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Roman expansion into the Rhineland was followed by centuries of religious entanglements that involved the interactions of individuals and communities with a variety of backgrounds, interests and agendas, and, over time, an array of cultic... more
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      Complexity TheoryDiscourseColonialismFunerary Archaeology
The unknown author of Hebrews uses the hapax legomenon θεράπων in his reference to Moses as a "servant" when he contrasts Moses with Jesus in Heb 3:1-6. He states that Moses was faithful as a servant (θεράπων) in God's house, whereas... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionThe Letter to the HebrewsEgyptProphets
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an experientially... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyNew Testament
There is a dearth of literature documenting the existence of cults in the political sphere. This paper suggests that some left wing organizations share a number of ideological underpinnings and organizational practices which inherently... more
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    • Cultic Studies
Forty adults who were alienated from a parent as a child participated in a qualitative research study about their experience. A content analysis was conducted on the transcripts and a comparison was undertaken to identify similarities... more
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      Content AnalysisQualitative ResearchCultic StudiesQualitative Study
Interviewer: Oliver J. Smith (psychology student at Cambridge University) // Dr Florence Gaub is a Senior Analyst at the European Union Institute for Security Studies where she heads the Middle East and North Africa programme. In her... more
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      New Religious MovementsStrategy (Military Science)TerrorismInternational Terrorism
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      New Religious MovementsCultic StudiesLeader CultsReligious Cults
Summary: In Joshua 22, an altar is built on the far side of the Jordan. The trans-Jordanian tribes say it isn’t a sacrifial altar as such; it’s simply a symbol of their unity with their brothers in ‘Israel proper’. Phinehas accepts... more
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      Hebrew BibleNarrative TheoryBiblical InterpretationBiblical Exegesis
A popular-level look at Jesus' crucifixion through the Old Testament categories of expiation and propitiation.
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      SacrificeCultic StudiesRitual Animal SacrificeCrucifixion
Ausgangspunkt ist eine 2003 publizierte, eindeutige "Kultanlage" in Nieder-Mörlen, Stadt Bad Nauheim, Hessen, die aus einem über 40 m langen bandkeramischen Haus ohne Mittelpfostenreihe (!) besteht, dessen Nordwestwand von einem... more
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      Household ArchaeologyArchaeology of AncestorsNeolithic EuropeCultic Studies
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      Cultic StudiesMiddle Bronze Age SyriaCentral Anatolia Region (Archaeology)North Syrian archaeology
The purpose of this paper is to describe the “bounded choice” theory and to illustrate how this new model can be used as a tool for examining and analyzing high-demand groups, sometimes called cults. Based on findings from a comparative... more
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      PsychologyCultic Studies
Notre nouveau « malaise dans la culture » – qu’on a pu indexer sous le terme de « postmodernité » – ne touche-t-il pas aussi le fait identitaire lui-même ? À l’époque de l’impératif de performance, l’identité peut-elle encore accepter... more
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      Self and IdentityIdentity (Culture)PostmodernismCult
Ben, a self-proclaimed apologist for the Jehovah's Witnesses, found an article I had written in my Seminary days about the Holy Spirit being a Person. Since the JW's deny this fact about the Spirit, he wanted me to review a debate he... more
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      TheologyPneumatologyChristian ApologeticsCultic Studies
There is a dearth of literature documenting the existence of cults in the political sphere. This paper suggests that some left wing organizations share a number of ideological underpinnings and organizational practices which inherently... more
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    • Cultic Studies
One topic of perennial concern in the cultic-studies field is how to help people leave groups that are potentially harmful. From deprogramming in the 1970s—which involved physical confinement and sometimes force—to the exit counseling... more
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      Conflict ResolutionFamily Systems TherapyCultic Studies
Nous abordons philologiquement le parcours des idées de religion et de secte de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Il apparaîtra que c’est sous l’effet de la christianisation de l’Empire romain que ces deux notions se sont configurées de la... more
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      PhilologyHistory of ReligionCultic Studies
Aborder en historien la question « sectes et laïcité » n'est pas évident, parce que l'association de ces deux thèmes est en elle-même problématique. La laïcité est loin d'être l'angle dominant de l'approche du phénomène « sectes ». Les... more
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      Religion and Politics19th century France20th century FrancePolitics and Religion
Interviewer: Oliver J. Smith (psychology student at Cambridge University) // Prof Roger Griffin is one of the world’s foremost experts on the socio-historical and ideological dynamics of fascism, as well as the relationship of various... more
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      New Religious MovementsTerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalization
The article outlines traditional religious and cultic world of Ryukyu/Okinawa in which the Author distinguishes six main complexes: (1) priestesses’ cult; (2) shamanism; (3) funerary (mortuary) cult and ancestor cult; (4) cults of... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural Studies
" Vatra reprezintă unul dintre cele mai importante elemente din cadrul sanctuarelor, dar şi din cadrul locuinţelor. Conceptul de vatră cultică este dificil de definit, deoarece trebuie să cuprindă anumite elemente care să scoată în... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyTypologyStatistical AnalysisArchaeology of Religion
The site of Shavei Zion is an enigmatic deposit of hundreds of figurines and ceramic vessels found on the sunken kurkar ridge off the coast of the western Galilee. Despite its importance to the understanding of both maritime activities... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyPhoeniciansUnderwater Archaeology
Following the recent work on the solar alignment of Greek Byzantine churches (Liritzis and Vas-siliou, 2006 a, b, c), the solar orientations of twenty one more churches are presented. The question examined is if the day of solar rise... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ReligionHistory of ScienceEarly Christianity
The article outlines traditional religious and cultic world of Ryukyu/Okinawa in which the Author distinguishes six main complexes: (1) priestesses’ cult; (2) shamanism; (3) funerary (mortuary) cult and ancestor cult; (4) cults of... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural History
The second half of Exodus (chs. 19-40) focuses on the (im)proper manufacture of cult objects at Sinai. The text provides divine instructions about the Tabernacle and its accoutrement as well as a description of these instructions’... more
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      Literary CriticismIconoclasmPolitical Violence and TerrorismCovenant Theology
Nemrégiben egy 19. századi kérdésekről szóló irodalomtörténeti dolgozat a következő mondattal nyitotta gondolatmenetét: „a 19. századot általában a modern értelemben vett nemzeti nagyelbeszélések kiteljesedésének századaként szokták... more
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      Cultural StudiesNationalismLiterary HistoryCollective Identity
The spread of new information and communication technologies has given a new dimension to the sectarian phenomenon. After reviewing how the Internet has become important in the religious field, this paper shows how sects use the Internet,... more
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    • Cultic Studies
Convegno Nazionale. Aquae salutiferae. Il termalismo fra antico e contemporaneo, Università degli Studi di Padova, Montegrotto Terme-Padova, 6-8 settembre 2012
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Cultic StudiesBaths and bathing cultureSacred Space
l'absence m'est si pénible I. PRÉAMBULE Je prends la parole. En fait, c'est la parole qui me prend -comme on dirait d'un original qu'il est pris d'enthousiasme, pris de folie, possédé. Je prends la parole, c'est dire aussi : je rends... more
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      DiscourseText LinguisticsDelusionsLacanian psychoanalysis
Il s'agit d'un court texte de vulgarisation de l'invention de la psychanalyse pour la revue d'une association nationale d'aide aux victimes de sectes.
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      Sigmund FreudCultic StudiesPsychanalyseManipulation
В поисках «Богини из Ниима»: по следам легенды «Почему перестали рождаться красавицы». Часть 1-2. Из наследия Н. А. Невского по культуре Окинавы (I) /in Russian/ “根間の神様”を訪ねて-「美人が生まれぬわけ」伝説の跡を追求しながら - (沖縄文化にかんするニコライ・ネフスキーの遺産) / see:... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesJapanese Studies
Процесс социального влияния, при всем многообразии, количестве и качестве посвященных ему исследований и концепций, до сих пор в некоторых весьма существенных аспектах остается почти «непаханой целиной». В первую очередь, на мой взгляд,... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyCultic Studiesсоциология
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an... more
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      ArtBiblical StudiesJohannine LiteratureCatholic Theology
In 2014, a stele decorated with reliefs was found during an excavation undertaken by the villagers searching for water near the village of Akarca in the Avanos district which belongs to the province Nevsehir. The stele has a rounded top,... more
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      Ancient HistoryMiddle Bronze AgeCultic StudiesEbla
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      History Of PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudCultic StudiesCounter-transference
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    • Cultic Studies
Download available at Zenodo repository: "Roman expansion into the Rhineland was followed by centuries of religious entanglements that involved the interactions of individuals and communities with a... more
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      ReligionNear Eastern ArchaeologyRoman HistoryHistory of Religion
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      PsychosisMysticismManipulation (Psychology)Cultic Studies