Picturebook Research
Recent papers in Picturebook Research
Opisuje se istraživanje razumijevanja pripovjednoga teksta na engleskom kao stranom jeziku u djece rane školske dobi. Učenici drugoga razreda osnovne škole koji uče engleski jezik od prvoga razreda samostalno su čitali tri izvorne... more
Campagnaro M (2017). Il cacciatore di pieghe. Figure e tendenze della letteratura per l'infanzia contemporanea. LECCE:Pensa MultiMedia, ISBN: 978-88-6760-513-2 Quando si definisce un libro per bambini “semplice”, implicitamente o... more
U radu se analiziraju prvi prijevodi poezije Grigora Viteza na engleski jezik i komentiraju konteksti njihova pojavljivanja. Tijekom pjesnikova života na engleski su prevedene samo četiri pjesme, i to „Kad bi drveće hodalo“ – “If Trees... more
Das Modell besteht aus sechs eng miteinander verbundenen Dimensionen: 1. Im Fokus der paratextuellen und materiellen Dimension stehen der Paratext des Bilderbuchs, also alles, was den eigentlichen Text umschließt, sowie die materiellen... more
Σύμφωνα με τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία, κατά το τέλος του 20ού αιώνα το είδος του εικονοβιβλίου χωρίς λόγια ή σχεδόν χωρίς λόγια καθιερώθηκε στην παγκόσμια Παιδική Λογοτεχνία και αποτέλεσε μια σύγχρονη εκδοτική τάση. Στην Ελλάδα, αποδόσεις... more
This essay is based on a historical corpus of Bruno Munari's picturebooks (from the Forties to the Eighties) in which content, shape, color, texture, material and graphic design transform his works into verbal, visual and tactile... more
Studija obuhvaća iscrpnu analizu pripovjednoga aspekta „Suza sina razmetnoga“ Ivana Gundulića. Pokazuje da se to djelo odlikuje višestruko složenom tročlanom strukturom koja se otkriva ne samo na razini horizontalne i vertikalne raščlambe... more
This poster is a focused overview of my dissertation research. Since it's geared for children visiting COSI (a science museum in Columbus, OH where I collected part of my data) it concentrates on comparing children's drawings of houses... more
This article examines the history of the translation into Japanese of perhaps the most quintessentially American children's author – Theodor Geisel or ‘Dr. Seuss’. As this article argues, there have been several waves of translation, but... more
Based on a keynote address delivered at the 2017 Child and the Book conference in Valencia on interdisciplinary links between children's literature and the arts, this essay draws on its author's experience first as a children's literature... more
Simms Taback’s picturebook Joseph Had a Little Overcoat (1999) is analysed in terms of its realistic and fictional elements and their sophisticated relationship. The visual and verbal strata of the picturebook establish a dialogue which... more
Warum in Ungarn ein Märchenbuch zum Symbol gegen Diskriminierung und für die Rechte von LGBTQ+ avanciert
Ein Interview mit dem Herausgeber des Buches, Boldizsár M. Nagy.
Ein Interview mit dem Herausgeber des Buches, Boldizsár M. Nagy.
RESUMO Capítulo de livro editado por Maria Zilda da Cunha e André Luiz Ming Garcia. O objetivo central do presente escrito é levantar um panorama histórico das publicações coreanas endereçadas à infância que mesclam palavras e imagens, as... more
This article examines the use of maps in the works of Czech author-illustrator Peter Sís in order to consider the role that cartography plays in the construction of four of his biographical picturebooks. The profusion of maps found in... more
This volume discusses the aesthetic and cognitive challenges of modern picturebooks from different countries, such as Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and USA. The overarching issue concerns the mutual... more
Historically, it was believed that one's emotions would obstruct a person from achieving academic success and therefore how could emotions be seen as being intelligent? Academic research has since been published on how, teaching emotional... more
Studija obuhvaća iscrpnu analizu pripovjednoga aspekta „Suza sina razmetnoga“ Ivana Gundulića. Pokazuje da se to djelo odlikuje višestruko složenom tročlanom strukturom koja se otkriva ne samo na razini horizontalne i vertikalne raščlambe... more
This chapter uses the perspective of cognitive criticism to look into representations of intergenerational play in children's fiction, particularly focusing on the complex and subtle interplay of thoughts and feelings evoked by... more
La puissance des États-Unis donne à ses révolutions culturelles des résonances qui traversent l'Atlantique comme on enjambe une mare à crevettes. Si Maurice Sendak fut le porte-drapeau, pour la littérature jeunesse, de la révolution... more
U posebnoj podvrsti nacionalne slikovnice – muzejskoj slikovnici, koja je vezana za matičnu ustanovu na više razina: tematskoj, duhovnoj, namjenom, svojom publikom – dio je korpusa razvio posebnu strategiju privlačenja mladoga čitatelja,... more
This article first presents a brief review of the history, meaning, and function of literary theory, and then proceeds to elaborate on the charming and slippery stance of children’s literature theory and criticism. The impact of “reading... more
Abstract: This article examines the history of the translation into Japanese of perhaps the most quintessentially American children's author – Theodor Geisel or ‘Dr. Seuss’. As this article argues, there have been several waves of... more