Recent papers in Cyberdefense
[email protected] published in Science Magazine 17/04/2020 1. Does privacy exists? Analysing software business rules that impact privacy and cybersecurity is... more
This chapter maps China’s cybersecurity policies in the five areas of personal data protection, consumer protection, cybercrime, threats to public order, and cyberdefense.
Ce 21e siècle assiste à l’aboutissement des technologies numériques, comme le 19e siècle a vu celui de la révolution industrielle. En effet, le monde est désormais ancré dans un contexte de cyberguerre, marqué par la hausse de la... more
Rapports de forces, cyberattaques sur les infrastructures, hacking, espionnage, fake news, le cyberespace est devenu en quelques décennies un champ privilégié des relations internationales où coopèrent et s’affrontent anciens et nouveaux... more
The technological transformation story of Azerbaijan is marked by the popular embrace of digital banking, implementation of centralized e-government services, and the automation of critical energy infrastructure. However, this march... more
An Interview on the ongoing war in Ukraine PPTX more
Cyberspace changed the entire international safety and security scale. It compulsory obligated the introduction of new methodologies, strategic actions and technologic capability due to its transnational and transversal identity, as well... more
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the international law applicable to cyber operations, including a systematic examination of attribution, lawfulness and remedies. It demonstrates the importance of countermeasures as a form of... more
Cybersecurity is an issue that involves governments, private companies and citizens. The dependency that all social and economic sectors have on the information and communication infrastructure has increased extraordinarily and it is... more
Profile and faculty of Intelligence & Security 2016 (X° edition) Master of Arts Rome. Relevant readings in italian and english
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczące systemu bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego Republiki Estonii. Autor przedstawia estoński model obrony cybernetycznej w ujęciu strategicznym oraz rozwiązania prawne, a także prezentuje militarne i... more
Artigo desenvolvido no âmbito duma unidade curricular da Pós-Graduação em Cibersegurança e Ciberdefesa da Academia Militar / Universidade do Minho (Portugal) em setembro de 2017. Este faz uma revisão da literatura e tece algumas... more
Cyberspace is a new challenge for the global security and stability and poses numerous threats for the protection of national critical infrastructures. This paper analyses the way the European Union adjusts to these threats, by adapting... more
One of the biggest challenges faced in building the capacity of armed forces to operate in cyberspace is to attract, improve and retain expert staff. Cyberspace is, after all, the only operational domain that has been entirely created by... more
A Internet como factor de transformação social e das relações de poder, incide em várias áreas da sociedade provocando mudanças que se procuram reflectir neste artigo, cujo objectivo principal é analisar algumas das alterações que a... more
The present article analyzes how the cyberdefense, as a public problem, became a new space of dispute between the political actors that, in the bureaucratic scenario, bid for its definition between principles of the XXI Century and the... more
Cybersecurity may be thought of as part of a broader trend: the expansion of the meaning of international security over the past three decades, and especially in the post-Cold War era (Tickner 1995). Frequently pigeonholed within the... more
Description about several policies and strategies for protecting Argentinean and coalition critical infrastructure: the functions of the Armed Forces Scientific and Technical Research Infrastructure Institute, a joint military... more
Omówienie zasadności stworzenia oraz sposobu konstruowania rozbudowanego programu rozwoju zdolności resortu obrony narodowej i Sił Zbrojnych RP do działania w domenie cyber oraz podsumowanie 2 lat wdrażania programu.
This special issue of the Journal of Strategic Security is a timely response to something of a modern mystery. It is timely because it is difficult to read or watch television these days without coming across some reference to drone... more
Present American policy proclaims the compatibility of drone usage with the traditional Rules of Engagement and the Laws of War. Largely absent in this is an examination of how enemy combatants are being defined on both sides of drone... more
Nel corso dei prossimi anni le innovazioni tecnologiche attuali e future avranno un crescente impatto sugli eserciti occidentali, in particolare quelle che riguardano le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, l'intelligenza... more
Comunicação ao SimSIC 2018 - IX Simpósio sobre Segurança Informática e Cibercime. Laboratório UbiNET / Instituto Politécnico de Beja, 15 de maio de 2018.
Over the next years, ongoing and future technological innovations, especially related to information communication technology (ICT), artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud will have an increasing impact on Western armies. The soldier will... more
Une approche socio-technique de la numérisation appliquée au champ de bataille.
La importancia del componente educativo en toda estrategia de Ciberseguridad 1 Resumen Este artículo pretende estudiar las principales Estrategias de ciberseguridad publicadas hasta el momento, prestando especial atención al componente... more
[...] as there are a growing number of jurists who recognise the existence of a Computer Law branch, how can one account for the inefficiency of the rule of criminal law, as far as dissuading and preventing the typical, illegal and... more
Cyber defense, as a public problem, became a new space of dispute between political actors who, in the bureaucratic scenario, pushed for its definition between the beginning of the 21st century and 2014. In a previous article (Eissa, et... more
La presente investigación se centra en analizar la importancia de comprender el ciberespacio como un nuevo espacio de conflicto entre las naciones, un dominio que necesita una gramática de seguridad para la defensa de la soberanía y el... more
El escándalo Snowden no sólo ha puesto de manifiesto el programa de ciberespionaje masivo realizado por Estados Unidos sobre sus aliados y potenciales adversarios; sino también la vigilancia por defecto (surveillance by default) que puede... more
This article argues that despite the technical-functional nature of cybersecurity, twin imperatives of market economy and national security have always driven the national and international cyberspace security policy and contributed to... more
Artykuł wprowadzający w nr 1 (1) 2019 czasopisma naukowego "Cybersecurity and Law"
Surgimiento de estrategias de defensa cibernética para los "estados digitales" y "estados red" en protección de las infraestructuras críticas en distintos países del mundo, a nivel hemisférico y en Argentina.
Security experts argue that cyberspace has added a new strategic environment that requires new approaches to defence and thereby deterrence. The hard reality of cyber-attacks, which can be asymmetric and non-attributable, force states to... more
Por derecho propio, el ciberespacio se ha convertido en el quinto dominio de las operaciones militares tras la tierra, los mares, el aire y el espacio. Aunque a diferencia del resto de los entornos donde se combate, éste tiene una... more