Cryptographic Engineering
Recent papers in Cryptographic Engineering
Cryptocurrency for Beginners Bear in mind that dissatisfaction with the current financial system gave rise to the development of the digital currency. High quality content, great conversions and happy customers click here now.... more
2 nd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Security and Blockchain (CLSB 2021) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Cloud computing,... more
With the continues development of the computer network, information has been exchange in dif erent format like text, image, audio and videos. In today’s scenarios security is playing a vital role in networking. Securing all these types of... more
Advancements in technology have created the possibility of greater assurance of proper travel document ownership, but some concerns regarding security and effectiveness remain unaddressed. Electronic passports have known a wide and fast... more
International Journal of Computational Science and Information Technology (IJCSITY) focuses on Complex systems, information and computation using mathematics and engineering techniques. This is an open access peer-reviewed journal will... more
Electronic passports have known a wide and fast deployment all around the world since the International Civil Aviation Organization the world has adopted standards whereby passports can store biometric identifiers. The use of biometrics... more
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) pose a new challenge to network designers in the area of developing better and secure routing protocols. Many sensor networks have mission-critical tasks, so it is clear that security needs to be taken into... more
FPGA-SoCs are heterogeneous embedded computing platforms consisting of reconfigurable hardware and high-performance processing units. This combination offers flexibility and good performance for the design of embedded systems. However,... more
In the last decade, Blockchain has experienced a booming success. It is on everybody's lips, in particular in the banking and finance world where it finds its source. Many authors have explored the potential influence of Blockchain on the... more
Embedded Systems are deployed in various domains, including industrial installations, critical and nomadic environments, private spaces and public infrastructures. Their operation typically involves access, storage and communication of... more
10th International Conference on Cryptography and Information Security (CRYPIS 2021) focuses on cutting-edge results in Applied Cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists, researchers and students to... more
A number of various techniques have been already developed for providing security in sensor networks. It may be anticipated that these techniques provide less secure sensor network which has numerous adverse effects associated with them.... more
We describe Charm, an extensible framework designed for rapid prototyping of cryptographic systems that utilize the latest advances in cryptography, such as identity and attribute-based encryption, as well as the traditional cryptographic... more
In this paper, we present an improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission based on the Residue Number System (RNS). The current state of Paillier Cryptosystem allows the computation of the plaintext from the cipher text... more
ASCON is one of the elegant designs of authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) that was selected as the first choice for lightweight applications in the CAESAR competition, which also has been submitted to NIST lightweight... more
We demonstrate physical side-channel attacks on a popular software implementation of RSA and ElGamal, running on laptop computers. Our attacks use novel side channels, based on the observation that the "ground" electric potential, in many... more
A number of various techniques have been already developed for providing security in sensor networks. It may be anticipated that these techniques provide less secure sensor network which has numerous adverse effects associated with them.... more
We describe Charm, an extensible framework designed for rapid prototyping of cryptographic systems that utilize the latest advances in cryptography, such as identity and attribute-based encryption, as well as the traditional cryptographic... more
A number of various techniques have been already developed for providing security in sensor networks. It may be anticipated that these techniques provide less secure sensor network which has numerous adverse effects associated with them.... more
Cloud Computing is the revolution in current generation IT enterprise. Cloud computing displaces database and application software to the large data centres, where the management of services and data may not be predictable, where as the... more
Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are security primitives that exploit intrinsic random physical variations of hardware components. In the recent years, many security solutions based on PUFs have been proposed, including... more
Randomness extractors are important tools in cryptography. Their goal is to compress a high-entropy source into a more uniform output. Beyond their theoretical interest, they have recently gained attention because of their use in the... more
The optimization of the main key compression bottlenecks of the supersingular isogeny key encapsulation mechanism (SIKE) has been a target of research in the last few years. Significant improvements were introduced in the recent works of... more
Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are becoming popular tools for various applications, such as anticounterfeiting schemes. The security of a PUF-based system relies on the properties of its underlying PUF. Usually, evaluating PUF... more
Internet is a public-interacted system; the amount of information exchanged over the internet is completely not safe. Protecting the information transmitted over the network is a difficult task and the data security issues become... more
As fault based cryptanalysis is becoming more and more of a practical threat, it is imperative to make efforts to devise suitable countermeasures. In this regard, the so-called "infective countermeasures" have garnered particular... more
The security of embedded systems can be dramatically improved through the use of formally verified isolation mechanisms such as separation kernels, hypervisors, or microkernels. For trustworthiness, particularly for system-level behavior,... more
International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain (CRBL 2021) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Cryptography and Blockchain. It will... more
An important challenge associated with the current massive deployment of RFID solutions is to provide security to passive tags while meeting their µW power budget. This can either be achieved by designing new lightweight ciphers, or by... more
The profiled attacks challenge the security of cryptographic devices in the worst case scenario. We elucidate the reasons underlying the success of different profiled attacks (that depend essentially on the context) based on the... more
At CHES 2009, Renauld, Standaert and Veyrat-Charvillon introduced a new kind of attack called Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks (ASCA). They showed that side-channel information leads to effective algebraic attacks. These results are mostly... more
We demonstrate physical side-channel attacks on a popular software implementation of RSA and ElGamal, running on laptop computers. Our attacks use novel side channels, based on the observation that the “ground” electric potential, in many... more
Random Euclidean addition chain generation has proven to be an efficient low memory and SPA secure alternative to standard ECC scalar multiplication methods in the context of fixed base point [21]. In this work, we show how to generalize... more
Random Euclidean addition chain generation has proven to be an efficient low memory and SPA secure alternative to standard ECC scalar multiplication methods in the context of fixed base point [21]. In this work, we show how to generalize... more
The Adapted Modular Number System (AMNS) is an integer number system which aims to speed up arithmetic operations modulo a prime p. Such a system is defined by a tuple (p, n, γ, ρ, E), where p, n, γ and ρ are integers and E ∈ Z[X]. In... more
ABSTRACT Simulation is a very powerful tool for hardware designers. It generally allows the preliminary evaluation of a chip’s performance before its final tape out. As security against side-channel attacks is an increasingly important... more
ABSTRACT Intel and AMD support for the Carry-less Multiplication (CLMUL) instruction set in their x64 processors. We use CLMUL to implement an almost universal 64-bit hash family (CLHASH). We compare this new family with what might be the... more
Connection state directing, however is speedier and vigorous, which makes it suitable for military applications. In this task, we introduce a connection state directing convention called M2RP custom-made for multichannel organizes by... more