Carl von Clausewitz
Recent papers in Carl von Clausewitz
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
The present monograph examines post-revolutionary Iran’s grand strategy by way of its adjustments at three key inflection points. The first spans the end of the Iran-Iraq war, the collapse of the bipolar order and the First Gulf War,... more
Many academics and policy-makers have misunderstood or ignored this trinity, however, and in different ways. Firstly, the the trinitarian analysis is a tool, not a ‘formula’ or doctrine, 3 secondly the trinity of the state – the... more
Glosa al Tratado de polemologia de Gaston Bouthoul, una de las obras fundamentales del espíritu europeo, imprescindible en el macuto de un lector joven, de un universitario, de una inteligencia curiosa.
States need to benefit from some persuasion techniques especially at wars. Besides on military superiority, it is important to control both rivals and allies psychology and way of thinking. Thanks to developments in communication... more
A nagy francia forradalom, majd a napóleoni háborúk a hadviselésben új korszak beköszöntét jelentették. Elengedhetetlenné vált új általános érvényű összefüggések megállapítása és rendszerbe foglalása. Ezt a korszak kétségtelenül... more
The aim of this paper is to show Carl von Clausewitz influence on Vladimir Lenin writings and actions. We especially want to analyse this influence on bolshevik’s theory of war, warfare and revolutionary struggle. We think that Clausewitz... more
Are non-human animals our friends or enemies? In this provocative book, Dinesh Wadiwel argues that our mainstay relationships with billions of animals are essentially hostile. The War against Animals asks us to interrogate this sustained... more
The definition of terrorism and its differentiation from war and guerrilla warfare has been a problem for science, international relations and legal systems for decades. This article posits that defining terrorism requires also the... more
مقایسه دیدگاه های ژومینی و کلازویتس در باب جنگ(حسین اژدر:پارسا تهران ۱۳۸۴/باشگاه اندیشه جوان قابل دست رس دراندیشه کده روابط بین الملل) ناپلئون یک نابغه عملی استراتژیک بود . از اواخر قرن هیجدهم و اوایل قرن نوزدهم به بعد با... more
Carl von Clausewitz is a prominent military theorist in history, whose achievements are comparable to the contributions (on war issues) of the famous ancient thinker Sun Tzu and modern outstanding theorist of the... more
The paper presents the reflections about war of Michel Foucault and Deleuze and Guattari and their different positions about the possibility of reversing the famous Clausewitz formula that states that war in the continuation of war by... more
Esta es una versión abreviada de un texto utilizado para presentar en el 2do. Foro 2021, organizado por el Grupo: Psicólogos en formación en Grupos Operativos. Al paso del tiempo, mi cercanía a la obra de Pichon Riviere se ha ido... more
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français ci-après): This article (as all my other articles on Clausewitz) isn’t a discussion “around” the thoughts of Clausewitz, which would be first based on Clausewitz – an attractive name! – in order to... more
In the midst of massive, rapid and all-encompassing global changes in 21st century, the environment of conflict, nature of warfighting and even the character of warriors are also transforming from sole conventional state-based mode to... more
The Chinese strategist Sun Tzu offers a very different vision of war from that known in the Western tradition. Sun Tzu’s work is influenced by the Taoist faith (Lonsdale, 2008: 47). For Sun Tzu war is a necessary evil that represents a... more
Despite the enduring interest in the written work of Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) there appears to be shortage of studies focusing specifically on what he had to say about the matter of civilians or non-combatants in war. After... more
Cuenta el Coronel Harry Summers que en abril de 1975 sostuvo conversaciones con los líderes norvietnamitas a quienes les dijo: Ustedes saben que nunca podrán vencernos en una batalla. La respuesta de la contraparte fue: Puede ser, pero... more
The main research idea of this thesis is to develop a strategic IT investment framework using primarily military concepts as a basis. On the one side we discuss the most influencing military thinkers in Belgian Defense Carl von Clausewitz... more
SEE PUBLICATION STATS Clausewitz, Marx, Engels e Lenin: Rupturas, Continuidades ou Parentescos Intelectuais na Relação entre Guerra e Revolução? Clausewitz, Marx, Engels and Lenin: continuity or intelectual connection in the... more
A decade after 9/11, the new generation of U.S. officers continues to postpone -or altogether shun -assignments to the various war colleges in favor of a second, third, or fourth deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan. As Major-General Robert... more
Abstract (en) This thesis attempts to examine elements of the strategy of emancipation from Deleuze and Guattari’s perspective of the minority. It is about showing how the "becoming-minoritarian" developed in A Thousand Plateaus works... more
Bu makale, Prusyalı bir general ve düşünür olan Carl von Clausewitz’in savaş düşüncesini felsefî yönleriyle ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Clausewitz, başarılı bir general olmasının yanı sıra, sahip olduğu savaş düşüncesiyle, politik felsefe... more
La realización de la obra The Chasseur in the Forest, cuadro de Caspar David Friedrich, coincide con la Campaña de Otoño de 1813, cuando los Aliados avanzaron a Francia, pero antecede a la ocupación de París en abril de 1814. El cuadro... more
It is commonly believed that the great military theorist Carl von Clausewitz maintained that "genius rises above the rules." This note demonstrates to the contrary that, in his view, a good theory of war could and should describe rules of... more
A draft paper that looks at what Clausewitz had to say about the campaign against the Polish uprising in 1830-1. These are just my rough research notes for a possible journal article on the broader topic of Clausewitz, civilians and... more
Joseph Conrad’s “The Duel” (1908) is a short story that is usually read as a “historical fiction” concerned with the violence that animated the Napoleonic Wars. But if this tale looks back to past, total wars, it also looks ahead to more... more
Scomparire è ancora meglio che tuffarsi sott'acqua: al costume dei ranocchi, preferisco quello dei topi. Non penso, però, a quelli neri e grigi delle case e dei giardini, ma al topo giallo-rosso della foresta tropicale, che somiglia ad un... more
An analysis of thedifferent statements about the reversing of the Clausewitz's formula proposed by Foucault, Deleuze-Guattari and Aron
O artigo analisa os principais aspectos das alterações na conduta guerra desde o Renascimento até o início do século XIX.
If war is an inherently human phenomenon, then discussion of the human aspects of war is as timeless as the discussion of war itself. One prudent start point for any discussion on military matters is the philosophy of war described by the... more
Resumen La forma en que se piensa un problema sesga las alternativas de políti-cas públicas. En los últimos años han surgido numerosas categorías ana-líticas que han pretendido dar cuenta de las " nuevas formas de guerra ". Sin embargo,... more
L’embricazione nel tessuto testuale avviene nel conflitto tra la ragione di Stato e le urgenze della coscienza, ovvero un kantiano, ma non supinamente accettato, uso pubblico della ragione, in una forma attiva di dialoghicità, quantunque... more
For more than one century Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war has formed a major pillar of the U.S. military doctrine. However, once the iron curtain fell and the Soviet Union came to demise triggering possibly more problems than... more
Eastern versus Western war theories.
It is crucial to know what Clausewitz understands politik which is translated differently, depending on the passage towards politics or policy (Brossard). The German word politik is inherently heterogenetic and can refer to policy (will... more
Clausewitz wrote a lot more about counter-insurgency than is commonly acknowledged. He supported the idea of popular insurrection during his youth and even accepted the possibility of atrocities against non-combatants and civilians as a... more
1 Machiavelli è il primo pensatore, sul bordo esterno della Modernità, a co-gliere la centralità del rapporto tra guerra e politica come perno della sua rifles-sione. Oltre a legare indissolubilmente, sul piano teorico, la politica alla... more
Saggio neomarxista sul conflittualismo dialettico del Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico
The lecture provided an overview of scholarship as it stood as bicentenary celebrations were just beginning in 2012. At that point there remained a notable difference between American, British and Canadian historical interpretations about... more
"War, Clausewitz and the Trinity." Thomas Waldman. Ashgate. February 2013. --- Today, the ideas of Carl von Clausewitz are employed almost ubiquitously in strategic studies, military history and defence literature, but often in... more
La traccia insidiosa con cui il tempo si allontana da noi. Voi, predecessori, sangue nella scarpa. Sguardi senza occhi, parole senza bocca. Forme, prive di corpo. Discesi dal cielo, dispersi in sepolcri lontani, resuscitati dai morti,... more
Warum Clausewitz? Es mag befremdlich wirken, sich heute mit einem preußischen Offizier auseinanderzusetzen, der gegen Napoleon kämpfte. Aber Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) hat einen jener klassischen Texte geschrieben, der die Zeiten... more
Saggio post-marxista e neo-repubblicano sul Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico, di Massimo Morigi