David Cronenberg
Recent papers in David Cronenberg
Review of the novel Consumed, by David Cronenberg
*Academic Book Review* Killer Tapes… is a fascinating book with rigourous theoretical content and effective challenges to entrenched modes of thinking about movie spectatorship. Benson-Allott outlines a new phenomenology of spectatorship,... more
The art film Naked Lunch (1991) may have marked a turn away from the horror genre for David Cronenberg, but it also features both monsters and monstrosity. Protagonist Bill Lee wanders passively through a surreal landscape populated with... more
This essay investigates the marked disappearance of body horror elements in David Cronenberg’s films since A History of Violence (2005). While the absence of body horror’s conventional iconography is undeniable in Cronenberg’s recent... more
W latach 80. XX wieku ciągłe usprawnianie możliwości warsztatowych kina korespondowało z nowymi tendencjami w horrorze i próbami redefinicji zjawiska odbioru filmowego według kategorii badań kognitywnych. Autorzy nurtu body horror... more
Norman McLaren œuvre dans le domaine onirique de l’animation. David Cronenberg est maître du genre de l’horreur intérieure. Que peuvent donc partager ces deux cinéastes canadiens aux univers si distincts? Chacun a construit une relation à... more
This article focuses on David Cronenberg’s representation of monstrosity as a form of knowledge, particularly when connected with sexuality. After a discussion of Robin Wood’s harsh criticism of Cronenberg’s works on this respect, the... more
Dice Michaux que los círculos imperfectos del niño no interesan al adulto, porque éste "no les ve lo principal, el impulso, el gesto, el recorrido, el descubrimiento, la reproducción exaltante del acontecimiento circular en el que una... more
A slightly updated encyclopedia entry on Cronenberg with an overview of major/recurring themes + filmography, including early short films: David Cronenberg is a Canadian auteur filmmaker who made his name with intelligent, innovative and... more
Transcript of Cronenberg's first film, an experimental documentary-type film on the possibilities of telepathy, with a few notes.
The New Flesh: Videodrome, Scopophilia, and Gendered Positionality From the genesis of cinema, there have been anxieties about the potential power of fixing images on screen and what philosophies those images convey; directly confronting... more
In 1981 Gilles Deleuze read in Francis Bacon's paintings a 'zone of the indiscernible' between man and animal. Bacon's figures spasm through their wounded architectures, screams erupting as destabilised bodies attempt to escape their... more
In this thesis, I will explore the effects of capitalism on human nature, in particular on whether we have free will or not, as portrayed in David Cronenberg films. In the first half I will make an introduction to determinism and relate... more
Russian translation of "The Thing" out through Hyle Press (Perm, Russia)
Translated by: Dmitri Chulakov, Dmitri Vyatkin and Yana Tsyrlina.
Translated by: Dmitri Chulakov, Dmitri Vyatkin and Yana Tsyrlina.
Ce mémoire de recherche en Master 2, sous la direction de Philippe Dubois et présenté à l'Université Paris-3 en 2012, étudie l'esthétique du personnage cinématographique dans le cinéma contemporain. À travers l'analyse filmique, il essaye... more
It has traditionally been the female body the one which has been subjected to pleasures of the male gaze, preferably relying that body on teenagers or immoral figures that have been longer representing both the spectator and the murderer... more
Trata-se de discutir a maneira com que as representações do corpo no cinema de David Cronenberg indicam uma dissociação importante entre gozo e prazer. Tal dissociação deve ser avaliada em sua dimensão propriamente política, abrindo com... more
Como você s sabêm, o tí tulo dêssê curso ê "Falar dê sêxo: clí nica, polí tica, êstê tica". E como você s sabêm, êstamos no Brasil, no ano dê 2021. Na# o faria sêntido comêçar êssê curso sêm lêvar êm conta as coordênadas histo ricas quê... more
Bachelor's degree thesis in History of the Theories of Cinema
Supervisor: Prof. Monica Dall'Asta
Supervisor: Prof. Monica Dall'Asta
"Cybercultural Ecologies examines the interpenetrating relationships between nature, virtuality, and narrative. Operating at the interface between ecocriticism and cyberculture, its approach is narrative-based and thematic, focusing on... more
Možda politikama monstruoznog u najvećoj meri kontrapunkt predstavlja politika insekta kakvu zamišlja Kronenberg u filmu Muva (The Fly, 1986). Politika insekta mogla bi da se prikaže kao način da se ucrtaju stranac i nepoznato u polje... more
1. Multiculturalism and Its Monsters 2. Fleshed Out: On Meat and Excess 3. Performing the (Non)Human 4. Bodies, Boundaries, and the Death Drive 5. Desiring Bodies and the Vicissitudes of Transgression 6. The Pornography of Bare... more
This paper examines the mode of existence of realism under postmodernity. It is argued that contemporary realism faces two major challenges at the turn of the twenty-first century: the virtualization of experience due to information... more
Con questa tesi cercherò di raccontare la nascita di un autore, un regista che, in dieci anni, ha conquistato la stima di critici di tutto il mondo e le cui opere hanno ottenuto grandissimi riconoscimenti. Non un semplice regista, quindi,... more
Tese de Doutorado em Literatura Comparada, apresentada como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. PORTO ALEGRE 2008 AGRADECIMENTOS Ao... more
Günümüzde teknolojinin ilerleme hızı, geçmiş dönemlere ait birçok kavramı ve olguyu dönüşüme uğratmıştır. Bu nedenle, bu kavram ve olguların yeniden tanımlanması kaçınılmaz hale gelmiştir. İletişim ve medya ile etkileşime girdiği birçok... more
Die Idee des »neuen Fleischs« durchkreuzt herkömmliche Grenzziehungen, welche die Domänen Natur und Technik klar voneinander unterscheiden. Was sagen uns die gleichermaßen verstörenden wieverführerischen Körperbilder in den Filmen David... more
Using the theories of Irigaray and Cyberculture, this article examines how science fiction film often seeks to reinstate the superiority of a gender politics grounded in the body. Focusing on Cronenberg’s eXistenZ, the article discusses... more
This paper inspects David Cronenberg’s 1975 film Shivers through philosophical concept of desiring-production by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. The paper explores the connection and goes on to propose that a new, hybrid and... more
В статье рассматриваются деструктивные тенденции современной культуры в контексте общества потребления, развития компьютерных технологий и виртуализации жизни, а также медикализации культуры, и репрезентация данных тенденций в современном... more
From the “psychoplasmic” offspring in The Brood (1979) to the tattooed encodings in Eastern Promises (2007), David Cronenberg presents a compelling vision of embodiment, which challenges traditional accounts of personal identity and... more
Taking the animal and the machine as two ontological others of the human, this paper looks into how they “are added to” and “replace” the humanist others based on race, gender, class, etc. in contemporary cinema. This “supplement” urges... more
David Cronenberg is arguably one of the world’s most acclaimed cult directors, his films renowned for their depictions of body horror and transgressive outsiders. But some years ago he found himself enduring a run of critically acclaimed... more
Durante los años noventa el género de ciencia ficción experimenta un notable incremento de películas que versan sobre la realidad virtual. La ambientación de estos filmes, que siguen el influyente modelo de distopía nocturna instituido... more
Introduction by Cronenberg to Metamorphosis by F. Kafka - study literature.
Passato (o meglio tornato), in una feconda deriva senile, dall'immagine alla parola, David Cronenberg pubblica un romanzo, Divorati (Consumed) (2014) che costituisce quasi il compendio e la summa delle ossessioni visuali e tematiche da... more
[THIS PAPER IS IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE] Edgar Morin nello studio seminale sul divismo Le Star teorizza una liturgia stellare: «Eroicizzate, divinizzate, le star sono più che oggetti d’ammirazione: sono soggetti di culto. Si crea attorno a... more
In this essay I argue that the science fiction films of David Cronenberg from Shivers (1975) to Dead Ringers (1988) describe the evolution of a system from a state of order to a state of chaos. Such systems might be societal, for example,... more
Spectacular Posthumanism examines the ways in which VFX imagery fantasizes about digital disembodiment while simultaneously reasserting the importance of the lived body. Analyzing a wide range of case studies-including the films of David... more
In Franz Kafka’s most famous work, The Metamorphosis, the protagonist, Gregor Samsa finds himself changed into a bug, but more importantly, he struggles to hold onto what semblance of his human self is left. While still dipping into a... more