Curriculum Policy
Recent papers in Curriculum Policy
23 educadores discutem criticamente a Base Nacional Comum Curricular
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é hoje o centro gravitacional das políticas do Ministério da Educação. Neste texto procuro construir a tese de que a BNCC representa um grave retrocesso na educação brasileira, ponto de saturação de... more
This paper takes lessons and directions from Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of Freedom ) that both inform the theme of Dialogue and Difference and a particular conception of ethical teacher professionality. Freire's vision of teachers and... more
Education holds the key to unlock human resources that a society needs to survive and fl ourish. This is particularly salient in a borderless knowledge economy. For the past decades, the sterling performance of economies such as Hong... more
A profusão de discursos exultantes sobre a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) e a insistência de que ela representa uma revolução na educação brasileira têm naturalizado a sua existência no debate público a um ponto tal, que parece ser... more
Now in its second edition, this Handbook offers a comprehensive review of rigorous, innovative, and critical scholarship profiling the scope and terrain of academic inquiry on Latinos and education. Presenting the most significant and... more
"The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the policymaking process of the Moral and National Education (MNE) curriculum in Hong Kong by employing Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework. The aim of the paper is threefold. First, it... more
Tulisan ini sekadar draft awal yang semoga dapat saya kembangkan menjadi lebih sempurna lagi dalam upaya menjawab kegelisahan konsep dan praksis Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) atau Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) di... more
The 1999 Queensland P-10 Health and Physical Education syllabus adopted a socio-cultural approach to learning, underpinned by social justice principles which include diversity, equity and supportive environments. This approach has... more
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é hoje o centro gravitacional das políticas do Ministério da Educação. Neste texto procuro construir a tese de que a BNCC representa um grave retrocesso na educação brasileira, ponto de saturação de... more
La política curricular: educar para una nueva ciudadanía (2015) debe tener la posibilidad de adquirir herramientas intelectuales, éticas y tecnológicas que le permitan desenvolverse de forma solvente en su vida, para lo cual se establece... more
Os dados apresentados neste texto foram mostrados algumas vezes, especialmente em congressos da área de Ensino de Ciências. Algumas vezes, por falta de tempo reservado às discussões ou por nossas próprias dificuldades na apresentação,... more
Chen, Ken-Zen (2005d, July). An Analysis to the Revision of Senior High School Guidelines in Taiwan. Paper session presented at the Pacific Circle Consortium 29th Annual Conference 2005, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
The revised New Zealand Curriculum became mandatory for use in New Zealand schools in February 2010. The ongoing reform agenda in education in New Zealand since 1989 and elsewhere internationally has had corrosive effects on teacher... more
The purpose of this study was to compare the ideals of the Queensland P-10 Health and Physical Education (HPE) syllabus as a curriculum policy, with what was happening in practice, the teaching of Health and Physical Education in schools.... more
A study of curriculxim goals set forth in school-leaving examinations in mathematics and biology from Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia benchmarked against the French baccalaureat examinations. This investigation uncovers... more
Similar to much of the world, the Australian Government has a vision for society to be engaged in and enriched by science which has, as its prime focus, building skills and capabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics... more
Our purpose for this study was to explain the strength and direction of the relationships between rankings on international tests of academic achievement and indicators of national creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Data were... more
Policy studies in science education do not have a particularly high profile. For science teachers, policy lurks in the background, somewhat disconnected from their normal classroom practice; for many, it is simply taken-for-granted. This... more
This case study focuses on recent changes in teacher education curricula at Vista University, a multi-campus institution in South Africa. The University's responses to changes in the policy environment, with specific reference to... more
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular nasce em falso, parcial, sem condições institucionais de implementação e sem legitimidade capaz de lhe assegurar a adesão genuína de educadores e gestores. Em tempos de destruição das bases constitucionais... more
Abstract We discuss the concept of epistemic community as developed by Peter Haas, pondering on possible theoretical and heuristic (in)compatibilities from the incorporation of this construct into curricular policies post-structural... more
Similar to much of the world, the Australian Government has a vision for society to be engaged in and enriched by science which has, as its prime focus, building skills and capabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics... more
This paper takes lessons and directions from Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of Freedom (Freire, 1998) that both inform the theme of Dialogue and Difference and a particular conception of ethical teacher professionality. Freire's vision... more
Education systems and universities around the world are currently seeking to strengthen their competitive positioning in today’s global knowledge era through curriculum policy transformations. These are taking place as a result of... more
Governo paulista invoca a Base Nacional Comum Curricular para justificar a interdição de debates de gênero e o recolhimento de apostilas de quase 340 mil estudantes do ensino fundamental. A BNCC foi utilizada por Doria como aquilo que... more
Under the auspices of its ‘Education Revolution’, the Federal Labor Government is currently implementing a national curriculum for schools. Representing an important intervention into educational practice and governance, the Australian... more
O propósito deste texto consiste em apresentar e discutir aspectos relevantes do Movimento de Reorientação Curricular construído por Paulo Freire e sua equipe em São Paulo, de 1989 a 1992, quando o educador atuou como Secretário Municipal... more
The text focuses on the discussion on the translation policies of the National Curriculum Common Core in Western Bahia presented in teaching reports. It addresses the notion of translation in different post-structural and... more
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrencinin eğitim yoluyla güçlendirilmesinin felsefi temellerini, ilgili kavram ve kuramları, öğrencinin güçlendirilmesinde eğitim programlarının işlevini ve ilgili araştırmaları inceleyerek öğrenciyi güçlendiren... more
Este trabalho visa analisar as contribuições de professores de Química à consulta pública da primeira versão da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) e mapear representações sobre o currículo de Química no Ensino Médio brasileiro. O... more
O impressionante número de 12 milhões de “contribuições” à consulta pública da Base, divulgado pelo MEC, é na verdade 8400% maior do que o número de contribuintes. É este o verdadeiro nó da Base Nacional Comum Curricular: ela jamais... more
In this text, we problematize the movement of hegemonization of the quality discourse of the scientific education and the crisis notion associated with it in a discursive approach. We focus on the demands claimed by epistemic... more