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We investigate the role of culture in sustaining essential ecosystem services in the arid and erratic climate of an agropastoral landscape in southern Madagascar. Our fieldwork and interviews in Ambovombe subprefecture in Androy addressed... more
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      DroughtMixed Methods (Methodology)Social Sciences in MadagascarAGROPASTORALISM
A series of crises which Karamoja experienced in recent decades has compromised the viability of livelihood strategies on which its largely agropastoralist and pastoralist population had traditionally relied. The paper investigates the... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesPoverty
This dissertation reconsiders the political and ethno-cultural frontiers of North China, taking as a case study a group that thrived in the Eastern Intermediate Zone (Hebei-Liaoning-Rehe border zone) known as the Qai or Tatabï in Turkic... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesState FormationInner Asian HistoryFrontier Studies
Tesis de Licenciatura UNMSM
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      Inca ArchaeologyPastoralism (Archaeology)Irrigation water ManagementPrehistoric Water Management
SYMBOLIC GARMENTS OF CAMELIDS AND AGRO-PASTORAL RITES IN THE SOUTH OF BOLIVIA In the Andean ambit, from pre-Columbian epochs, the llamas and alpacas had a great importance, and the llama was also used as a carrying animal in caravans.... more
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      EthnographyTextilesBolivian studiesRitual
This paper employs data from selected sample survey areas in the northern Fertile Crescent to demonstrate how initial urbanization developed along several pathways. The first, during the Late Chalcolithic period, was within a dense... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
Among the Bashada of Southern Ethiopia, individual misdeeds and wrong-doings are expected, especially when it comes from children and adolescents, as it is believed that misbehaviour is part of human nature. To prevent them from harming... more
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      Gender StudiesEthiopian StudiesPastoralism (Social Anthropology)Social Interaction
The study of urbanism in the oases of pre-Islamic south-western Central Asia remains a critical issue. However, modern perspectives are typically shaped by the iconic image of cities as densely populated commercial centres of intensively... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryEurasian NomadsCentral Asia (History)Urbanism
Gūnespān is located in the southeastern part of Malayer, in Hamadan Province in Iran. The main occupation occurred during the Bronze Age and Late Iron Age (Median) periods. The study of archaeozoological assemblages from these peri-ods... more
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      ZooarchaeologyIranian ArchaeologyBronze Age Near East (Archaeology)Median History and Archaeology
Excavations at the site of Bashtepa, at the western interface of the Bukhara oasis and the Kyzyl-kum desert, and at the kurgan sites at Kuyu-Mazar and Lyavandak on the eastern and north eastern fringes of the oasis, are detailed here,... more
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      Eurasian NomadsHellenismLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Nomadism
For nearly 20 years now, the uplands and foothills of the Raganello basin in northern Calabria have been the subject of landscape archaeology research by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology. Recently, the authors started documenting... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy
Este articulo presenta el estudio de las estructuras hidráulicas conocidas como represas, ubicadas en la subcuenca del Río Jimbe en la cabecera del Valle de Nepeña (Áncash), a partir de prospecciones sistemáticas en el área referida. La... more
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      Ancient Water TechnologyAncient hydraulic technologyHIDRÁULICA DE CANALESAGROPASTORALISM
In this paper we describe a single sample of nineteenth and twentieth century bows and arrows of the Ovambo, Namibia. Unlike some other southern African bow-hunting groups, there is a paucity of literature describing the traditional... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyArchaeology of HuntingOvambolandNamibia
En este artículo, desde una perspectiva hermenéutica de la Arqueología del Paisaje, discuto la aplicabilidad del concepto de palimpsesto para interpretar los paisajes agrícolas andinos. Propongo, en cambio, una perspectiva basada en una... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)Arqueología Andina
Master's Thesis (I). This work is concerned with the unusual concentration of hydraulic features located near the headwaters of the Nepeña valley. Throughout a spatial and architectural analysis we discuss the strategy(ies) of water... more
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      Archaeological GISWatershed HydrologyPastoralism (Archaeology)Dams
At first sight, the agdal consists of banning grazing each year for a given period, allowing a resting period to the vegetation, the establishment of young seedlings and thus the continuity of the ecosystem and of the pastoral activity.... more
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      AgronomyCommonsSocial RepresentationsPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
In a recent special issue of The Holocene, Miller et al. review the evidence for the spread of millet (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) across Eurasia. Among their arguments, they contend that millet cultivation came to Eurasian... more
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      Central AsiaAGROPASTORALISMMillet
Gostaríamos, primeiramente, de agradecer ao ICMBio, principalmente aos analistas Carol Barradas e Marco Borges pela parceria, e à Cooperação Internacional Alemã (GIZ) pela oportunidade de realizar esta pesquisa.
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeAgroforestryFire ManagementAGROPASTORALISM
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeobotanyArchaeology of Central AsiaAGROPASTORALISM
New excavations at the Jebel Moya cemetery in Sudan reveal previously unknown, continuous burial activity from the third millennium BC to c. 2000 years ago. Radiometric dates, archaeobotanical analyses and new approaches to the pottery... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologySudanese Archaeology
Multicellular sheepfolds form part of the dry stone wall pastoral heritage in the UK, Switzerland, Iceland, and Croatia. Abandonment, and the marginal appearance of the ones on the islands of Cres and Lošinj (locally: mrgari) in the... more
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      Cultural LandscapesMediterranean Studies (Area Studies)Agricultural landscapesRural Landscape
Synopsis This is a chapter from a Springer book. Present-day land utilization in the pastoral regions of NW China shows the influence of both the long tradition of herding and the impact of population increases through inward migration,... more
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Actas del V Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, Volumen I: 211-223
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      Ancient Water TechnologyHIDRÁULICA DE CANALESSistemas de riego andinosAGROPASTORALISM
Rainfed agriculutre in Ethiopia is constrained by temporal and spatial variations in climate and severe land degradation caused by soil erosion that is exacerbated by lack of appropriate technologies. The continued shrinking per capita... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyAgricultureShifting Cultivation
trailer: 35', Doc, Angola, UK, Portugal. Spoken in Olunyaneka, with English/Portuguese subtitles. Set in a highland village, this film is an intimate portrait of the day-to-day life of a family living in an... more
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      Visual AnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesEthnographic FilmAngola
Karamoja - Uganda's poorest region - has become a major target of development and relief interventions, but little research has thus far focused on its inhabitants’ perceptions of their circumstances. This paper contains the voices and... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment StudiesParticipatory ResearchInternational Development
The dry stone wall landscape surrounding the town of Cres is a unique cultural landscape; it is one of the largest well-preserved historical olive groves in the Croatian Adriatic, while simultaneously serving as pasture for sheep. Still,... more
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      Cultural LandscapesAgricultural landscapesRural LandscapeAgricultural land use change
In (2007) Socialising Complexity: structure, integration and power, edited by Sheila Kohring and Stephanie  Wynne-Jones, 76-99. Oxford: Oxbow.
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      ArchaeologyComplexity TheoryCommunityAndes
Esta apresentação explora o filme Fazer pela Vida na Estacão Seca, feito no âmbito da pesquisa para doutoramento em Antropologia Visual com Meios Visuais na Universidade de Manchester, Reino Unido (2015). Fazer Pela Vida... é baseado em... more
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      Rural SociologyAngolaDocumentary FilmmakingFilmmaking
In the fourth millennium BP, there were major environmental and cultural changes on the Andean altiplano of South America, but the chronology remains vague. A recent synthesis describes a slow, gradual transition from hunting and... more
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      ArchaeologyBoliviaPeruRapid Climate Change
Rainfed agriculutre in Ethiopia is constrained by temporal and spatial variations in climate and severe land degradation caused by soil erosion that is exacerbated by lack of appropriate technologies. The continued shrinking per capita... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyAgricultureShifting Cultivation
Background: Rehabilitation and optimized utilization of agro-pastoral dams (APDs), especially for vegetable production , has been recently promoted to boost agricultural production and ensure food security in Benin. However, little... more
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The mid-Holocene was an extremely dry period in the Lake Titicaca Basin of South America, when lake levels were at their lowest point in the Holocene. South of the lake, a lack of outflow and very low and irregular precipitation would... more
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Investigaciones recientes han permitido plantear que en el Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, entre los siglos VI y X d.C., se desarrolló un sistema de producción agropastoril que incluía y articulaba simultáneamente la cría de plantas y... more
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      Andean Prehistory (Archaeology)Pastoral landscapes (Archaeology)Arqueología ArgentinaFormative Andean archaeology
The dry stone wall landscape surrounding the town of Cres is a unique cultural landscape; it is one of the largest well-preserved historical olive groves in the Croatian Adriatic, while simultaneously serving as pasture for sheep. Still,... more
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      Cultural LandscapesAgricultural landscapesRural LandscapeLand
Excavations at the site of Bashtepa, at the western interface of the Bukhara oasis and the Kyzyl-kum desert, and at the kurgan sites at Kuyu-Mazar and Lyavandak on the eastern and north eastern fringes of the oasis, are detailed here,... more
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      GeographyEurasian NomadsHellenismNomadism
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      ChristianitySocial AnthropologyEthiopian StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Investigaciones recientes han permitido plantear, en el Valle de Ambato,Catamarca, entre los siglos VI y X d.C., la existencia de un entramado de prácticas productivas que incluía y articulaba simultáneamente la prácticas de cría de... more
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      MaizeArqueología NOAAGROPASTORALISMCamélidos Sudamericanos
Background: Rehabilitation and optimized utilization of agro-pastoral dams (APDs), especially for vegetable production , has been recently promoted to boost agricultural production and ensure food security in Benin. However, little... more
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En este trabajo interpreto el historial ocupacional del sitio arqueológico Huayatayoc (Cusi Cusi, Puna de Jujuy) considerando la multiplicidad de prácticas y lógicas que pudieron interactuar en el habitar de este locus productivo a través... more
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      ArchaeologyArqueologíaPuna de JujuyAGROPASTORALISM
El objetivo de este trabajo es indagar en cómo estuvo organizada la tecnología lítica en los grupos agropastoriles tempranos (o formativos) emplazados en el sur del valle de Yocavil (Catamarca) y en algunas áreas aledañas. Para alcanzar... more
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      ArqueologíaArqueología NOAAGROPASTORALISMArqueologia Noa Y Americana Etnohistoria Andina Y Noa Etnobot
Sample archaeological surveys conducted within representative enclaves of the Middle Euphrates, the Khabur valley, and the north Syrian steppe demonstrate the existence of two distinct agro-ecological zones: • A northern zone of... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyUrbanismLate Chalcolithic
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      ArqueologíaAGROPASTORALISMAlto Ribatejo
Background: Rehabilitation and optimized utilization of agro-pastoral dams (APDs), especially for vegetable production , has been recently promoted to boost agricultural production and ensure food security in Benin. However, little... more
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This paper analyses the role of cattle in the entwined dynamics of conflict and violence in the Fizi and Itombwe region of South Kivu province, in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. On the one hand, agropastoral conflict... more
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      AutochthonyArmed ConflictArmed ForcesNon State Armed Actors
Results are presented on the co-evolution of agropastoralism and soils in the western Pyrenees Mountains (>800 masl) over the course of the Holocene conducted in the ethnically Basque commune of Larrau, France. Larrau presents a unique... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesHistorical Ecology
Excavations at the site of Bashtepa, at the western interface of the Bukhara oasis and the Kyzyl-kum desert, and at the kurgan sites at Kuyu-Mazar and Lyavandak on the eastern and north eastern fri...
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      GeographyEurasian NomadsHellenismNomadism
The origins of Agenda 2063 lie in the Golden Jubilee of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU). The AU summit tasked the African Union Commission (AUC), supported but the New Partnership for Africa's... more
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      EthiopiaYoung PeopleChildren's workAGROPASTORALISM
El presente artículo presenta dos nuevos sitios asociados a la ocupación inca en la región altoandina de la provincia de Santa, región Ancash, en los Andes norcentrales peruanos. A partir de reconocimientos sistemáticos en la referida... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyIncasAGROPASTORALISM
Sumillas del V Congreso Nacional de Arqueología - 2018 - Simposio Regional de Arqueología de la Sierra
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      Ancient Irrigation SystemsAGROPASTORALISMNepeña ValleyCordillera Negra