Children's work
Recent papers in Children's work
Africa's historical trajectory has been shaped by its unique geography, pre-colonial civilizations, colonial exploitation, and post-colonial struggles. This article examines the continent's development challenges, highlighting the role of... more
Drawing on Tim Ingold’s conceptualization of taskscape, this article explores children´s being and working within the landscape through childhood memories and walking ethnography. It examines situated relationships among children,... more
Valendo-se da ferramenta etnográfica do "Diário de Campo", resultante da observação participante e de registro fotográfico, realizada em Maputo entre setembro e outubro de 2022, o objetivo principal do texto é articular o atual cenário... more
Previous studies in Ethiopia treat child labour and schooling in a broader sense without much attention to the kind of labor they are engaged in. This paper distinctively examines the adverse effect of natural resources scarcity on... more
The origins of Agenda 2063 lie in the Golden Jubilee of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU). The AU summit tasked the African Union Commission (AUC), supported but the New Partnership for Africa's... more
Este trabalho propõe a análise de textos literários que promovem não só a representação de diferentes formas de relação dos imigrantes com a terra natal, mas também o processo de reconfiguração das identidades no país de acolhimento. Para... more
Conselheiro da Associação Xitende e preside o Conselho 1 NOTA DO EDITOR: Moçambiquinho, de Dom Midó das Dores, é um livro ainda inédito, quando da produção desta resenha. O autor está em negociações com o mercado editorial, visando à sua... more
- by Kellen Dias
This study examines the impact of parental health shocks on a child's educational attainment using panel data from the Young Lives Study, a longitudinal study of childhood poverty conducted in four low income countries: Ethiopia,... more
A central and implicit issue that shapes the present political and institutional consensus surrounding child labour is the notion of harm. Although efforts to address children’s work rest firmly on assumptions about what is harmful, no... more
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) fördert die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen (Wiek & Redman 2022; Rieckmann 2021a; de Haan et al. 2008), um die vielfältigen ökologischen, sozialen, ökonomischen und kulturellen Probleme... more
Little is currently known about the effects of shocks to parental health on the allocation of children’s time between alternative activities. Using longitudinal data from the Ethiopian Young Lives surveys of 2006 and 2009, we analyse the... more
No âmbito do debate sobre ética na pesquisa com crianças, este artigo busca apresentar uma discussão a partir de experiências de pesquisas realizadas entre os anos de 2014 e 2018 em comunidades localizadas ao sul de Moçambique. Sob uma... more
En la actualidad millones de menores de edad participan en el mercado laboral mexicano, tanto en el campo como en la ciudad, lo que en muchos casos provoca altas tasas de deserción escolar. Existe consenso en que el trabajo infantil debe... more
This article argues for holistic consideration of children's work. Dominant discourse on 'child labour' attends only to dangers of children's work, leading to policies that damage some children's chances for development. Far from being... more
This study explores this issue of exclusion of girls in Ghana, with reference to the problem of low completion rates and high dropout rates among girls in basic education. Education of children most especially the girls is of primary... more
This paper explores the intergenerational effects of parental health shocks using longitudinal data from the Young Lives project conducted in Andhra Pradesh, India. It is found that health shocks to poorer parents reduce investments in... more
This study explores the inter-generational effects of health shocks using longitudinal data of Young Lives project conducted in the southern state of India, Andhra Pradesh for two cohorts of children (younger and older). It is found that... more
The origins of Agenda 2063 lie in the Golden Jubilee of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU). The AU summit tasked the African Union Commission (AUC), supported but the New Partnership for Africa's... more
says that the memory, in his psychic function, evokes information and memories in discontinuous time lapses. Therefore, these memories depend on the place that can be considered an engine responsible to tell and make histories. The... more
Findings from child development research support inclusive practice in early childhood education to enable full participation of all children in learning activities and build their core capabilities for life. However, the implementation... more
Purpose – This paper aims to examine the impact of child health (measured by nutritional status) on schooling performance of Bangladeshi children. Design/methodology/approach – The data set used in this study comes from a survey titled... more
While Ethiopia has seen a rapid expansion of school enrollment over the past 25 years, especially in primary education, dropout, absenteeism, and grade repetition remain key challenges to achieving the education-related Sustainable... more
Desde una perspectiva ampliada de derechos humanos, el artículo profundiza en el análisis del trabajo doméstico como expresión de una naturalización de relaciones de dominación que afecta de una manera más general al mundo del trabajo y... more
Parental death is one of the many risks faced by children in poor communities, especially in Africa in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.While the death of a parent at any age is a significant and distressing event, Young Lives... more
Este artículo tiene como propósito general presentar y discutir algunos de los elementos que interrelacionados, permiten aproximarse al fenómeno del trabajo infantil. Así, no se busca exponer un panorama cuantitativo de la situación de... more
Este trabalho propõe a análise de textos literários que promovem não só a representação de diferentes formas de relação dos imigrantes com a terra natal, mas também o processo de reconfiguração das identidades no país de acolhimento. Para... more
Este trabalho propõe a análise de textos literários que promovem não só a representação de diferentes formas de relação dos imigrantes com a terra natal, mas também o processo de reconfiguração das identidades no país de acolhimento. Para... more
The paper examines the causal effect of child labour hours on child education using the collective model of the household. By drawing on Bangladesh National Child labour Survey data for 2002, we find that children‟ s work, even in limited... more
- by Ranjan Ray
Parental death is one of the many risks faced by children in poor communities, especially in Africa in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. While the death of a parent at any age is a significant and distressing event, Young Lives... more
- by Rozana Himaz
The Consortium for Educational Access, Transitions and Equity (CREATE) is a Research Programme Consortium supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Its purpose is to undertake research designed to improve access... more
The Consortium for Educational Access, Transitions and Equity (CREATE) is a Research Programme Consortium supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Its purpose is to undertake research designed to improve access... more
O trabalho Cadernos de Estudos Africanos está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons-Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.
La consideración del género femenino como artículo de compra y venta, junto al sistema patriarcal en el que todavía se educa a gran parte de la población mundial, propicia que las niñas sean objeto del crimen de la trata de seres humanos... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of visually impaired students, their peers without disabilities, and teachers about inclusive education, focusing on a second cycle educational institution in the Eastern region... more
Artigo publicado no Portal de Jornalismo Independente "Outros 400" sobre a temática envolvendo o caso do deputado Luiz Sefer, descortinando as implicações que existem por trás de uma prática complexa e naturalizada na região amazônica: a... more
Persons with disabilities constitute a significant proportion of the minority population in Sekondi, Ghana. Yet, they are the most neglected and existing programs do not meet their needs. Consequently, this study aimed to understand the... more
Resumo: Partindo do pressuposto de que o léxico, como parte concreta da linguagem, é capaz de construir cenários e mundos por meio de sua competente ativação no texto, e que a elaboração de campos semânticos é fator de alta iconicidade... more
A partir das últimas décadas, os estudos em torno da concepção da infância e com crianças e seus modos de vida têm crescido progressivamente, embora sua produção ainda seja insuficiente. Pesquisadores e estudiosos da infância buscam... more
The first part of this work initially deals with an historical itinerary in human rights’ development, as well as in girl child rights. Then, it continues by an analysis of the international legal standards to safeguard children’s rights... more
During the past few years, numerous student initiatives have been founded, which engage in Sustainable Development (SD) at their university and beyond. Working in such initiatives offers students a remarkable (sometimes self-organized)... more
El interés por educar y criar a los niños es tan antiguo como la historia pero las ideas sobre cómo hacerlo y las prácticas de crianza han sido muy diferentes en distintos momentos históricos.
Parental death is one of the many risks faced by children in poor communities, especially in Africa in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.While the death of a parent at any age is a significant and distressing event, Young Lives... more
- by Rozana Himaz
Campaigns to eliminate the exploitation and abuse of children through child labour have been growing in strength in the last decade. Although the broad intentions of such campaigns are admirable, interventions to eliminate child labour... more