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INCIPIT Parlare di Quintana a Foligno è come parlare di Palio a Siena o di Ceri a Gubbio. È toccare l’essenza stessa di una compagine sociale la cui urbanitas trova alimento e talvolta identità piena in una manifestazione, in un rito... more
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      Archeologia Tardoantica E PaleocristianaCastrumVia FlaminiaFulginia
Point haut culminant la dépression de Laragne, le massif de la Plâtrière est un site géographique stratégique constitué de gypse d'excellente qualité. Au Moyen Âge, peu avant l'an 1000 1 , le castrum de Lazer se développe au sommet du... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchéologie médiévaleCastrumArtisanat
La città romana di Foligno sarebbe da ricercare nell'attuale sede cittadina, obliterata dalla continuità insediativa, dalle piene del fiume Topino e dai frequenti terremoti: è quanto risulta dalla ricerche sul territorio, dalle fonti... more
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      GeologyRomani StudiesRoman military archaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)
Tipologia generale: architettura fortificata Tipologia specifica: castello e borgo murato Configurazione strutturale: il castrum del X secolo, naturalmente protetto dalla conformazione del terreno e rafforzato da opere difensive di cui... more
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      FortificationsCastlesMedieval FortificationsMedieval Architecture, Castles
Beyond military aspects, questions of power and domination, the traditional castle of the Middle Ages incorporates in its functional unified form three essential components: the sala ou aula, piece of pageantry, justice and reception,... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
La fouille d’un secteur limité du terrain jouxtant l’ancien presbytère de l’église Saint-Martin, au lieu-dit Calviac à Monflanquin (Lot-et-Garonne), a permis une restitution minutieuse des séquences d’occupation qui se sont succédé sur... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyLate AntiquityCoffinsFunerary Practices
Tipologia generale: Architettura fortificata Tipologia specifica: castello Configurazione strutturale: la cerchia muraria del castrum altomedievale cingeva l'intero abitato dell'odierna località Castello, impostandosi al di sopra del... more
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      CastlesMedieval Architecture, CastlesMedieval castlesCastles and Fortifications
In this article the results of geophysical prospections in Mauer bei Amstetten, a Roman findspot in the hinterland of the Norican frontier (Austria), are presented. The contextual analysis of excavation and geophysical results and... more
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      Roman ArmyArchaeological GeophysicsLate Roman ArchaeologyCastrum
Errori, strafalcioni, sfondoni, spropositi, granchi, cantonate, sfarfalloni, castronerie, papere e simili su Toro e sulla toponomastica torese. Oltre a Giambattista Masciotta, ne sono autori storici o dilettanti come Luigi Alberto Trotta,... more
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      ToponomasticsBulgarian LanguageToponomasticaToponimia
Ever since it has been mentioned for the first time in the 19th century, the site of Mogorjelo has sparked the interest of the scholarship. Much of what we know today about this architectural complex is owed to Carl Patch who conducted a... more
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      Roman HistoryHistoriographyLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
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      Urban StudiesUkraine (History)Late Medieval ArchaeologyHistorical topography
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      Medieval Church HistoryArchaeology of BuildingsChurch ArchaeologyHistory of architecture
Une histoire archéologique du coeur d'Hérault à travers les objets de l'archéothèque. II. Jeu d'échecs et trompes d'appel au Rocher des Deux-Vierges.
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      Medieval HistoryCult of SaintsHistory of ChessLanguedoc
The aim of the third German-Albanian excavation at the late Roman castrum of Vig was to examine its architecture and phases of occupation. The site is located in the North Albanian mountains, in the valley of the rivers Gjader and Voma. A... more
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      ArtLate Antique ArchaeologyAlbanian archaeologyCastrum
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      CastrumVasile Pârvan
Si analizzano i materiali metallici, in terracotta e osso rinvenuti nel castrum di età gota di Monte Barro. Tra questi si distingue una corona pensile rinvenuta nel vano centrale dell'edificio palaziale
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    • Castrum
Rometta (in Prov. di Messina) l’inespugnabile, la fedelissima, la munitissima nella difesa, ha conservato per lunghi secoli la sua funzione di nodo strategico fondamentale per il controllo della vasta area della fascia settentrionale del... more
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      Storia medievaleStoria Della SiciliaCastrumInsediamenti Bizantini
L’isola di Sant’Andrea, situata nell’alveo del Lago di Loppio, prosciugato nel 1956, quindici secoli fa ospitò un insediamento fortificato. In seguito a segnalazioni e rinvenimenti sporadici susseguitisi fin dal XIX secolo, nel 1998 la... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyFortified Settlements (Archaeology)ArcheologiaArcheologia medievale
Notice du BSR (Bilan Scientifique Régional) PACA 2020 (consultable en ligne) pour le rapport final d’opération portant sur les communes de Andon, Aspremont, La Brigue, Gorbio, Peille, La Roque-en-Provence, Sospel et Touët-de-l’Escarène... more
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      ArchitectureArchaeological ProspectionLieux De CulteHistoire Médiévale
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryIsland StudiesMedieval Church History
Ilısu Barajı ve HES Projesi Etkileşim Alanında Kalan Kültür Varlıklarının Belgelenmesi ve Kurtarılmasına Yönelik Çalışmalar kapsamında Ilısu Barajı gövde inşaatının yapılmakta olduğu, Şırnak İli Güçlükonak İlçesi’ne bağlı Koçtepe Köyü... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyRoman coinsMesopotamiaRoman Mesopotamia
Kewin PECHE-QUILICHINI -Doctorant en archéologie préhistorique, Université de Provence Thibault LACHENAL -Doctorant en archéologie protohistorique, Université de Provence Donatella BILARDI -Doctorante en archéologie phénico-punique,... more
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      ArchaeologySettlement PatternsMedieval ArchaeologyIsland archaeology
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman roadsEastern Roman provinces (Archaeology)Euphrates
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyFrench Wars of ReligionHistoire moderne
Appunti generali sulla trasformazione della campagna romana dal medioevo all'epoca moderna e sulla diffusione dei casali-torri in tutta l'area romana. Lezione tenuta per conto dell'associazione culturale "Amici di Gabii" presso la sede... more
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Habitat troglodytique et sites rupestres au Moyen Âge 4 4 e e c co ol ll lo oq qu ue e d de e S Sa ai in nt t-M Ma ar rt ti in n-l le e-V Vi ie ei il l ((A Au ud de e)) Sous la présidence de Monique Bourin Samedi 28 juin 2008 L'Amicale... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCastrumTroglodytic Architecture
Explorées depuis 1924, les fortifications de l'oppidum de Saint-Blaise dans le Sud de la France ont récemment fait l'objet de nouvelles investigations à l'occasion de la mise en valeur projetée du site. S'ils ont confirmé l'empilement... more
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      FortificationsLate Roman and early Byzantine fortificationsProvenceÂge Du Fer
Tema 2. Concetti teorici. Ingegneria militare. La difesa "alla moderna". Nuovi concetti. Nuovi modi di difesa dei regni. La costruzione degli "scudi". L'artiglieria. Progetti utopici.
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      CastrumFederico IIGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
During the archaeological digs lead by the Museo Civico di Rovereto on St. Andrea Isle (Loppio, TN) in 2005, a spur and a sword-belt mount were unearthed. They represent familiar typologies in northern and eastern Europe during the... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologySpursCastrum
Présentation Power Point du site dans le colloque Naissance, évolution et fonctions des fortifications médiévales dans les comté de Foix, Couserans et Comminges , colloque du Programme Collectif de Recherche des 3 et 4 décembre 2011 à... more
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      Medieval FortificationsCastles and FortificationsMedieval church architectureCastrum
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Medieval Studies
Vannozzi Stefano, I DA PONTE. Nuovi elementi storici intorno ai primi Signori di Cercemaggiore, Riccia, Vipera e Ponte in epoca normanna, in «Millemetri, la rivista di Cercemaggiore», a. VII (vecchia serie), n. 3, maggio-giugno 2005, pp.... more
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      Feudalism and LordshipFortificationsMedieval FortificationsBenevento
The presence of the square of 180 yard is distinctly established in the Roman period. Castra, and cities clearly show this distinct pattern.
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyJewish Studies
Tipologia generale: architettura fortificata Tipologia specifica: torre, forse inserita in un più complesso nucleo fortificato Configurazione strutturale: Non si hanno informazioni sulla configurazione e sulle dimensioni della struttura... more
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      CastlesMedieval Architecture, CastlesMedieval castlesCastles and Fortifications
Novara: le torri rotonde di S. Gaudenzio, o torri gemelle, e il castrum comitis Engalardi Stato: distrutto Tipologia generale: architettura fortificata Tipologia specifica: torri, forse inserite in un più complesso nucleo fortificato... more
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      CastlesCastle StudiesMedieval Architecture, CastlesMedieval castles
Montreal-de-Sos est un eperon calcaire de la montagne pyreneenne, tout en rudesse, en pentes, rochers et falaises. Depuis l’Âge du Bronze moyen, les dominations societales s’y succederent, voire s’y emboiterent. Ce sommet surplombe un... more
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      ArcheologiaFortificationsCastlesArcheologia medievale
Nutzungsbedingungen: Die e-Forschungsberichte 2018-1 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts stehen unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyAlbanian archaeologyCastrum
Un piccolo intervento di studio sulla topografia dell'abitato castrale di Cercemaggiore, nato in epoca Normanna a seguito della distruzione di un piccolo villaggio più antico di epoca Longobarda posto sulla sommità del monte. Vannozzi... more
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      Storia medievaleAncient TopographyMedieval FortificationsRegno Di Napoli
Since its discovery at the beginning of the 20th century, the location of the late ancient castrum of Vig in a wide river valley surrounded by mountains has given rise to speculation about its function. Protection from mountain tribes,... more
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      GeographyLate Antique ArchaeologyAlbanian archaeologyCastrum
Il progredire della ricerca archeologica relativa ai siti fortificati, effettuata in Italia centro-settentrionale negli ultimi anni, ha permesso di dare corpo alle immagini evocate dalle fonti scritte e, in taluni casi, di chiarirle,... more
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      Archeologia medievaleStoria medievaleCastrum
Journée d'études, séminaire de spécialité de Master 1 (ARC 22) organisée par André Constant et Andreas Hartmann-Virnich. 16 avril 2018, Aix-en-Provence, MMSH, Salle George Duby 9h30-18h Cette journée d'études a pour but de présenter... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval FranceMedieval CataloniaCastrum
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      HabitatMoyen ÂgeCastrumTroglodyte
Montreal-de-Sos est un eperon calcaire de la montagne pyreneenne, tout en rudesse, en pentes, rochers et falaises. Depuis l’Âge du Bronze moyen, les dominations societales s’y succederent, voire s’y emboiterent. Ce sommet surplombe un... more
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      ArcheologiaFortificationsCastlesArcheologia medievale
The aim of the third German-Albanian excavation at the late Roman castrum of Vig was to examine its architecture and phases of occupation. The site is located in the North Albanian mountains, in the valley of the rivers Gjader and Voma. A... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyAlbanian archaeologyCastrum
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      Middle AgesMountain ArchaeologyCastrumPyrénées Orientales
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      Histoire moderneNotariatCastrumHabitat Rural
Since its discovery at the beginning of the 20th century, the location of the late ancient castrum of Vig in a wide river valley surrounded by mountains has given rise to speculation about its function. Protection from mountain tribes,... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyAlbanian archaeologyCastrum