Papers by Clivio Pimentel Junior
Revista de Educacion , 2024
El texto es una inversión teórico-estratégica interesada en discutir las implicaciones
de las noc... more El texto es una inversión teórico-estratégica interesada en discutir las implicaciones
de las nociones de différance, hospitalidad incondicional y traducción, provenientes
de la filosofía derridiana, al pensar en la diferencia en la investigación curricular,
explorando sus posibilidades inventivas para el campo. Al explicar la forma en que
las nociones movilizadas son discutidas por el filósofo en diferentes ocasiones, así
como transitar por las teorías postestructurales del currículo y diferencia, desarrolla
el argumento de que tales nociones permiten ampliar el debate sobre la relación y
la diferencia curricular más allá de cualquier recinto conceptual o regla teórico-me-
todológica, permitiendo la llegada inesperada de lo que se puede anunciar en torno
a esta relación como tal. Argumenta que las nociones movilizadas son capaces de
agitar discursos que tratan temas altamente sedimentados de currículo y diferencia,
colocando una exigencia ética en este debate que pasa, irreductiblemente, por la
deconstrucción de las diversas figuras de la economía instaladas en los discursos
y normatividades políticas y pedagógicas, precisamente de lo que generalmente se
presenta en la forma del deber ser en la educación.
Renbio, 2023
Resumo Neste texto, debruço-me sobre o debate em torno da padronização curricular e a tentativa d... more Resumo Neste texto, debruço-me sobre o debate em torno da padronização curricular e a tentativa de fixação de sentidos para a aprendizagem da Biologia, por meio das Ciências da Natureza, na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). Perspectivado por registros pós-estruturais do campo do currículo, busco discutir as implicações envolvidas na definição de um solo comum à aprendizagem em Biologia em todo e qualquer contexto nacional. Argumento que a padronização das aprendizagens pode significar um empobrecimento do horizonte de possibilidades de criação para o currículo e o ensino de Biologia. Defendo que os caminhos para a diferença no currículo e no ensino de Biologia passam pela subversão interpretativa da política de identidade curricular nacional suscitada pela BNCC em seus aspectos pedagógicos.
Educar em Revista , 2022
RESUMO A partir da incorporação mais expressiva das teorias pós-estruturais ao campo do currículo... more RESUMO A partir da incorporação mais expressiva das teorias pós-estruturais ao campo do currículo nos últimos anos, o objetivo deste ensaio teórico é apresentar contribuições ao debate em torno da relação sujeito/conhecimento científico nas políticas de currículo da Educação em Ciências, buscando explorar suas ressonâncias na significação do que venha a ser considerado um sujeito "cientificamente educado". Por meio de quais enquadramentos pedagógicos e curriculares a identidade do sujeito "educado em ciências" vem sendo produzida nas políticas? Quais podem ser as contribuições do movimento de pensamento pós-estruturalista ao debate em torno da relação sujeito/conhecimento científico na definição do que significa ser educado em ciências? Para discorrer sobre esse objetivo e essas questões, decidi transitar por diferentes registros curriculares da área da Educação em Ciências, sem pretensões de exaustão, trazendo ao ensaio aspectos que caracterizam o cenário das políticas formativas no campo, focalizando especificamente aqueles relativos ao papel do conhecimento científico na formação da identidade do sujeito. Em diálogo com autores como Judith Butler (2015), Gert Biesta (2013), Stuart Hall (2006), Lopes e Macedo (2011), Laclau e Mouffe (2015), entre outros, o ensaio é um investimento teórico implicado na defesa de narrativas abertas à diferença e ao diferir do sujeito nas políticas de currículo da Educação em Ciências.
Educar em Revista , 2022
From a more significant incorporation of post-structural theories into the curriculum field in re... more From a more significant incorporation of post-structural theories into the curriculum field in recent years, this theoretical essay aims to contribute to the debate around the relationship between subject/scientific knowledge in science-education curriculum policies. It seeks to explore its resonance in the meaning of what came to be considered a “scientifically educated” subject. Which pedagogical and curricular frameworks have been producing the identity of the subject “educated in science” in policies? What can be the contributions of the post-structuralist movement to the debate on the relationship between subject/scientific knowledge when defining what it means to be scientifically educated? To discuss this objective and questions, I decided to go through different curricular records in the Science Education area, without the intention of exhaustion, bringing to this essay some aspects that characterize the scenario of training policies in the field. I mainly focus on those related to scientific knowledge’s role in forming the subject’s identity. Dialoguing with Judith Butler (2015), Gert Biesta (2013), Stuart Hall (2006), Lopes and Macedo (2011), Laclau and Mouffe (2015), among others, the essay is a theoretical defense of narratives open to difference and disagreement on the Science Education curriculum policies.
Espaço do Currículo , 2022
This text focuses on the theoretical debate about the implications of incorporating Laclau and Mo... more This text focuses on the theoretical debate about the implications of incorporating Laclau and Mouffe's poststructuralist theory of discourse into the field of curriculum studies. When describing how discourse theory reconfigures the notion of hegemony and social identities on non-essentialist bases, the work focuses, more specifically, on the effects of hyperpoliticization and deconstruction of educational foundations raised by the incorporation of theory into studies in the field of resume. By enhancing the political struggle for the meaning of any terms and ways of imagining, thinking, describing and trying to define education and the social purposes of schooling, it is argued that discourse theory amplifies, indefinitely, discursivity in the field of curriculum.
Revista Espaço do Currículo , 2021
The text approaches the natural sciences competencies in the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC)... more The text approaches the natural sciences competencies in the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC) of High School from a post-structural discursive perspective, aiming at conducting a deconstructive reading of its pedagogical, political and epistemological foundations. Based on discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe (2015), the institution of strongly pragmatic solutions to the curriculum is problematized, supposedly based on solid foundations of how education and identity of the other should be to achieve purposes of resolution of demands from word and social world, based on the epistemological record of science. It is advocated that the utilitarian meaning of the curriculum and learning produces an economizing of the school experience to the idea of knowledge as a useful thing that should serve for students to become citizens in the world of work and everyday life, world these never fully anticipated and artificially reproducible in the curriculum.
Atos de Pesquisa em Educação, Sep 3, 2016
Federal da Bahia RESUMO Partindo de um mergulho interpretativo nos cotidianos escolar e universit... more Federal da Bahia RESUMO Partindo de um mergulho interpretativo nos cotidianos escolar e universitário vivenciados por uma turma de licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas, o texto tem como objetivo problematizar as maneiras de estar-junto identificadas em um grupo e suas ressonâncias nas práticas pedagógicas curriculares. O trabalho configura-se em uma pesquisa no/do cotidiano com aporte de técnicas interpretativas e etnográficas. Episódios interpretativos são construídos como modo de apreensão dos fenômenos cotidianos vivenciados em campo. As constatações construídas provocam a pensar em como a força da ambiência cotidiana pode ser estruturante dos modos como os licenciandos pensam e agem em sala de aula, determinando suas tomadas de decisão em contextos formais de prática de ensino.
The text focuses on the discussion on the translation policies of the National Curriculum Common ... more The text focuses on the discussion on the translation policies of the National Curriculum Common Core in Western Bahia presented in teaching reports. It addresses the notion of translation in different post-structural and post-foundational theoretical registers, highlighting the way in which such interpretative operators allow configuring discussions around work with curriculum policies, exploring their contributions and potential for the field. Based on the empirical material mobilized,
the implications of the BNCC implementation process as a standard policy are discussed, questioning its desire to align, standardize and stop discursive disputes for the meaning of the curriculum in relation to the other in the most different educational spaces and times. It defends the normative failure of policies built on the attempt to substitute and disregard professional trajectories and cultures, and pedagogical and curricular experiences of the subjects who engender school daily
Resumo: Amparado nos estudos pós-fundacionais do currículo, defende-se a tese de que a política d... more Resumo: Amparado nos estudos pós-fundacionais do currículo, defende-se a tese de que a política da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), no Brasil, apesar dos esforços nacionais no âmbito dos estados e municípios para "fazê-la sair do papel", está fadada ao fracasso. Os materiais empíricos mobilizados neste texto fazem referência à itinerância acadêmica e profissional do autor na pesquisa em política de currículo, e envolve os seguintes registros e atores sociais: (i) depoimentos e planejamentos de ensino de professoras que "implementam", nos currículos escolares, as normas da BNCC; e (ii) escritas acerca da percepção de estudantes em vivência de estágio supervisionado, no que tange ao modo como a BNCC vem remodelando os currículos escolares da região e suas próprias atividades formativas. Argumenta-se que a BNCC está, incontornavelmente, sujeita aos processos disseminativos de interpretação, negociação e disputa de sentidos sobre o currículo e a própria educação que ocorrem no chão das escolas, desconfigurando-a em sua ânsia por transparência normativa e identidade fixa. Defende-se que, por mais que a BNCC e todos os discursos regulatórios a ela vinculados possam tentar "tirá-la do papel", ela continuará manifestando-se como uma orientação precária, finita, que permanece sendo tensionada e convidada ao diálogo com o outro por meio dos desajustes interpretativos, das readequações contextuais, enfim, por toda força criativa do diferir que esta julga poder estabilizar de uma vez por todas na educação. Palavras-chave: Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Política de Currículo. Pós-estruturalismo.
I focus, in this work, the identity demands present in curricular policies produced by epistemic ... more I focus, in this work, the identity demands present in curricular policies produced by epistemic communities for the Teaching of Sciences. Based on poststructural and post-foundational registration of identity, I seek to question the identities universalisms projected over teachers, students and social in the political texts analyzed, critically arguing about the fixity of the profiles produced and their explicit link to the question of quality in science education. I argue that the radical assumption of difference allows blocking the hypertrophy of controlling reason in science education, being able to disarticulate foundational identity principles marked by the desire of signifixation of subjects and school processes in anticipated and authorized versions of otherness.
Keywords: Science Education. Identity. Curriculum Policies.
In this text, we problematize the movement of hegemonization of the quality discourse of the scie... more In this text, we problematize the movement of hegemonization of the quality discourse of the scientific
education and the crisis notion associated with it in a discursive approach. We focus on the demands
claimed by epistemic communities of Science Teaching through the names Nature of Science, Quality and
Crisis of scientific education, seeking to understand how the emptying of these signifiers participates in the
dispute for the meaning of what is a relevant school experience in science. We argue that the demands are
articulated around the attempt of definition of a essential identity for science education, antagonizing non-
prescriptive curricular policies. We defend the ultimate impossibility of controlling the significance of
curriculum, science teaching and social space, keeping science education opens to the risk and the
irreducible otherness, dissociating it from universal educational foundations.
Keywords: Science Teaching; Curriculum Policy; Discourse Theory; Post-Structuralism.
We discuss the concept of epistemic community as developed by Peter Haas, pondering on p... more Abstract
We discuss the concept of epistemic community as developed by Peter Haas, pondering on possible theoretical and heuristic (in)compatibilities from the incorporation of this construct into curricular policies post-structural research. Departing from the investigation of subjectivity, agency, and politics in Butler, Laclau, and Mouffe's theories, it is argued that while in a discursive approach political activity itself produces community identification in a performatic way, it is conceivable to think that the concept of Epistemic communities follows the structural logic of political subjectivity and belonging, suggesting that a previous solid group identity is a condition for social action. It is argued that the post-structural key presents greater productivity and complexity in the opening of curricular political phenomena, although it may be productive to maintain characteristic aspects of the approach of the epistemic communities as a way to safeguard a certain sociological distinction in the languages of cultural differentiation of the working groups in the production of policies.
Keywords: Epistemic Community. Difference. Curricular Policies. Post-Structuralism.
In this theoretical-strategic position paper, through a post-structural and post-colonial agency,... more In this theoretical-strategic position paper, through a post-structural and post-colonial agency, we developed a critical argument to the theoretical foundations of science education, focusing on the significance of school disciplines identities as Nature of Science. Therefore, by relying on training and reference frameworks of the various formative spacetimes lived in undergraduate, post-graduate and teaching in higher education, put into suspension and deterritorialized in (auto)biographical sense, we transit for political meaning created in different communities of enunciation, in order to problematize hegemonic consensus generated around the defense of such significant. In this way, we argue in defense of the uncontrollable space, what cannot be banished from the curriculum and science education, reviving the sense of poetic as structuring the curriculum practice. We argue that this agency allows to create the identity of science in the curriculum school as a hybrid place, marked by the absence of a master-speech who can validate one among the multiple identities created for science education in their everyday happening, sharpening, so, the participation of the subjects in the political struggle for power of meaning the curriculum.
Keywords: (Auto)biographies. Everyday. Curriculum. Difference. Science education.
In this theoretical essay, we investigated approaches and tensions between Butler"s thoughts and... more In this theoretical essay, we investigated approaches and tensions between Butler"s thoughts and the field of (Auto)Biographical Educational Research. We focused initially on historical, theoretical and methodological aspects of (Auto)Biographical Research, especially on the national scenario, highlighted in presentations of thematic dossiers, association letters and review papers. Then, we discussed the challenge involved in the approximation between the theoretical assumptions of (Auto)Biographical Research and philosophical assumptions of the Post-structural movement. Finally, we argued in defense of plausibility and theoretical consistency of approach between post-structuralism and (Auto)Biographical Research considering the possibility of invention of performative and post-metaphysical narratives of oneself.
This position paper aims to discuss how the instrumental and pragmatic view, present in many curr... more This position paper aims to discuss how the instrumental and pragmatic view, present in many current studies of the school, has historically undermined the role of this social institution and the teacher's work by claiming that the school and its faculty are always "late" and/or "unrunly” n relation to the demands from the social environment and/or past certainties, respectively.
Following different line of argument, we hold that the school pursues its own objectives with
ends in themselves, in line with the social project of schooling. From this perspective, the
process of schooling cannot be means to an external end to the school term when inserted in
society, but having an end in itself, since the school is part of society regardless of whether or
not subjected to the needs and social demands. In agreement with this line of argument, it is
appropriate to accept the school as it is, a weak school.
Key Words: Weak school. Liberty. Post-modernity
RESUMO Partindo de um mergulho interpretativo nos cotidianos escolar e universitário vivenciados ... more RESUMO Partindo de um mergulho interpretativo nos cotidianos escolar e universitário vivenciados por uma turma de licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas, o texto tem como objetivo problematizar as maneiras de estar-junto identificadas em um grupo e suas ressonâncias nas práticas pedagógicas curriculares. O trabalho configura-se em uma pesquisa no/do cotidiano com aporte de técnicas interpretativas e etnográficas. Episódios interpretativos são construídos como modo de apreensão dos fenômenos cotidianos vivenciados em campo. As constatações construídas provocam a pensar em como a força da ambiência cotidiana pode ser estruturante dos modos como os licenciandos pensam e agem em sala de aula, determinando suas tomadas de decisão em contextos formais de prática de ensino. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cotidiano. Currículo. Estética. Formação de professores. Pós-modernidade.
ABSTRACT Departing from an interpretative dip in schools and universities everyday life experienced by undergraduates in Biology, this paper aims to problematize the ways of being-together identified in a group and its resonance in curriculum pedagogical practices. The work sets up in a research on/with the everyday, input of interpretative and ethnographic techniques. Interpretive episodes are built as apprehension mode of everyday phenomena experienced in the field. The built findings provoke to think about how everyday ambience force can be structuring the ways in which student teachers think and act in the classroom, determining their decision making in teaching practice formal contexts.
This article, taking travel metaphor as a thread of ideas, aims to describe interpretatively
the ... more This article, taking travel metaphor as a thread of ideas, aims to describe interpretatively
the effects of a teaching sequence, which has combined autobiographical techniques and
studies of post-positivist philosophy of science, increase in updates of knowledge and
practices networks of teachers, understood as conditioners of ways to make curricular
pedagogical practices. Therefore, daily histories and testimonies shared in the training
course of practicing teachers in the discipline Education Natural Sciences II, Faculty of
Education, University of the State of Bahia were recorded and addressed in a
comprehensive perspective. Socio-phenomenological notions, poststructuralist and
postmodern ways of researching characterizations, and philosophical aspects of the post-
positivist science were discussed in building the sequence of teaching and the
philosophical-methodological research networking. The ethnographic action research and
the autobiographical approach were chosen to articulate the actions planned by the
teacher-researcher. Reveal understandings built up in reference to the proposal effects
and the histories and scenes set that, beside reconsidering heavily ritualized teaching
strategies in everyday school life and their transformation into explicit coadunated
purposes of science education for citizenship proposals, allows to interrogate the specular
dynamic between science teaching in schools and science practiced by the scientific
community by showing identifying hybrid marks of science practiced in the school ground.
Keywords: Autobiographical Approach. Interpretive Approach. In-service Teacher
Training. Science Teaching
Departing from a dip in everyday life of in-service teachers training, the
paper discusses the in... more Departing from a dip in everyday life of in-service teachers training, the
paper discusses the interrelationships between the practitioners of curriculum
knowledge networks and structuring negotiations of the ways to establish science in
curriculum events in school spacetimes. Argument for the defense of complex and
comprehensive approaches in the investigation of teacher training daily life,
especially in simultaneous training and exercise, in order to valorize the pedagogical
and curricular practices of teachers with extensive school experience. I argue that
everyday invention of science in school spacetimes emerges in peculiar
temporalities, which puts into debate the image of school science as deforming the
reference science.
Keywords: Curricular events; Science; Everyday life; In-service Teacher training;
Pedagocicalcurrricular practices
Departing from a post-structural and post-foundational agency, this theoretical positioning paper... more Departing from a post-structural and post-foundational agency, this theoretical positioning paper analyze the
discursive articulations built around the signifier Nature of Science in the curricular policies produced by
epistemic communities and published in academic works of the area of Science Teaching. In the course of the
argument, it is argued that the senses of Nature of Science are articulated in the production of demands that,
implied in an ontological overdetermination that mixes critical theory, philosophy and history of modern
science, project profiles of students, teachers and, broadly, of the social, having as constitutive exterior that
same thing that can be ineradicable of the education: the risk of/in the formative curricular experience
Keyword: Curriculum; Formation; Policy
Papers by Clivio Pimentel Junior
de las nociones de différance, hospitalidad incondicional y traducción, provenientes
de la filosofía derridiana, al pensar en la diferencia en la investigación curricular,
explorando sus posibilidades inventivas para el campo. Al explicar la forma en que
las nociones movilizadas son discutidas por el filósofo en diferentes ocasiones, así
como transitar por las teorías postestructurales del currículo y diferencia, desarrolla
el argumento de que tales nociones permiten ampliar el debate sobre la relación y
la diferencia curricular más allá de cualquier recinto conceptual o regla teórico-me-
todológica, permitiendo la llegada inesperada de lo que se puede anunciar en torno
a esta relación como tal. Argumenta que las nociones movilizadas son capaces de
agitar discursos que tratan temas altamente sedimentados de currículo y diferencia,
colocando una exigencia ética en este debate que pasa, irreductiblemente, por la
deconstrucción de las diversas figuras de la economía instaladas en los discursos
y normatividades políticas y pedagógicas, precisamente de lo que generalmente se
presenta en la forma del deber ser en la educación.
the implications of the BNCC implementation process as a standard policy are discussed, questioning its desire to align, standardize and stop discursive disputes for the meaning of the curriculum in relation to the other in the most different educational spaces and times. It defends the normative failure of policies built on the attempt to substitute and disregard professional trajectories and cultures, and pedagogical and curricular experiences of the subjects who engender school daily
Keywords: Science Education. Identity. Curriculum Policies.
education and the crisis notion associated with it in a discursive approach. We focus on the demands
claimed by epistemic communities of Science Teaching through the names Nature of Science, Quality and
Crisis of scientific education, seeking to understand how the emptying of these signifiers participates in the
dispute for the meaning of what is a relevant school experience in science. We argue that the demands are
articulated around the attempt of definition of a essential identity for science education, antagonizing non-
prescriptive curricular policies. We defend the ultimate impossibility of controlling the significance of
curriculum, science teaching and social space, keeping science education opens to the risk and the
irreducible otherness, dissociating it from universal educational foundations.
Keywords: Science Teaching; Curriculum Policy; Discourse Theory; Post-Structuralism.
We discuss the concept of epistemic community as developed by Peter Haas, pondering on possible theoretical and heuristic (in)compatibilities from the incorporation of this construct into curricular policies post-structural research. Departing from the investigation of subjectivity, agency, and politics in Butler, Laclau, and Mouffe's theories, it is argued that while in a discursive approach political activity itself produces community identification in a performatic way, it is conceivable to think that the concept of Epistemic communities follows the structural logic of political subjectivity and belonging, suggesting that a previous solid group identity is a condition for social action. It is argued that the post-structural key presents greater productivity and complexity in the opening of curricular political phenomena, although it may be productive to maintain characteristic aspects of the approach of the epistemic communities as a way to safeguard a certain sociological distinction in the languages of cultural differentiation of the working groups in the production of policies.
Keywords: Epistemic Community. Difference. Curricular Policies. Post-Structuralism.
Keywords: (Auto)biographies. Everyday. Curriculum. Difference. Science education.
Following different line of argument, we hold that the school pursues its own objectives with
ends in themselves, in line with the social project of schooling. From this perspective, the
process of schooling cannot be means to an external end to the school term when inserted in
society, but having an end in itself, since the school is part of society regardless of whether or
not subjected to the needs and social demands. In agreement with this line of argument, it is
appropriate to accept the school as it is, a weak school.
Key Words: Weak school. Liberty. Post-modernity
ABSTRACT Departing from an interpretative dip in schools and universities everyday life experienced by undergraduates in Biology, this paper aims to problematize the ways of being-together identified in a group and its resonance in curriculum pedagogical practices. The work sets up in a research on/with the everyday, input of interpretative and ethnographic techniques. Interpretive episodes are built as apprehension mode of everyday phenomena experienced in the field. The built findings provoke to think about how everyday ambience force can be structuring the ways in which student teachers think and act in the classroom, determining their decision making in teaching practice formal contexts.
the effects of a teaching sequence, which has combined autobiographical techniques and
studies of post-positivist philosophy of science, increase in updates of knowledge and
practices networks of teachers, understood as conditioners of ways to make curricular
pedagogical practices. Therefore, daily histories and testimonies shared in the training
course of practicing teachers in the discipline Education Natural Sciences II, Faculty of
Education, University of the State of Bahia were recorded and addressed in a
comprehensive perspective. Socio-phenomenological notions, poststructuralist and
postmodern ways of researching characterizations, and philosophical aspects of the post-
positivist science were discussed in building the sequence of teaching and the
philosophical-methodological research networking. The ethnographic action research and
the autobiographical approach were chosen to articulate the actions planned by the
teacher-researcher. Reveal understandings built up in reference to the proposal effects
and the histories and scenes set that, beside reconsidering heavily ritualized teaching
strategies in everyday school life and their transformation into explicit coadunated
purposes of science education for citizenship proposals, allows to interrogate the specular
dynamic between science teaching in schools and science practiced by the scientific
community by showing identifying hybrid marks of science practiced in the school ground.
Keywords: Autobiographical Approach. Interpretive Approach. In-service Teacher
Training. Science Teaching
paper discusses the interrelationships between the practitioners of curriculum
knowledge networks and structuring negotiations of the ways to establish science in
curriculum events in school spacetimes. Argument for the defense of complex and
comprehensive approaches in the investigation of teacher training daily life,
especially in simultaneous training and exercise, in order to valorize the pedagogical
and curricular practices of teachers with extensive school experience. I argue that
everyday invention of science in school spacetimes emerges in peculiar
temporalities, which puts into debate the image of school science as deforming the
reference science.
Keywords: Curricular events; Science; Everyday life; In-service Teacher training;
Pedagocicalcurrricular practices
discursive articulations built around the signifier Nature of Science in the curricular policies produced by
epistemic communities and published in academic works of the area of Science Teaching. In the course of the
argument, it is argued that the senses of Nature of Science are articulated in the production of demands that,
implied in an ontological overdetermination that mixes critical theory, philosophy and history of modern
science, project profiles of students, teachers and, broadly, of the social, having as constitutive exterior that
same thing that can be ineradicable of the education: the risk of/in the formative curricular experience
Keyword: Curriculum; Formation; Policy
de las nociones de différance, hospitalidad incondicional y traducción, provenientes
de la filosofía derridiana, al pensar en la diferencia en la investigación curricular,
explorando sus posibilidades inventivas para el campo. Al explicar la forma en que
las nociones movilizadas son discutidas por el filósofo en diferentes ocasiones, así
como transitar por las teorías postestructurales del currículo y diferencia, desarrolla
el argumento de que tales nociones permiten ampliar el debate sobre la relación y
la diferencia curricular más allá de cualquier recinto conceptual o regla teórico-me-
todológica, permitiendo la llegada inesperada de lo que se puede anunciar en torno
a esta relación como tal. Argumenta que las nociones movilizadas son capaces de
agitar discursos que tratan temas altamente sedimentados de currículo y diferencia,
colocando una exigencia ética en este debate que pasa, irreductiblemente, por la
deconstrucción de las diversas figuras de la economía instaladas en los discursos
y normatividades políticas y pedagógicas, precisamente de lo que generalmente se
presenta en la forma del deber ser en la educación.
the implications of the BNCC implementation process as a standard policy are discussed, questioning its desire to align, standardize and stop discursive disputes for the meaning of the curriculum in relation to the other in the most different educational spaces and times. It defends the normative failure of policies built on the attempt to substitute and disregard professional trajectories and cultures, and pedagogical and curricular experiences of the subjects who engender school daily
Keywords: Science Education. Identity. Curriculum Policies.
education and the crisis notion associated with it in a discursive approach. We focus on the demands
claimed by epistemic communities of Science Teaching through the names Nature of Science, Quality and
Crisis of scientific education, seeking to understand how the emptying of these signifiers participates in the
dispute for the meaning of what is a relevant school experience in science. We argue that the demands are
articulated around the attempt of definition of a essential identity for science education, antagonizing non-
prescriptive curricular policies. We defend the ultimate impossibility of controlling the significance of
curriculum, science teaching and social space, keeping science education opens to the risk and the
irreducible otherness, dissociating it from universal educational foundations.
Keywords: Science Teaching; Curriculum Policy; Discourse Theory; Post-Structuralism.
We discuss the concept of epistemic community as developed by Peter Haas, pondering on possible theoretical and heuristic (in)compatibilities from the incorporation of this construct into curricular policies post-structural research. Departing from the investigation of subjectivity, agency, and politics in Butler, Laclau, and Mouffe's theories, it is argued that while in a discursive approach political activity itself produces community identification in a performatic way, it is conceivable to think that the concept of Epistemic communities follows the structural logic of political subjectivity and belonging, suggesting that a previous solid group identity is a condition for social action. It is argued that the post-structural key presents greater productivity and complexity in the opening of curricular political phenomena, although it may be productive to maintain characteristic aspects of the approach of the epistemic communities as a way to safeguard a certain sociological distinction in the languages of cultural differentiation of the working groups in the production of policies.
Keywords: Epistemic Community. Difference. Curricular Policies. Post-Structuralism.
Keywords: (Auto)biographies. Everyday. Curriculum. Difference. Science education.
Following different line of argument, we hold that the school pursues its own objectives with
ends in themselves, in line with the social project of schooling. From this perspective, the
process of schooling cannot be means to an external end to the school term when inserted in
society, but having an end in itself, since the school is part of society regardless of whether or
not subjected to the needs and social demands. In agreement with this line of argument, it is
appropriate to accept the school as it is, a weak school.
Key Words: Weak school. Liberty. Post-modernity
ABSTRACT Departing from an interpretative dip in schools and universities everyday life experienced by undergraduates in Biology, this paper aims to problematize the ways of being-together identified in a group and its resonance in curriculum pedagogical practices. The work sets up in a research on/with the everyday, input of interpretative and ethnographic techniques. Interpretive episodes are built as apprehension mode of everyday phenomena experienced in the field. The built findings provoke to think about how everyday ambience force can be structuring the ways in which student teachers think and act in the classroom, determining their decision making in teaching practice formal contexts.
the effects of a teaching sequence, which has combined autobiographical techniques and
studies of post-positivist philosophy of science, increase in updates of knowledge and
practices networks of teachers, understood as conditioners of ways to make curricular
pedagogical practices. Therefore, daily histories and testimonies shared in the training
course of practicing teachers in the discipline Education Natural Sciences II, Faculty of
Education, University of the State of Bahia were recorded and addressed in a
comprehensive perspective. Socio-phenomenological notions, poststructuralist and
postmodern ways of researching characterizations, and philosophical aspects of the post-
positivist science were discussed in building the sequence of teaching and the
philosophical-methodological research networking. The ethnographic action research and
the autobiographical approach were chosen to articulate the actions planned by the
teacher-researcher. Reveal understandings built up in reference to the proposal effects
and the histories and scenes set that, beside reconsidering heavily ritualized teaching
strategies in everyday school life and their transformation into explicit coadunated
purposes of science education for citizenship proposals, allows to interrogate the specular
dynamic between science teaching in schools and science practiced by the scientific
community by showing identifying hybrid marks of science practiced in the school ground.
Keywords: Autobiographical Approach. Interpretive Approach. In-service Teacher
Training. Science Teaching
paper discusses the interrelationships between the practitioners of curriculum
knowledge networks and structuring negotiations of the ways to establish science in
curriculum events in school spacetimes. Argument for the defense of complex and
comprehensive approaches in the investigation of teacher training daily life,
especially in simultaneous training and exercise, in order to valorize the pedagogical
and curricular practices of teachers with extensive school experience. I argue that
everyday invention of science in school spacetimes emerges in peculiar
temporalities, which puts into debate the image of school science as deforming the
reference science.
Keywords: Curricular events; Science; Everyday life; In-service Teacher training;
Pedagocicalcurrricular practices
discursive articulations built around the signifier Nature of Science in the curricular policies produced by
epistemic communities and published in academic works of the area of Science Teaching. In the course of the
argument, it is argued that the senses of Nature of Science are articulated in the production of demands that,
implied in an ontological overdetermination that mixes critical theory, philosophy and history of modern
science, project profiles of students, teachers and, broadly, of the social, having as constitutive exterior that
same thing that can be ineradicable of the education: the risk of/in the formative curricular experience
Keyword: Curriculum; Formation; Policy