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      SociologyDesign CultureMultidisciplinary
Resumen Se trata de un artículo que aborda la temática del spec work desde una perspectiva crítica. Con el objetivo de profundizar sobre la situación concreta de una empresa que haya llevado adelante un concurso de diseño como metodología... more
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Educare ad ampio spettro significa rifondare una società emancipata, nella quale a tutti gli esclusi, di qualsiasi età e condizione, sia data la voce per un ridisegno comune di un “mondo reale”. Mantenendo come leitmotiv la nozione di... more
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      Industrial DesignDesign TheoryPaulo FreireDesign Culture
Přesně před třiatřiceti lety koncertovali Kraftwerk v Kongresovém sále Paláce kultury v Praze. Bylo to vůbec poprvé, co je mohli českoslovenští posluchači slyšet naživo na domácí půdě. Mnozí z nich přitom hudbu Kraftwerk znali z nahrávek... more
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      Popular MusicPopular CultureHistory of Czechoslovakia
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the critical factors responsible for the success of religious tourism in Romania, meaning a sustainable success. In the special case of religious tourism, this seems... more
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      MarketingPolitical ScienceTourismRomanian
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      Design CultureCultural Aspects of Design
In the insurance industry there is a new way of thinking which determined the passage from transactional marketing to a holistic marketing concept. In this paper five key elements of holistic marketing are presented: relationship... more
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      BusinessMarketingRelationship MarketingInternational Marketing
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      SociologyArtDesign CultureMultidisciplinary
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      SociologyIntellectual PropertyCreativityCultural Heritage
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La sostenibilità definisce e investe concetti che solo una pluridisciplinarità e un'integrazione dei saperi può essere in grado di governare, e sottende differenti scale in cui può essere ricercata e raggiunta. In questo contesto si... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceSustainable DevelopmentUrban Planning
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Před nedávnem se americká firma Onsemi dohodla s českou vládou na investici dvě miliardy dolarů do rozšíření výroby čipů v Rožnově pod Radhoštěm. Ale čipy se na Valašsku vyrábějí již od roku 1968. Díky nadšení místních expertů se jim... more
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      Economic HistoryCommunismHistory of Czechoslovakia
The Rise of Chrome Hearts Chrome Hearts has carved out a unique niche in the fashion industry as a brand that seamlessly blends luxury with a rebellious spirit. Founded in 1988 by Richard Stark, the brand initially gained attention for... more
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The paper "Taste Perception for Practice and Pedagogy of Design" introduces an innovative framework, termed 'Arupa the Implicate Order,' for understanding taste perception in the context of design education and practice. Multifaceted... more
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Il contributo esamina le prassi progettuali e produttive di Paola Besana, riconoscendo la sua posizione di spicco tra i designer tessili italiani del Novecento. Inoltre, prendendo in considerazione alcuni progetti di Besana, si discuterà... more
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      AnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesInterior DesignProduct Design
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Convegno scientifico con seminari di approfondimento sul tema "Design per la sopravvivenza", a cura di L. Pietroni, D. Turrini, M. Mancini, M. Manfra, J. Mascitti, 6-7 giugno 2023, Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università degli Studi... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationDesign for Social InnovationIndustrial Design
In general, the intertwining of drawing, perspective, instruments, design, and science is still far from being fully understood. In particular, the way mathematical knowledge of solids relates to art is a multidisciplinary endeavour that... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ScienceDesign Culture
This thesis investigates how the notion of taboo can be understood as the result of discursive formations in relation to graphic designs—including advertisements and posters—produced for Australian HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns. HIV/AIDS... more
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      CensorshipHealth PromotionDesign HistorySocial Marketing
Za podjetje Mobitel velja, da je eno od podjetij z najhitrejšo rastjo dejavnosti in da ustvari n ajveč dodane vrednosti. Podjetje je znano tudi po svoji, zdaj že uveljavlj eni, družbeni podobi. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen je v tako hitro... more
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    • Physics
The contribution questions the possibility that fashion and its objects can be interpreted as a practice of care, agents capable of stimulating a positive change in the relationship between people, environment and territories. Within the... more
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Corpi e cura si intrecciano all’interno del numero attraverso vari saggi che coinvolgono diversi territori del progetto, dalla moda allo spazio pubblico, dal design di prodotto all’architettura degli interni, mettendo in luce nuovi... more
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Synaesthesia in the author's books of Daisy Mrázková The paper focuses on books illustrated and written by the Czech artist Daisy Mrázková. It covers main inspirations and biographical information related to this segment of her artistic... more
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A design és irodalom metszéspontjait keresve a könyvborítótervezés, és legfeljebb az ergodikus irodalom, vagy a grafika és a szöveges tartalom együttműködéséből megszülető kiadványok juthatnak elsőként eszünkbe. Közel sem evidens... more
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      Design TheoryDesign CultureCognitive Literary TheoryDesign Theory and Philosophy
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
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      Visual StudiesPolitical ScienceDesign CultureMultidisciplinary
Humanity appears to be confronting an increasing number of health, economic, political, environmental and social crises which have been mainly brought about by human action itself. Whilst design has been complicit in such action, the... more
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      SociologyPhilosophy of AgencyRhetoricDesign
Though the origins of neoliberalism, design, and racism are situated at disparate moments in time, these systems support, reproduce, and reify one another in the United States today. Some contemporary design practicesespecially Design... more
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      SociologyDesign CultureCapitalismRacism
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between AI urbanism and sustainability by drawing upon some key concepts of Bruno Latour’s philosophy. The idea of a sustainable AI urbanism - often understood as the juxtaposition... more
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      Urban GeographyArtificial IntelligencePhilosophy of TechnologySustainable Urbanism
pattern, art, education, packaging, design, illustration,
photography, creativity
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    • Printing , packaging and design technology
Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Often we don’t know whether they are operational, and nothing definite is known of their effectiveness in reducing crime. How, then, do these ubiquitous camera’s -either functional or not- work?
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      Industrial DesignSurveillance StudiesDesign Culture
Varnost v podjetju je dobrina in pravica zaposlenih, kakor je to tudi odgovornost vseh zaposlenih v  podjetju. Tako zagotavljanje varnosti in odkrivanje negativnih varnostnih pojavov ne more temeljiti samo na delu varnostne službe in... more
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    • Civil Law
Varnost v podjetju je dobrina in pravica zaposlenih, kakor je to tudi odgovornost vseh zaposlenih v  podjetju. Tako zagotavljanje varnosti in odkrivanje negativnih varnostnih pojavov ne more temeljiti samo na delu varnostne službe in... more
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    • Civil Law
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      EngineeringDesign CultureMultidisciplinaryProduction economics
Decolonizing design is a fashionable concept often discussed as theory but rarely enacted as practice. In Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds, Arturo Escobar, a Colombian-American... more
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      SociologyArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureDesign Culture
Residence of the 2D Design department at Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, MI). His work balances traditional client-driven and experimental graphic design. His most recent project, Studio Practice, is a YouTube series in which... more
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      ArtGraphic DesignDesign CultureConversation
This article presents a discussion of research and theoretical perspectives on creativity and instructional design, offering a conceptual model of the connection between these two constructs that was originally proposed in the... more
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      Computer ScienceInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyCreativity
The Routledge Circus Studies Reader offers an absorbing critical introduc tion to this diverse and emerging field. It brings together the work of over 30 scholars in this discipline, including Janet Davis, Helen Stoddart and Peta Tait, to... more
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      Critical TheoryIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArtPerformance Studies
Top organizations can be differentiated due to the organizational culture that they promote, not only for the safety and high-quality services offered. One of the top companies in tourism, which pays a great attention to the norms and... more
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      BusinessOrganizational CultureTourism
to-complex design projects are inadequate for training the designers of the twenty-first century. To problem-solve and communicate visually in the global market of objects, ideas, and continuous innovation, students must learn to tap... more
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      EngineeringDesign CultureMultidisciplinary
Considering the challenge of organizational innovation in the rare disease associations, we propose the usage of Design Orienting Scenarios under the scope of a Strategic Design project. Such empirical experience generates reflections on... more
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      DemocracyStrategic DesignVision
Considering the challenge of organizational innovation in the rare disease associations, we propose the usage of Design Orienting Scenarios under the scope of a Strategic Design project. Such empirical experience generates reflections on... more
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      DemocracyStrategic DesignVision
There is an exciting scramble at the intersection of design and technology to see the present clearly and have a hand in building the future. Barbara Junge, Professor of Digital Media in Visual Communication at Weißensee Academy of Art in... more
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      EngineeringDesign CultureMultidisciplinaryJournal Article
The methodological component, which includes managerial tools, respectively the management systems, methods and techniques, represents the management "locomotive", whose quality, efficiency and effectiveness influence decisively... more
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Our knowledge of how design and social innovation works outside of the Europe and the US is still insufficient, due to the limitations that are inherent to the prevailing perceptions, methods and tools, developed in and for this context.... more
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      SociologyKnowledge ManagementThailandSocial Innovation
Arden Stern is a design historian whose scholarship focuses on graphic design, printing, and visual culture in the United States. Her research explores vernacular design practices and typography across multiple platforms, from... more
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      SociologyDesign CultureMultidisciplinary
In heaven, the famous generals of the world, Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, etc. are zealously serving the greatest general of all times: a shoemaker in Colorado. For as long as he lived, there was no war in Colorado… After a Mark Twain... more
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      GeographyGlobalizationTourismEconomic System
In heaven, the famous generals of the world, Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, etc. are zealously serving the greatest general of all times: a shoemaker in Colorado. For as long as he lived, there was no war in Colorado… After a Mark Twain... more
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