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The INTERSPEECH 2015 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge addresses three different problems for the first time in research competition under well-defined conditions: the estimation of the degree of nativeness, the neurological state of... more
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      Political Speech AnalysisSupport Vector RegressionChallengeParalinguistics
The third world has shrunk. For forty years the development challenge has been a rich world of one billion people facing a poor world of five billion people. The Millennium Development Goals established by the United Nations, which are... more
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This paper provides a critical appraisal of continental peace and development in Africa. Since the formation of Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) in early 1960s, African states agreed to strengthen their relalationship at continental... more
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      ConflictPolitical ScienceDevelopmentChallenge
Middle and old age are two of the most important periods in human life, and people in this period face some physical, sexual and mental disabilities. Due to the increasing population of the middle and old age people in Iran, paying... more
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      AgedChallengeLived ExperiencesDevelopmental Tasks
China's rapid economic growth has presented numerous opportunities and challenges for foreign firms there. Many large corporations have established a China centre to coordinate and control their operations in the country. As firms have... more
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      Human Resource ManagementMultinationalsChallengeEuropean Internal Market and Trade Law
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      EconomicsPublishingHuman Resource ManagementRadical Innovation
The paper investigated the differential effects of challenge related stressors and hindrance related stressors on supervisory rated innovative performance. Data was collected from 255 employees of various organizations in Pakistan. It was... more
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      Organizational BehaviorHuman Resource ManagementChallengeStressors
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      Islamic StudiesIslamMuslimStudents
Professional five year Bachelor of Architecture program initiated in Bangladesh with the inception of Architecture Department at BUET in 1962. At present the number of Architecture schools offering B.Arch degree has risen to seventeen and... more
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      ArchitectureHigher EducationStandardsProfession
Why is caring for children not a more central part of economic models? Indeed, caring in general is undervalued and underpaid. Why is that, when it is so vital to both economic and social health? The author calls for a different model of... more
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The linguistic situations and conditions in Indonesia are quite complex by their own natures as more than seven hundred vernaculars with their various dialects from a great number of ethnic groups have been used as media of communication... more
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The currently consumption-driven society produces an enormous volume of waste every day. Continuous depletion of natural finite resources by urban populations is leading the globe to an uncertain future. Therefore, to prevent further... more
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      Great DepressionFinancial CrisisFinancial InnovationFinancial Market
Virtualization has become a widely and attractive employed technology in cloud computing environments. Sharing of a single physical machine between multiple isolated virtual machines leading to a more optimized hardware usage, as well as... more
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      Computer ScienceSecurityVirtualizationServer Virtualization
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      LawBreast CancerDNA damageMultidisciplinary
Background: The role of society and people in disaster risk management is prominent. However, using this potential and increasing the people’s role have always been a challenge. The purpose of this study was to find community-based... more
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      Disaster risk managementQualitative StudyChallengeCommunitybased
Security), papers in this series focus on the implications of the new security practices being implemented throughout Europe for civil liberties, human rights and social cohesion in an enlarged EU. Unless otherwise indicated, the views... more
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When everything goes disorderly, it`s good to take a step back and analyze. This study aims at a theoretical analysis of the way and the degree to which the use of music technologies in music education activities during the pandemic... more
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      Music EducationICTChallengePandemic
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      ReligionChristianityPsychologyCognitive Science
Globalization created quick interactions among the world economies. Globalization is a great opportunity, but the weaker players can become genuine players and seize the opportunities it offers only if there is a new mindset and a fresh... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationDevelopmentWomen Empowerment
This paper presents the first steps towards a new type of pedagogical agent-a Challenger Teachable Agent, CTA. The overall aim of introducing a CTA is to increase engagement and motivation and challenge students into deeper learning and... more
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As economic austerity threatens to sweep Europe, the highly unrealistic expectations about the benefits of government spending cuts are not fully appreciated by the public. It is unlikely that they will result in substantial expansion; to... more
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This paper analyses Nigeria progress towards achieving each of the Millennium Development Goals, using the most recently updated data. In all, this study report that, the poverty prevalence is on the increase, while hunger level has... more
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      Development StudiesPovertyAcademic WritingPublic Health
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      Marxist EconomicsProperty LawPropertyDistributive Justice
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      MicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsMonetary PolicyInflation
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The ACM Recommender Systems Challenge 2017 focused on the problem of job recommendations: given a new job advertisement, the goal was to identify those users who are both (a) interested in getting notified about the job advertisement, and... more
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      Recommender SystemsChallenge
Questioning and challenge, openness and candour, diversity, collaboration, and engaging and learning from the creative arts are all conducive of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are... more
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The world's rich nations have long preached the advantage of free trade for the world's developing nations. But it simply has not been a level playing field. This in-depth piece shows how and why. The authors argue that the free... more
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      Fair TradeFree TradeChallengeDeveloping nations
 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an emerging technology that shows great promise for various futuristic applications both for mass public and military. The sensing technology combined with processing power and wireless communication... more
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      Information SecuritySecuritySensorComputer Security
The participation of Albania in Bologna process is attended with positive development in the field of securing quality, which is reflected in the composition law and in the system of national quality of security. But, on the other hand... more
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Anthropological, sociological, and psychological theories suggest that religious symbols should influence motivational processes during performance of goal-relevant tasks. In two experiments, positive and negative religious (Christian)... more
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      ReligionChristianityPsychologyCognitive Science
Background The main objective of medical education development centers is to improve the quality of medical education. However, after more than two decades since the formation of these centers, they are still facing numerous challenges.... more
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      QualityMedical EducationChallengeMedical education development centers
Virtualization has become a widely and attractive employed technology in cloud computing environments. Sharing of a single physical machine between multiple isolated virtual machines leading to a more optimized hardware usage, as well as... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityComputer EngineeringSecurity
The study uses published date to estimate 1) the external social and environmental costs of driving, 2) the level of a gasoline tax needed to signal drivers about the true costs of driving, and c) the estimate responses to such a tax in... more
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A few years ago, some proclaimed that the business cycle was dead. But risk has returned. Technology and globalization can reduce risk, we have learned, but it can also increase risk. Both economies and markets will remain volatile, this... more
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      Business CycleChallenge
The main intent of the Voluntary Villagization Scheme (VVS) is to collect a scattered settlement pattern of rural populations onto a nucleated form of villages to sustainably supply rural communities with social and economic... more
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      Development StudiesRural DevelopmentImplementationChallenge
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      Welfare StateGreat DepressionWorld War IISocial Class
This distinguished Argentine economist analyzes his country's path to crisis. He acknowledges that there were several factors contributing to the current situation, but he presents a brief history of events to demonstrate his view... more
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      Brazilian Political EconomyChallenge
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One of the most essential needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is using rehabilitation services. However, these services are associated with numerous challenges. The present study aimed to identify the perceptions of the... more
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      HealthcareQualitativeChallengeAutism Spectrum Disorder (asd)
Statistical mediation and moderation analysis are well-known throughout the behavioral studies. Gradually, these techniques are being incorporated in the contour of the study of mediated moderation or moderated mediation. An entire child... more
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Economic growth in the UK is rising again. Does that mean austerity worked? No, of course not, say these authors.
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The aim of this paper is to present a new educational challenge to readers, namely teaching English for Specific Purposes in an academic environment where the aim is not only the formation of future specialists in economics or fine arts,... more
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      EconomicsEnglish for Specific PurposesTeachingFine Arts
Canadian Literature, both in English and French, has developed enormously during the Second World War. Since then, with its dual cultural heritage, it has reflected the stages in the narrative of national identity. Canadian fiction, like... more
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We describe the hardware, software and sensor equipment for a fleet of mobile robots used for cooperative multirobot navigation and mapping. This robot team was developed for the MAGIC 2010 Robotics Challenge and successfully made it... more
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Activists often encounter double standards: powerful groups make a huge outcry about a problem, meanwhile ignoring their own greater role in exactly the same problem. For example, governments with major nuclear arsenals raise the alarm... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceStandardsActivism
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Science