Recent papers in Declamation
Alms, alms, alms. Spare me a piece of bread. Spare me your mercy. I am a child so young, so thin, and so ragged. Why are you staring at me? With my eyes I cannot see but I know that you are all staring at me. Why are you whispering to one... more
Esegesi letteraria e critico testuale della decl. min. pseudoquintilianea 297
La fiction et le vers. Comment les Modernes ont légitimé la rime, et comment, par là même, ils l’ont perdue (1548-1826) Avec cet article, nous avons voulu montrer que la logique aboutissant à la forme privilégiée du théâtre moderne, le... more
Théodora Psychoyou, "De la présence de l’air de cour dans les écrits théoriques du XVIIe siècle : une rhétorique de l’actio", in Poésie, musique et société. L’air de cour en France au XVIIe siècle, éd. Georgie Durosoir, Sprimont, Mardaga,... more
Teatro, letteratura e ricerca si intrecciano indissolubilmente nell’opera e nella vita di Luigi Rasi (1852-1918), direttore della Regia Scuola di Recitazione di Firenze e ultimo esponente di un’illustre tradizione ottocentesca di... more
Seneca the Elder is the author of a collection of rhetorical extracts aimed to preserve from oblivion the traces of the most outstanding declaimers of his time. Although he claims to rely exclusively on his memories in composing his... more
This paper looks at Roman attitudes to the rich man and the poor man as seen in Roman declamations used to train the Roman elite in rhetoric.
illuminare il mondo che esisteva intorno e dentro la Phèdre di Racine nel momento della sua nascita. La ricerca si è concentrata, oltre che sul teatro francese del XVII secolo in generale, sull'aspetto performativo di Phèdre, e dunque... more
Oratory and rhetoric are the most appropriate fields to test the lexical specialization of the verbs declamo and recito: declamo describes preparatory exercises of oratory itself; on the opposite hand, recito is referred to the reading of... more
Il tiranno nelle declamazioni di scuola in lingua latina, in "Memorie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino", Serie V, vol. IX, 1985, pp. 1-141
Riddle performance acts when translated from language to another may lose their riddle texture unless such translations takes into consideration the verbal and non verbal features of performance. In this record, I endeavour to document... more
Numero speciale della rivista dedicato alla declamazione latina: 'Eloquentiae itinera. Declamazione e cultura letteraria a Roma in età imperiale', a cura di A. Casamento, D. van Mal-Maeder, L. Pasetti
The riddle is one of the least studied genres of oral literature and with this book I bring to your desk a recording of riddle act with active audiences. By focusing on the performer of the riddle, this study departs from earlier studies... more
This paper aims to study the close interconnection between prosodic processes and musical composition in italian opera. The author uses as his starting point "Il conte ugolino" by Gaetano Donizetti (from Dante's Commedia).
Analisi di alcuni stilemi tipici della declamazione latina (e greca)
Questa opera è protetta dalla Legge sul diritto d'autore ( L'utilizzo del libro elettronico costituisce accettazione dei termini e delle condizioni stabilite nel Contratto di... more
This study of the genesis of Claude Debussy’s mélodies on poems by Paul Verlaine, which present different versions and several modifications, reveals the importance of the place granted to the adequacy between music and textual... more
The focus of this paper is the use of arguments based on nature in Roman declamation, taking into account both the concept of natural law in general and the specific use of the expressions iura and leges naturae: I will try to outline... more
Il vascello del parricida. Un tema declamatorio tra mito e retorica (Seneca, Controversiae, 7, 1) 0. Il motivo dei rapporti fra mito e declamazione di scuola è stato oggetto in tempi recenti di ripetuta attenzione da parte degli studiosi:... more
An extended footnote to Concert Song and Concert Speech around 1800 (2017). Gustav Anton von Seckendorff, author of 'Vorlesungen über Deklamation und Mimik' (1816), is among the many early nineteenth-century theorists of declamation the... more
This paper proposes a new synthetic account of the presence of Cicero as both character and source in Lucan's Bellum Ciuile. Lucan's treatment is derived primarily from Virgil's technique for creating intertextually complex characters,... more
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
Da ormai un ventennio, il corpus di declamazioni in lingua latina è fatto oggetto di una larga riconsiderazione all'interno di un interesse più ampio per le pratiche connesse alla retorica di scuola nella cultura greco-romana 2 . Tale... more
The paper focuses on Seneca the Elder's Controversia 10,5. The text concerns the charge to the painter Parrhasius of torturing to death an Olyntian slave that had served as a model of a Prometheus. The interests of declaimers highlight... more
Sulla nozione di color e crwma nella retorica della prima età imperiale *
Introduzione: tra diritto, retorica e letteratura | 1 Gernot Krapinger Die Grabverletzung in den Declamationes minores | 11 Biagio Santorelli Il denaro negato. Casi di infitiatio depositi nelle Declamazioni minori | 31 Giuseppe Dimatteo... more
This paper focuses on the extant roman declamations featuring characters of ‘addicti’, i.e. free-born roman citizens not able to pay back a debt and consequently “assigned” to their creditors. A comparison with the extant legal texts... more
The present article offers a large-scale survey of the Latin declamations dealing with parricide. Because of the importance of the father/son relationship in Roman culture, the topic of parricide is widespread, being attested in both... more
This paper offers a new interpretation of a vexed passage in the pseudo-Quintilianic Major declamation 9. In chapter 19, the speaker describes himself as a ‘debitor delicatus’, referring to his attitude towards a friend who rescued him at... more
For almost six centuries the culmination of any young Roman citizen’s education was the school of rhetoric: here, under the guidance of a professional rhetorician, he would spend his teenage years learning how to devise and deliver... more
The present study examines declamatory quotations appearing in the collection of the elder Seneca (Contr. 10.4), focusing in particular on close similarities between the quotations of eighteen different speakers. Similarity between... more
This article addresses some interpretative issues concerning the text of decl. 292. In paragraph 1 (sermo), the obscure way in which the Master faces the problem of the status confirms the dependence from Quintilian’s Institutio, where... more
This dissertation aims to explore the role of rhetoric in the transformation and reinvention of Roman epic, through extensive analyses of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Lucan's Bellum Civile. These works stand out from other Roman epics due to... more
Philip Hardie has recently highlighted the prominence and significance of fama in Latin Literature. His wide-ranging study covers authors such as Livy, Tacitus and Pliny and establishes the workings of fama in prose texts. ¹ This chapter... more
P.Lond. Lit. 138 (1st century AD) contains six anonymous rhetorical compositions. The second of them is a declamation concerning an accusation of theft levelled against a man who stole his own money deposited in a friend's field. The text... more