Recent papers in System-On-Cip
Dear Bp. Mashuri, Terlampir informasi yang Bapak butuhkan mengenai sterility test protocol dan chemical untuk CIP mesin filling, sbb: Sterility test protocol (file QAM-588002-0108) Chemical untuk CIP mesin filling o A3/CF cleaning... more
this paper describes performance evaluation of VoIP over IP/MPLS networks using OPNET tool. The simulation study is completed by running VoIP application in different network scenarioswith different interior routing protocols; namely:... more
In this paper, we propose a hybrid multi–system-on-chip (H-MSoC) architecture that provides a high-flexibility system in a rapid development time. The H-MSoC approach provides a flexible system-on-chip (SoC) architecture that is easy to... more
this paper describes performance evaluation of VoIP over IP/MPLS networks using OPNET tool. The simulation study is completed by running VoIP application in different network scenarioswith different interior routing protocols; namely:... more
this paper describes performance evaluation of VoIP over IP/MPLS networks using OPNET tool. The simulation study is completed by running VoIP application in different network scenarioswith different interior routing protocols; namely:... more
Video coding standards are essential to a wide range of applications, but have certain limitations. New, flexible approaches to video compression have the potential to speed up adoption of new coding techniques, to improve compression... more