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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
Jeremias Falck (c. 1605/09–1677) is considered to be the greatest engraver of early modern times working in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Graphical representa- tions of ower forms constitute a signi cant part of his oeuvre. So far... more
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      Art HistoryArt and ScienceBotanical literatureHistory of Art
This article examines two Dutch diplomatic missions, in 1627-28 and 1635, by which the United Provinces intervened in a Polish-Swedish armed conflict in Prussia. The focus is on 'diplomatic poetics': the ways in which literature... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPoetryPolish History
Von 1684 bis 1697 entbrannte im westpreussischen Danzig ein Streit zwischen dem Maler Enoch I. Seemann und dem mennonitischen Ältesten der Flamischen Gemeinde Georg Hansen über die Geltung des biblischen Bilderverbots. Anhand von bisher... more
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      MennonitesDanzigMennonite historyBilderverbot
O uwarunkowaniach kluczowej roli Gdanska w utrwaleniu pot?gi Rzeczypospolitej w XVI i XVII w. pisano wielokrotnie, o specyfice powstaj^cych tam dziel sztuki, zwlaszcza malarstwa, traktuje coraz wi?cej publikacji^. Na tym tie szczegolnie... more
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      17th century EuropeGoldsmitherySilverDanzig
Activity the Branch Polish military intelligence in Gdańsk in the years 1920-1930
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence and EspionageSpying and IntelligencePolish Interwar History
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      Holocaust StudiesKindertransportHolocaust and Genocide StudiesDeath March
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      Jews in PolandPomorzeConcentration CampsDanzig
Ältere volkstums- und später landesgeschichtlich orientierte Forschungen zum Polnischen Preußen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert scheiterten aus heutiger Sicht an dem Postulat eines jahrhundertelangen Selbstbehauptungskampfes des „Deutschtums... more
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    • Danzig
Nicolaus Zangius: The Musician at the Turn of the 16th and 17th Centuries (Monograph in Czech) Nicolaus Zangius (ca. 1568–1617) was a musician with a rather restless character, always seeking a more ideal patron. His life and travels are... more
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      Renaissance musicMoraviaLiechtensteinDanzig
Warszawa-Kraków 1 995 (tam wcześniejsza literatura)' ' Stan badań podsumował P. Mrozowski, Polskie nagrobki gotyckie' Warszawa 1994. 'Ętułem przykładu wymienić trzeba mocno niedoskonałe, Iecz całoś.io*" op.*.owanie H. Kozakiewiczowej,... more
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      Art HistoryCathedralsKrakówCracow
The authorship of The Book of Margery Kempe has been the subject of much debate ever since the sole manuscript copy of the text was identified by Hope Emily Allen in 1934. My paper presents two pieces of new evidence relating to Margery... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEnglish Literature
Amber Metamorphoses | Bursztynowe przemiany is a book published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the International Amber Association. My idea was to launch the book, that includes a brief history of the IAA and presents objects... more
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      Art HistoryDesignContemporary ArtInclusion
The following text concerns the collection of the Gdansk family Breyne, assemblet since the second half of the 17th century, thanks to Jacob Breyne (1637–1607). The father’s passion was continued by Johann Philipp Breyne (1680–1764). In... more
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      History of ScienceScholarly CommunicationEnlightenmentWomen in Art
Philipp Sauerland (1677–ok.1760) to malarz aktywny w I połowie XVIII wieku w Gdańsku i Wrocławiu. Jego dzieła cieszyły się pewnym zainteresowaniem w wiekach XVIII i XIX, czego przykładem jest kilka wzmianek w ówczesnym piśmiennictwie o... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingHistory of ArtCollecting and Collections
hab. Andrzej Groth (redaktor tematycznyhistoria nowożytna) CZŁONKOWIE: prof. dr hab. Wiesław Długokęcki (redaktor tematycznyhistoria średniowieczna) prof. dr hab. Andrzej Romanow (redaktor tematycznyhistoria najnowsza i prasoznawstwo) ks.... more
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      Military HistorySocial HistoryDanzigGdansk
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureMedieval History
The article shows the reasons for the building of the airfield in Pruszcz Gdański during the Second World War. Presents detailed on the scope of construction works carried out for the needs the Danziger Luftwaffe-School. Describes the... more
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      Second World WarHolocaustDanzigStutthof
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryUrban HistoryBaltic Studies
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryHistoria
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      HistoriographyManuscript StudiesHistoriografíaDanzig
German Merchants and a Witch in Cracow in 1642 Witchcraft beliefs were widespread in late medieval and early modern Cracow. Like elsewhere, the confidence in the effectiveness of magic was shared by people of various ethnic and religious... more
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      Early Modern European WitchcraftAlmshousesDanzigLübeck
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      Art HistoryLiturgyHeraldryBaroque art and architecture
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monograph of silver workshop of Peter II Rode (Rohde), master in Danzig
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      17th-Century StudiesDecorative ArtsGoldsmitheryGoldsmiths
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryUrban History
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryBaltic Studies
Monogramista FVA Cyna, srebro, drewno, odlewanie, cyzelowanie, malowanie, złocenie; wysokość 68 cm, długośĆ2I4 cm, szerokość 86 cm; sygnowany monogramem wiązanyrn FVA oraz gmerkiem (na tarczy półksiężyc z zębatą koroną i krzyż... more
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      Art HistoryCoffinsCathedralsKraków
В этой статье описаны подделки монет, прототипами для изготовления которых послужили гроши польского короля Сигизмунда І Старого, чеканенные на монетном дворе в Гданське This article tells about the counterfeits of the groats of the... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      PortraitsPortraitureOvidMartin Luther
THE FIRST YEARS OF THE POLISH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE IN THE FREE CITY OF GDANSK (1920-1925) (Summary) The Free City of Gdansk was as attractive for special intelligence services of Central and Eastern Europe, as Switzerland was for Western... more
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      Interwar Period HistoryMilitärgeschichteSecret ServicesPolish Interwar History
The engraver Friedrich Edel was active in 1690, providing copper plates for the owners of publishing houses in Danzig and Thorn: David Friedrich Rhet, Johann Christian Laurer, and Samuel Genter. Only five works signed by him have been... more
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      GoldsmithsEngravingDanzigSeventeenth century art
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      DanzigHistory of City GdanskGdansk
Die Vorzüge des Systems Schütte-Lanz gegenüber den Konstruktionsprinzipien des Grafen Zeppelin überzeugten auch die Militärführung, die diese Luftschiffe im I. Weltkrieg einsetzte, so dass sich auch Zeppelin gezwungen sah, wesent- liche... more
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      DanzigErster Weltkrieg
Niniejsza praca magisterska jest wynikiem zainteresowania problematyką możliwości przekształceń post-industrialnych zdegradowanych obszarów śródmiejskich, będących nieużytkami miejskim, a w szczególności terenów w pobliżu linii... more
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      ArchitectureSustainable UrbanismUrbanismPublic Space
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      Early Modern HistorySocial IdentityReformation HistoryMedieval Church History
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      DanzigHistory of City GdanskGdańsk
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      Museum StudiesDecorative ArtsSilverware17th and 18th century European Decorative Arts and Design
Babenberg-vom Komtur zum Interimsmeister.Eine Deutschordens-Karriere in Zeiten des Umbruchs am Ende des 13. und zu Beginn des 14. Jahrhunderts .
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval tradeLate Medieval History
Ausstellung "Backsteinarchitektur im Ostseeraum"
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
BERNT STEGMANN, A CITIZEN OF GDANSK, AND HIS MORALISING COMPILATION OF 1528 The Gdansk chronicle by Bernt Stegmann was written in the East Central German language (Ostmitteldeutsch) in 1528 and is the oldest surviving historiographic... more
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      HistoriographyManuscript StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscriptsHistoriografía
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      Early Modern HistoryPropagandaPolish HistoryWar Studies
From the Germans of Danzig (now Gdansk, in Poland) to the Turks of Rhodes: the «Europa etnografica» map (1:6.000.000) of the Atlante internazionale del TCI (1st ed., 1927). For a later version of this map (3rd ed., 1929) you can see... more
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      LanguagesHistoryGeographyHuman Geography
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      Economic HistoryMedieval tradeHanseatic LeagueHanse History
In der Frühen Neuzeit war Danzig das bedeutendste Kultur-und Wissenschaftszentrum des Königreichs Polen, auch außerhalb seiner Grenzen sehr bekannt. Georgius Braun nannte es in seiner Beschrei-bung vnd Contrafactur der vornembster Stät... more
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      PietismusFrühe NeuzeitDanzig
W. Skóra, Działania wywiadu polskiego a plany zbrojnego zajęcia Wolnego Miasta Gdańska przez II RP w latach 20. XX wieku [w:] Si vis pacem, para bellum. Bezpieczeństwo i polityka Polski. Księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana profesorowi... more
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      Military IntelligenceGerman HistoryIntelligence and EspionagePolish Interwar History
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      IconographyPolish HistoryHeraldry and VexillologyPrints and Drawings
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      Erinnerung und kollektives Gedächtnis in Günter Grass' autobiographischen SchriftenDanzig1950's West Germany
Ethnographic shows existed as peculiar projects in a specific time and space. Correspondingly, entertainment played a specific role in the life of modernizing cities. This article aims at reconstructing the circumstances and places of... more
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      Ethnic StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesUrban StudiesTransnational History
The conference sets its focus on the cultural and artistic effects and consequences of the two major conflicts of the XVII c. in Central Europe – the Thirty Years‘ War and the Northern Wars, intertwined by the powers and personalities... more
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      Media StudiesPolish HistoryBaltic Studies17th-Century Studies