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CULTURE INSTITUTIONS IN POLAND  THE SPECIFICITY OF ORGANISATION AND FINANCING For the average culture recipient the most important is attractive artistic and educational offer; there is no interest who (what formal entity) is responsible... more
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    • Cultural Institutions
Community of Krakow's cultural institutions The article is a chapter of the report from the research project "Krakow's recipient of culture". The author describes the community that uses 27 Krakow cultural institutions that had taken... more
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      Museum StudiesVisitor studiesAudience ResearchCultural Institutions
Internet jest często przedstawiany jako wirtualny byt, który sprawia, że ludzie nie odwiedzają instytucji kultury, nie korzystają z ich oferty. Badania uczestnictwa w kulturze, w tym to przeprowadzone w 2017 roku w Warszawie, pokazują... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageInternet & SocietyMuseology
S filozofkou Alicí Koubovou o performanci, společenské roli kultury a etice péče. Jakou roli hraje téma performance ve filosofii? Je možné se performancí v její tělesnosti a situačnosti věnovat v akademickém prostředí? Má performance... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesApplied Theatre
This murkiness when it comes to the contemporary role of the cultural institution (in spite of the fact that each has its own statute, clearly outlining why it was created) comes from the fact that culture is a sphere of life in which the... more
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      Cultural SociologyCultural PolicyCultural policiesCultural Institutions
Podstawowa rola instytucji, czyli regulacja ludzkich zachowań w taki sposób, by zaufanie, solidarność i kooperacja stały się możliwe, ma oczywiście swoją drugą stronę – cenę, jaką musimy zapłacić za bycie razem. Tą ceną jest przymus,... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural InstitutionsSociology of Cutlure
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      Cultural PolicyNew Public ManagementCultural managementPerformance Contract
<p> The project of cultural sociology developed by Boris Dubin and his colleagues is often remained out of frames in the discussion of their works. A thorough consideration of the principles of cultural analysis which is based on the... more
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      Cultural SociologySociology of LiteratureCultural InstitutionsPost soviet Sociology
Notice consacrée à Jacques Rigaud (1932-2012), haut fonctionnaire et acteur des politiques culturelles françaises des années 1970 à 1990. Jacques Rigaud est également l'auteur de plusieurs essais sur les politiques culturelles.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesCultural Policy20th century France
vol. 9, Is. 3
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      Cultural HeritageVernacular ArchitectureRegional developmentMuseology
Art museum professionals are required to 'believe in art' in order to do their jobs. Sustaining this belief in art is an essential component of what secures the 'art-museumness' of art museums. Art museums may have evolved and diversified... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesMuseum AnthropologyHistory of Museums
Oddajemy w Państwa ręce książkę będącą efektem projektu naukowo-badawczego, którego podstawowym założeniem była chęć zaspokojenia ciekawości i lepszego zrozumienia funkcjonowania instytucji kultury oraz potrzeb jej odbiorców (…). (…) brak... more
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      Cultural managementCultural InstitutionsMarketing for Cultural Organizations
French rule over Syria and Lebanon was premised on a vision of a special French protectorate established through centuries of cultural activity: archaeological, educational and charitable. Initial French methods of organising and... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic History
The culture can be understood as a way of life in which people rely on tradition and creatively utilize the present reality with new achievements and new values that promote the human rights and freedoms. The cultural needs are important... more
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      Civic EducationCultural ValuesCultural Institutions
How has the 'White Cube' gallery model influenced the way in which we understand modern art?
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      AestheticsCuratingEnvironmental ArtStreet Art
"W najnowszym wydaniu BIURA prezentujemy Słowniczek instytucji od A do Z. Publikacja pod redakcją Anny Mituś i Maryny Tomaszewskiej jest wynikiem działań mobilnej pracowni kilkunastu autorów i autorek i składa się z ponad stu dwudziestu... more
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      Contemporary ArtArt Theory and CriticismCultural Institutions
Lucrarea prezintă datele și concluziile cercetării realizată in 1986 despre implicarea instituţiilor de cultură in educarea tinerei generaţii și este alcătuită din capitolele: 1. Locul activităţilor cultural-educative in sistemul... more
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      CultureYoung PeopleCultural InstitutionsHouse of Culture
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      Political ScienceCommunismRomanian CommunismCultural Institutions
Research on the history of the book, publishing, and the press during the Greek interwar period has advanced significantly over the past few years. In this context, notable efforts have been made to describe and explain the specific issue... more
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      Modern Greek literatureInterwar Crisis (20th Century)Cultural InstitutionsHISTORY OF MODERN GREEK LITERATURE
Rediscovering Kurdistan’s Cultures and Identities: The Call of the Cricket offers insight into little-known aspects of the social and cultural activity and changes taking place in different parts of Kurdistan (Turkey, Iraq, Syria and... more
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      Cultural PolicyMiddle East StudiesCultural HeritageKurdish Studies
The purpose of this paper is to outline Instagram’s increasing impact on arts organisations, through providing a platform to increased audience engagement and influence on exhibition programming. This paper provides further research into... more
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      Contemporary ArtCuratorial Practice (Art)Art GalleryCultural Institutions
Research on strategy and practice of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) is an emerging field. Di erent industries and regions have various adaptations by digital- ization, ICT, design, research, tourism, cultural heritage, new media,... more
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      New MediaVideo GamesCreative CitiesSoutheast Asia
En 1674, Jean de La Bruyère achète un office de trésorier des finances à Caen. C'est peut-être peu de temps après, à l'occasion d'une visite professionnelle dans les sièges des élections bas-normandes, qu'il découvre la petite ville... more
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      Sociology of CultureUrban HistorySocial HistoryIntellectual and cultural history
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      American HistoryAmerican musicChicago HistoryMusic Business
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      Social TheorySociology of CultureCultural SociologySociology of Arts
Media społecznościowe stały się czwartą władzą także w Polsce. Korzysta z nich kilkanaście milionów Polaków i niemal miliard osób na całym świecie. Branża kultury ma się w nich szczególnie dobrze - lub przynajmniej powinna tak się miewać... more
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      MarketingMedia ManagementSocial MediaSocial Media Marketing
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      Cultural HeritageComparative RegionalismCultural InstitutionsLocal Community
The book deals with the cultural dimension in the processes of integration between Latin American countries. The present collections are result of a partnership between the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) from... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman RightsRegional IntegrationCultural Institutions
Matchmakers are an ancient social institution in China whose services were long imposed by the Imperial government as a means to control families and social mores. Considered as an obstacle to the emancipation of the new generations at... more
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      ChinaSocial InstitutionsMarriageMatchmaking
The theme of the thesis is culture and cultural institutions in education of elementary school pupils. It analyses the attitude of deaf pupils and their teachers toward museums, galleries, theatres and libraries and it examines the... more
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      EducationDeaf CultureDeaf studiesAccessibility
Over the last decades organizational identity has received much attention by scholars due to its complexity as a multilevel notion that not only deals with individual and organizational issues, but also incorporates interrelations with... more
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      TurkeyArts ManagementCultural Institutions
Physical environments are designed to provide experiences. There is an attempt to boost cities and regions in development strategies’ investment in cultural events and institutions while multinational firms construct dazzling brandscapes... more
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      ArchitectureEthnographySpace and PlaceExperience Design
Theatre Talks emerged as an audience reception research method in Sweden. In this article I describe the evolution of the method and put it into practical perspectives. At first, Theatre Talks provided extensive insights into the... more
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      Theatre StudiesAudience ResearchAudience DevelopmentTheatre research
Mit adott a rendszerváltás a kultúrának? Többek közt kiszolgáltatott anyagi viszonyokat, politikai függéseket és heterogén intézményi átalakulásokat – válaszol ez a tematikus blokk a rendszerváltás után 30 évvel joggal feltehető kérdésre.
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      Cultural PolicyPostsocialismCultural PoliticsPost-Socialist Societies
In keeping with this volume’s aim to go beyond the binary between constructivism and essentialism in debates about Romani identity in contemporary Europe, this interview with the directors of the European Roma Institute for Arts and... more
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      Cultural StudiesIdentity (Culture)Identity politicsRecognition
Cultural institutions and businesses (CIBs) in Croatia are facing financial challenges due to the recent economic crisis and limited state support, as well as the growth of competition that is partially the result of the development of... more
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      Employee MotivationCultural InstitutionsFunding of CultureCultural Businesses
Pakistani media is highly influenced by foreign media due to which our cultural institutions are being adversely affected. The study was conducted to find out how electronic media especially dramas presented by the cable TV channels are... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyCultural Institutions
The aim of this article is to describe the general conditions for the development of creative industries in Podlaskie Voivodship from Poland. This region on the background of the country is characterized by the highest level of cultural... more
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      DiversityRegional policyCreative IndustriesCultural Institutions
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      Cultural HistoryMusical TheatreTheatre HistoryTheatre
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      HumanitiesArtLocal HistoryFascism
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      Audience DevelopmentMigrantsEmpirical StudyCultural Institutions
El artículo parte revisando las políticas culturales durante el siglo XX, las que pasan del intento de construir una democracia cultural, capaz de ampliar los limitados públicos del arte, a un estado subsidiario que deja las producciones... more
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      Cultural InstitutionsPublic Policy
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      Southeast Asian StudiesArgentinaHistory of UniversitiesCultural Institutions
À travers l’analyse de quinze ans de recherches au Vanuatu face à des transformations de la situation musicale de l’archipel, cet article s’interroge sur l’application de la recherche en ethnomusicologie. D’une importance politique et... more
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      MusicMusicologyEthnomusicologyFieldwork in Anthropology
This essay focuses primarily on the ways in which key situationist texts such as The Theory of Dérive and The Society of The Spectacle by Guy Debord might allow us to better understand ways of navigating and developing cultural... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyAestheticsArt History
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      Cultural PolicyUrban RegenerationCultureCultural Institutions
Međunarodni naučni skup "Etnologija i leksikoni - iskustva i ideje": apstrakti: CANU, 8. novembar 2019. godine
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural PoliticsBalkans
In the Rwenzori region, a range of historical, socio-economic and political tensions have in past years resulted in a series of deadly clashes between different ethnic communities. Patronage politics of recognition of cultural kingdoms... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictUgandaCultural Institutions
UCLA Asian American Studies capstone course final report 3 of 4
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      Historic PreservationAsian American StudiesUrban PlanningCommunity-based organisations