Recent papers in Commodus
Version 5.0: expanded, slightly reorganized and with extra notes. Please let me know if you find this sourcebook useful.
Herodian (late second century), Greek historian wrote an History of the Roman Empire from the Death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD to the Year of the Six Emperors in 238 AD.
The text was translated by Edward C. Echols
I added a illustrations
The text was translated by Edward C. Echols
I added a illustrations
Ce livre propose une réflexion d’ensemble sur la septième Vie de l’Histoire Auguste, consacrée à l’empereur Commode, fils du philosophe Marc Aurèle et dernier des Antonins. L’auteur met d’abord en évidence son indéniable valeur historique... more
Das Ende der sogenannten Markomannenkriege war bekanntlich mit dem Tod Mare Aurels am 17. März 180 keineswegs gekommen. Vielmehr ftihrte der (knapp 19jährig) die Nachfolge planmäßig antretende Commodus die Kampfhandlungen zunächst weiter,... more
The article presented herein is a translation of an article published in “Klio. Journal of Polish and World History” 2012, vol. 20, pp. 3–44, therefore it does not include the literature published later (apart from references to new... more
This paper examines some aspects of the attitudes of the last Antonine emperors towards the illustrious past of Achaea, namely Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus. Selected epigraphic and literary testimonies from the province of Achaea... more
ÖZET: Herodianos’un “Marcus Aurelius Devri’nden Sonra İmparatorluk Tarihi” adlı yapıtı, Roma İmparatoru Marcus Aurelius’un ölümünden (MS 180) III. Gordianus’un tahta geçtiği (MS 238) zaman aralığındaki gelişmeleri kapsamakta olup sadece... more
The aim of this paper is to study the image of Commodus to emphasize how much important it was for a Roman Emperor the respect of the usual dress-code. The paper collects and discusses about the images of Commodus in habitu Herculis... more
Die Quintilier sind zweifellos die berühmteste und am besten dokumentierte Familie aus Alexandria Troas. Insbesondere die letzten vier Generationen haben durch ihre Tätigkeit in der römischen Reichsverwaltung, ihre engen Verbindungen zu... more
This thesis examines the portrayal of youthful Roman emperors in imperial histories and biographies, specifically in the works of Suetonius, Tacitus, Cassius Dio, Herodian, and the Historia Augusta. As such, it limits the scope of... more
This article proposes a review of the consecratio coins for Commodus issued shortly after this emperor’s death. Most standard numismatic catalogues list these coins as being of doubtful authenticity. However, a typological and stylistic... more
L'étude de la liste de consulaires exécutés sur ordre de Commode dans l'Histoire Auguste, Vie de Commode, 7, 4-7, conduit à identifier un réseau sénatorial alliant Italiens et personnes ou familles d'origine asiatique This paper is a... more
15 neue Inschriften aus der großen Therme und dem Theater werden vorgelegt: 1) Eine Ehrung für einen sonst unbekannten Kronospriester, der auch Ämter des hellenistischen lykischen Bundes bekleidete, ist das älteste Zeugnis für den... more
Caligula (Claudius), Nero, Domitianus en Commodus kregen elk een damnatio memoriae over zich heen geroepen, maar wat hield deze straf net in en wat waren de gevolgen ervan voor hun latere beeld? In dit werk krijgen de vier aangehaalde... more
Lucius Aurelius Commodus ist am 31. August des Jahres 161 in der kaiserlichen Villa bei Lanuvium, in der schon sein ver-storbener Großvater Antoninus Pius das Licht der Welt er-blickt hatte, geboren worden. Zum Zeitpunkt seiner Geburt saß... more
The description of the martyr Pionius’ body after his execution bears a remarkable likeness to a passage in the historian Herodian in which the appearance of the emperor Commodus is described. It seems most likely that the author of the... more
Aloys Winterling (Hrsg.) Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und Biographie. ISBN 978-3-486-70454-9. Kolloquien 75. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag
In this paper the author examines the case of the building of burgi and praesidia in Pannonia under the reign of Commodus that is attested by a series of inscriptions on the limes between Aquincum and Intercisa. A separated part is... more
This paper was delivered at the AMPHORAE XV Conference in June 2021 (University of Otago, Dunedin) and is being prepared for further presentations and publication.
The present study aims at examining the Roman foreign policy during the reigns of Antonius Pius and Marcus Aurelius as well as in the first half of the reign of Commodus. The main emphasis put here is on the regions of the Lower- and... more
El artículo analiza el desarrollo de la figura del Prefecto del Pretorio, que desde sus comienzos fue una de las más importantes dentro de las instituciones de estado romanas, pero que con la llegada de los cambios políticos después de la... more
Quatre passages de l'Histoire Auguste relatent que l'empereur Commode “portait Anubis”. Deux de ces textes permettent de préciser que l'empereur agissait ainsi lors de processions, et qu'il transportait en fait un simulacrum du dieu... more
It is argued that, when the emperor Commodus struck coins with reverse legend celebrating Fortuna under the epithet Manens surrounding a unique depiction of her seated and holding a horse by the bridle, he may have done so in order to... more
On the reverses of certain coin issues of Abydos is shown a scene which can be interpreted as rather depicting Alexander the Great at the time of his crossing of the Hellespont. Alexander’s crossing in 334 BC is significantly connected... more
Despite positioning himself as a contemporary eyewitness and heir to Thucydides, Herodian has generally been judged to be a poor historian prone to the use of compression , formulaic scenes, and even free invention. This paper examines... more
The Marcus Aurelius' Marcomannic wars reshaped the Roman world. Their impact can be seen in every Danubian provinces, with evident consequences for many years after Marcus Aurelius' reign period. Because of the war damages and economic... more
Bu çalışmada, Parion kent merkezinde konumlandırılmış olan Roma Hamamı’nda ele geçen Herakles tipindeki heykel parçasının ön değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Söz konusu eser, Hamam’ın 4 nolu mekânında, geç dönemde inşa edilmiş olan yapıda... more
Copyright © 2014 by Salerno Editrice S.r.l., Roma. Sono rigorosamente vietati la ri produzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qual siasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effet tuati, senza la preventiva... more
Статья посвящена изучению риторических стратегий христианина Аполлония и префекта претория Перенния в «Мученичестве Аполлония» (BHG 149; BHO 79). Префект и мученик явно выходят за рамки ролевой модели «судья – обвиняемый». Немалую роль... more
This article tries to analyze the different ways in which vision of Commodus’ character is created in two major epic movies on ancient Roman history, ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’ and ‘Gladiator’. In the former, the greatest vice of the... more
Conflict in Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, ed. Sara Phang, Douglas Kelly, Peter Londey, and Iain Spence, ABC-CLIO. 2016.