historical-critical analysis of the evolution of metaphors for indicating the structure of knowledge, I will try to identify common themes and differences in the transition from a semantic domain expression of... more
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      Knowledge organizationMetaphorComplex NetworksHypertext theory
The purpose of Encyclopedia of History of Antisemitism is to provide basic information on the history of the virulent phenomena of antisemitism with regard to the roots and origins of the particular myths, beliefs, policies and... more
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      HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Czech & Slovak StudiesRacism
Vollständige Reproduktion des seit vielen Jahren vergriffenen Standardwerks zur Diskologie und Diskographie.
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      MusicologySystematic MusicologySound RecordingDiscography
The Art Market Dictionary is the first comprehensive scholarly guide to art market galleries, auction houses, agents, etc. from multiple national and historical contexts. Each entry lists historical information, eminent artists... more
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      Art MarketDictionaries and EncyclopediasDe Gruyter
This entry starts with an explanation of the importance of diversity in the teaching force, then draws on the concept of Whiteness and the frame of critical race theory (CRT) to analyze the gap between diversity discourses and practice in... more
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      Teacher EducationWhiteness StudiesCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theoryCrtical Race Theory
[Phan Chí Dũng (chủ biên) cùng Tập thể các lớp Tài năng] [1] ADLER ADLER Alfred (1870-1937) 1 [Psy] [Tên riêng] 1.1 Thuật ngữ tương đương • Alfred Adler 1.2 Giải nghĩa ngắn • Nhà tâm lý học cá nhân; • Nhà nghiên cứu phân tâm học và có... more
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      PsychologyAlfred AdlerDictionaries and Encyclopedias
Brief biography on the life and meaning of Mao Zedong and Maoism,  for post-colonial study and thought; an orientation.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryPersonality Psychology
Olson, Greta . Entry on “Susie Salmon from Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones.” Student’s Encyclopedia of American Literary Characters, Volume IV. Eds. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Judith S. Baughman. New York: Facts on File / Manly, 2008.... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesLiterary studiesAlice Sebold
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      DialectologyArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicEnglish
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      Modern Japanese HistoryExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds FairsDictionaries and Encyclopedias
Talk at the Lavender Languages & Linguistics 26, University of Gothenburg (May 2nd, 2019).
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      LexicologyLexicographyWikipedia StudiesLavender Linguistics
The Handbook of Polish, Czech, and Slovak Holocaust Fiction aims to increase the visibility and show the versatility of works from East-Central European countries. It is the first encyclopedic work to bridge the gap between the literary... more
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      Jewish StudiesLiteratureContemporary Polish LiteratureHolocaust Studies
In the Indian as well as Western Traditions metaphor was originally thought of as a literary embellishment. The discussion of metaphors did not continue in Indian tradition as the literary theory advanced in a different direction.... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphor TheoryCognitive PoeticsKannada language and literature
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyTheory (Anthropology)
A review of the print and digital editions of the CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art, 2nd ed. published by the Cultural Center of the Philippines.
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      Reference SourcesPhilippine art and cultureDictionaries and EncyclopediasPhilippine Art
Durante el muy largo período en el que Europa se dedicó de manera incansable, aunque con ritmo desigual, a recuperar y conservar la mayor parte posible del legado greco-latino, hubo épocas claramente marcadas por un afán que puede... more
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      Medieval StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studiesMedieval Latin LiteratureThe Classical Tradition
Велика українська енциклопедія. Том 1 (А-Акц) / Упорядник д.і.н., проф. Киридон А. М. та ін. — К. : Державна наукова установа «Енциклопедичне видавництво», 2016. — 592 с. — ISBN 978-617-7238-39-2. "Велика українська енциклопедія" -... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceSoil ScienceComputer Science
For the first time in English, a catalog of the world through fourteenth-century Arab eyes—a kind of Schott’s Miscellany for the Islamic Golden Age An astonishing record of the knowledge of a civilization, The Ultimate Ambition in the... more
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      Arabic LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of Science
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    • Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Eds. Robert L. Fastiggi and Rev. Joseph Koterski, S.J. 4 vols.
Detroit, MI: Gale-Cengage Learning and the Catholic University of America Press, 2013: 1501–02.
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      PhilosophyDictionaries and Encyclopedias


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      SociologyCultural StudiesEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Nazarii A. Nazarov. The Ukrainian etymological lexicography: theory, history, and practice. – Manuscript. Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of philology, specialty 10.02.01 – the Ukrainian language. – Kyiv... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesRussian StudiesRussian Literature
Renaissance encyclopedism can be understood in terms of the history of problems, the history of concepts, book history, and cultural history...
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      Intellectual History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Encyclopedism
Publikacja jest pokłosiem współpracy Laboratorium Nowoczesnych Metod Lingwistyki Stosowanej Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku z polską delegacją Komisji Terminologicznej Międzynarodowego Komitetu Slawistów (MKS). W ramach współpracy... more
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      Translation StudiesLexicologyDigital MediaVocabulary
Farmington Hills: Gale, 2016. 458pp. Print. Dict. of Lit. Biog. 377. Since 1978, the Dictionary of Literary Biography has been one of the world’s most comprehensive resources for literary studies, covering over 12,000 authors, works,... more
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      British LiteratureGender StudiesEnglish LiteratureGenre studies
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      African StudiesCushitic LinguisticsDictionaries and Encyclopedias
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval EnglandManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
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      Afterlife studiesHebrew Bible/Old TestamentDictionaries and Encyclopedias
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    • Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
As a subject of research, analysis, and presentation, cultural heritage usually consists of the groups of individual tangible and intagible components, which are significantly stratified (in terms of subject, region, nation, period... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageEncyclopedismDictionaries and Encyclopedias
Günümüzde cilt cilt basılı yayın ansiklopedilerin yerini alan sanal ansiklopediler yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda en çok ziyaret edilen sanal ansiklopedi sitelerinden olan Wikipedia, Britannica, Encyclopedia of Life,... more
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      WikipediaEncyclopedia BritannicaDictionaries and EncyclopediasInternet
Le sens et la fonction des métaphores de la machine à l'âge classique reposent sur les valeurs sémantiques du lexique de la machine, aussi l'étude de ce vocabulaire est la condition de possibilité qui permet l'intelligence des images... more
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      PhilosophyLexicographyHistoire des idées et de la penséeHistoire Des Sciences
Entries for The Educational Principles of the Catholic Reformation Georgetown University Pastoral Institutes (Catholic Universities) Christian Contributions to Sociology Venezuela and Christian Education Institutional, University, and... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityHigher EducationVenezuela
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic LexicographyLanguage
The aim of the presented analysis of words and phrases with the label *praw.* (‘legal’) in contemporary dictionaries of Polish language is an attempt to solve some problems of determining the place of specialist vocabulary and its... more
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      LexicographyDictionaryPolish LanguageDictionaries
В монографии изучается лингвоэнциклопедизм В.И.Даля как генерализация и систематизация знаний на основе лингвистического анализа во всех типах текста: художественном, лингвистическом, медицинском, естественнонаучном, этнографическом,... more
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      MetalinguisticsDictionaries and Encyclopedias