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From the perspective of alternative education philosophies, compulsory schooling seems ridiculous. Firstly there are the human and children's rights issues. The lack of care for the dignity of the person, the physical violence, the... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyEducational LeadershipAlternative Education
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesEducationSocial Policy
The Constitutions of India and Pakistan guarantee justiciable human rights and incorporate the Directive Principles of State Policy. Fundamental rights are justifiable through courts, while the principles of policy enjoy immunity from... more
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      EducationEarly Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Care and EducationFundamental Rights
My essay is focused on changes in school time in the Italian school from the 60s -70s of the XX century. The aim is to raise questions about the use of time in Italian education. The extension of the hours of attendance (Tempo pieno) in... more
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      The SixtiesItalyTime ManagementCompulsory Education
نحو تطبيق الإلزامية على الأولاد غير الملتحقين بالتعليم في لبنان
من عمر 6- 15 سنة
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      EducationCompulsory Education
İlköğretim, insan yetiştirme ve yaşam boyu öğrenmenin temelini oluşturma açısından bir ülkenin geleceğidir. Türkiye, istikrarlı, demokratik toplum oluşumunu gerçekleştirmek, uluslararası düzeyde rekabet gücünü arttırmak ve ekonomik... more
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      Turkish EducationCompulsory Education
This study examined the perceptions of teachers on the effectiveness of organizational communication in their schools and whether the perceptions differed between teachers in primary and junior high schools as a function of gender, age,... more
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      EducationOrganizational CommunicationPost-compulsory educationCompulsory Education
A tankötelezettség felső korhatárának csökkentése, valamint a közoktatás reformjai miatt a tankötelezettség kérdése ismét népszerű vitatémává vált. A tankötelezettséggel kapcsolatos kérdések: Miért van rá szükség? Miért jelentős? Miért... more
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      Public EducationCompulsory Education
Computational Thinking, which entails using analytic and algorithmic approaches to formulate, analyse and solve problems, has increasingly gained attention in the educational field in the past decade, giving rise to a large amount of... more
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      Computer Science EducationComputational ThinkingCurriculumDigital competence
Meskipun beberapa analis menyatakan bahwa program Compulsory Education dan Free Education di Indonesia belum maksimal, namun upaya pemerintah selama ini perlu di-apresiasi. Kebijakan pemerintah dalam memenuhi hajat rakyat terhadap... more
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      Free EducationCompulsory Education
"En el presente estudio se ofrece una indagación narrativa a través de relatos de vida, que toman como referente la experiencia escolar de estudiantes con una histórica académica y personal asociada al fracaso. El estudio se ha... more
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      Educational ResearchIdentity (Culture)CultureNarrative Methods
У раду је, на основу низа примарних историјских извора, представљен истраживачки осврт на Завод за принудно васпитање омладине, установу која је деценијама изазивала контроверзе у историографији и широј јавности. Анализирани су оснивање... more
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      HistoryAnticommunism (History)Serbian historyWorld War II
This report discusses the introduction of Computational Thinking (CT) in compulsory education in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Promoted and funded by the Nordic@BETT2018 Steering Group, the report provides an overview of the... more
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      Nordic StudiesComputational ThinkingProgrammingCompulsory Education
Preface, summary and contents of the book.
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      HistoryYugoslaviaSerbian historyOccupation and Resistance in WW2
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      EthnicityYouthCompulsory Education
Sažetak Veliki broj učenika ne voli školu. Takođe, sve veći broj mislilaca kritikuje konceptualne, moralne i praktične manjkavosti aktuelne kompulzivne obrazovne paradigme (posebno naglašavajući važnost pitanja slobode). Međutim,... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyEducational ResearchSchool Psychology
Given the economic crisis currently in Angola, which began in 2014, it appears that some families are facing immense difficulties in enrolling their children in public, public-private and private primary schools. After the entire process... more
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      Equality and DiversityPrimary SchoolFreeCompulsory Education
ÖZET Ülkelerin kalkınmışlık düzeyi sahip oldukları eğitimli bireylerin varlığına bağlı olduğu gerçeğinden hareketle, topluma önemli derecede yön veren zorunlu eğitim uygulamalarının ülkelerde iyi bir şekilde düzenlenmiş olması... more
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      Primary EducationIlköğretimCompulsory EducationÖğretmen Eğitimi
This paper reports on initial findings of a study on developing computational thinking (CT) as a 21st Century skill. Extensive desktop research collecting evidences from the (academic and grey) literature has been complemented with a... more
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      Computer Science EducationCurriculum DevelopmentComputational ThinkingCompulsory Education
Zorunlu eğitimi kademeli olarak 12 yıla çıkaran ve kamuoyunda 4+4+4 diye adlandırılan 6287 sayılı İlköğretim ve Eğitim Kanunu ile bazı kanunlarda değişiklik yapılmasına dair kanun 11 Nisan 2012 tarih ve 28261 sayılı Resmi Gazete... more
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    • Compulsory Education
The number of homeschooling families in the United States has been growing at a steady rate since the early 1990s. Attempts to make sense of homeschooling—including research—are inherently political. These attempts are, therefore, highly... more
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      Gender and SexualityCurriculumSchool ChoiceHomeschooling
Media consumption is an undeniable fact in present-day society. The hours that members of all social segments spend in front of a screen take up a large part of their leisure time worldwide. Audiovisual communication becomes especially... more
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      CommunicationJournalismDevelopment communicationMedia Education
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      TextbookDigital TextbooksCompulsory Education
Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, Special Issue: “Anarchism… is a living force within our life…” Anarchism, Education and Alternative Possibilities
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologySocial Theory
Due to imbalanced social and economic development, education in poverty-stricken rural areas in China is lagging behind that of urban areas. The current study explores the role of the nonprofit organizations (NPOs) involved in rural... more
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyChinaRural education
Paola Mastrocola. Brevi note su "Togliamo il disturbo".
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      Higher EducationHigh SchoolCompulsory EducationEducazione permanente
Glazba je dio djetetove svakodnevice. U obitelji i u predškolskim ustanovama njezina je funkcija različita u odnosu na školu. Nastavom glazbe u školi utječe se na cjelovit razvoj učenika, što se može sagledati iz pedagoške i umjetničke... more
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      Music EducationLIstening to musicCompulsory EducationMusic Activities
Este trabajo indaga en la función que ejerció la enseñanza musical en la educación obligatoria española durante la época franquista según se desprende de la legislación orgánica (1936-1982). También se ocupa de la con- sideración que ha... more
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      Music EducationEducation Law (Education)SpainFrancoism
Kyle Greenwalt’s new book, Home/Schooling: Creating Schools that Work for Kids, Parents and Teachers, examines how, during the nineteenth century, American social reformers took hold of an already existing institution—the school—and... more
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      PsychoanalysisTeacher EducationPhenomenologyCurriculum Theory
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      SociologyEducationSouth Asian StudiesEducation Policy
Este capítulo nace de un estudio reciente centrado en las experiencias de fracaso escolar de tres estudiantes adolescentes en la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (Sierra, 2013). En él se proponía una indagación narrativa acerca de la... more
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      Cultural StudiesCurriculum StudiesCultureAdolescent Education (Education)
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      RehabilitationHistory of SwitzerlandRestitutionSwitzerland
Cilj je slušanja glazbe u školi oblikovati kulturno-umjetnički svjetonazor učenica i učenika te doprinijeti njihovom estetskom odgoju. U hrvatskim osnovnim školama realizira se prema tzv. standardnom modelu kojemu je težište na spoznajnoj... more
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      PsychologyActive ListeningMusic PedagogyLIstening to music
The area of listening to music is extremely suitable for music understanding. In order to achieve the goal of listening, it is important to use a valid didactic approach. In this paper attention is paid to the standard and... more
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      Educational ResearchClassical MusicLIstening to musicCompulsory Education
Resumen Medir el nivel de competencia mediática de la ciudadanía se torna imprescindible en la actual Sociedad de la Información. Por ello, desde el año 2010 se ha impulsado un proyecto nacional de I+D que, entre otros colectivos,... more
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      Media LiteracyStudentsTeachersCompulsory Education
This paper examines how stances and understandings pertaining to whether home education is civically legitimate within liberal democratic contexts can depend on how one conceives normative roles of the secular state and the religious... more
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      International LawPolitical ScienceAsylum LawFreedom of Religion
Although it has one of the less expensive costs of attendance, universal access to higher education in México is still far away from becoming a reality. The federal government along with the public and private educational institutions... more
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      Higher EducationPolitical ScienceCollege AccessComparative Education
Cilj je slušanja glazbe u školi oblikovati kulturno-umjetnički svjetonazor učenica i učenika te doprinijeti njihovom estetskom odgoju. U hrvatskim osnovnim školama realizira se prema tzv. standardnom modelu kojemu je težište na spoznajnoj... more
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      Music PedagogyLIstening to musicCompulsory Education
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      DidacticsAssessment of CompetenciesCompetenciesCompulsory Education
This paper presents an ethnographic interpretation of education as a social technology of state sovereign power and governing in the borderlands of contemporary China. Illustrated with snapshots from ethnographic fieldwork conducted in a... more
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      EducationEthnographyPower (social)State Formation
Although it has one of the less expensive costs of attendance, universal access to higher education in México is still far away from becoming a reality. The federal government along with the public and private educational institutions... more
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      Higher EducationComparative & International EducationCollege AccessComparative Education
Following the adoption of the conceptual design proposed by the White Paper in 1995 and the legislation adopted on this basis, the reform of primary school transformed its overall image. In the present paper, we discuss only some of the... more
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      QualityGeneral EducationWhite PaperCompulsory Education
The article elaborates the role and importance of introducing the activity of playing instruments in regular music class. Although represented in most previous curricula, in the 2006 curriculum playing an instrument has been given a great... more
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      Music EducationCompulsory Education
The purpose of this study is to investigate the views of primary school teachers, who work in the public schools located in İstanbul, on 12-year of compulsory education (4 + 4 + 4 Training System) reformed by the Ministry of National... more
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      Teachers PracticesTeachers’ ViewsCompulsory Education
Free and compulsory education has become a constitutional right of all the Pakistanis since the eighteenth amendment has come into effect. Compulsory and free education requires the laws to implement the education offerings in the... more
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      RestructuringCompulsory Education
We would also like to acknowledge and thank Ann-Thérèse Arstorp, Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Norway) and Tobias Heiberg, of the University College Capital (Denmark), for providing valuable and detailed input.
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      EducationNordic StudiesDigital LiteracyTechnology Enhanced Learning
La definición de las características de un espacio de aprendizaje nos sitúa frente a la existencia de tres dimensiones de análisis clave para su diseño conceptual: la dimensión ambiental, la dimensión pedagógica y la dimensión digital... more
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The grade point average of Swedish year-9 students has been rising steadily over the last three decades. The rate of increase is greatest in the practical and aesthetic subjects, and among these, music. Two recent national commissions,... more
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      MusicSwedenGrade inflationSummative Assessment
In Spring 2020, the COVID-19 health emergency caused all Italian schools to close from March to the end of the school year. An intervention was organized with the aim of offering primary and lower secondary teachers the possibility to... more
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      ConstructionismComputational ThinkingPrimary SchoolPeer Tutoring