Cardiology Research
Recent papers in Cardiology Research
[rejected; see additional commentary*] Comment on “Effects of n−3 Fatty Acid Supplements in Diabetes Mellitus: ASCEND Study” N Engl J Med 2018 Aug
The pharmacology of anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs, Molnupiravir (M) and repurposed Ivermectin (IV) were compared. The IC 50 for the inhibition of viral replication were 0.3µM for M and 2.8µM for IV. Both drugs have good oral absorption, with M... more
SALI BERISHA Universally known as a leading researcher in the field of cardiology, Sali conducted a research program on hemodynamics, focusing on the dynamics of blood flow, that is why his scientific papers were adopted by universities... more
Heart Rate variability (HRV) is the method to capture the electrical signals of the heart and analyze the beat-to-beat timing of the heart. The capability of HRV to derive the behavior of the Central Nervous system (CNS) can be a useful... more
Introduction: Qur'anic verses recitations to ill patients are practiced by many Muslims as a form of healing and worship. The effectiveness has been observed in many medical institutions; however, it has never been objectively measured... more
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Sindrom koroner akut (SKA) adalah penyakit kardiovaskular yang sering menyebabkan mortalitas. Laporan Kasus: Laki-laki 51 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri ulu hati, mual, dan keringat dingin sejak 1 jam sebelumnya.... more
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Patients can be stratified by symptoms, risk factors and electrocardiogram results but cardiac biomarkers also have a prime role both... more
NStemi merupakan penyakit kekritisan yang membutuhkan penanganan segera. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah panduan (guidance) yang mempunyai bukti klinik dalam penanganan penyakit ini. Berikut merupakan pembahasan tentang beberapa... more
It’s a glad welcome to all the Doctors, Nurses Researchers, Academicians, scientific delegates, cardiologist, Neurologist, young scientists and scholars from Cardiology and Neurology field to appear at our organization and join us for... more
Vasquez A. Review of JAMA Cardiology’s 2018 “Associations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Use with Cardiovascular Disease Risks”. Video presentation ( and official transcript... more
Purpose: Status epilepticus has been increasingly associated with cardiac injury in both clinical and animal studies. Our group has previously shown that excitotoxic seizure induction results in the formation of ischaemic myocardial... more
CorSalud 2020 12(1) Número completo en español
Defekti Gerbode eshte nje forme e rralle e defektit septal ventrikular, i cili konsiston ne nje komunikim midis ventrikulit te majte dhe atriumit te djathte. Ai është zakonisht kongenital, por mund te prezantohet edhe si pasojë e... more
The heart failure syndrome has been recognized as a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease burden in sub-Saharan African for many decades. Seminal knowledge regarding heart failure in the region came from case reports and case... more
The heart failure syndrome has been recognized as a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease burden in sub-Saharan African for many decades. Seminal knowledge regarding heart failure in the region came from case reports and case... more
Prophylaxis of Rheumatic Fever with Azithromycin
Treatment and prophylaxis of RF / RHD with Azithromycin :- Tablet Azithromycin 500 mg 1 OD for 5 days followed by 1 tablet Azithromycin 500 mg once a week / every sunday for 1 year.
Treatment and prophylaxis of RF / RHD with Azithromycin :- Tablet Azithromycin 500 mg 1 OD for 5 days followed by 1 tablet Azithromycin 500 mg once a week / every sunday for 1 year.
Statins lower serum cholesterol and are employed for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events. Clinical evidence from observational studies, retrospective data, and post hoc analyses of data from large statin trials in... more
The heart failure syndrome has been recognized as a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease burden in sub-Saharan African for many decades. Seminal knowledge regarding heart failure in the region came from case reports and case... more
Η Διεπιστημονικότητα στην Καρδιολογία
Recent advances in basic cardiovascular research as well as their translation into the clinical situation were the focus at the last ''New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Research meeting''. Major topics included the characterization of new... more
Objective: To determine the frequency of hypertension and proportion of patients achieving good control of blood pressure (BP) and to examine the relationship of BP control with different variables in type 2 diabetes. Methodology: This... more
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) account for high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Both, genetic and epigenetic factors are involved in the enumeration of various cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, a vast amount of multi-omics data... more
SummaryThe increased atherothrombotic risk in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been classically explained by the multiplicative effect of systemic concomitant pro-atherosclerotic factors. In particular, centripetal obesity,... more
Citation: Breijo-Marquez FR. How you should comment on a mistake with a comrade. Must it always be troublesome?. Madridge J Inter Emerg Med. 2018; 2(1): 51-53. Document This possibility, far from being unusual, can be quite frequent.... more
"Background. Treatment of hyperlipidemia is helpful in both primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and stroke. Aim. To compare lipid-lowering efficacy of rosuvastatin with atorvastatin. Methodology. This open-label... more
"Background: With ever-changing lifestyles in the developing countries prevalence of coronary heart disease is on the increase. This study was conducted to determine differences in frequencies of different risk factors between... more
The pointed feature of the traditional Iranian medicinal system, Ayurveda, is its emphasis on the maintenance of positive health effects of them. As per Ayurveda, Iranian medicinal plants are rich sources of substances that have several... more
The morbidity and mortality caused by the dilated cardiomyopathy arise from fatal complications like ventricular tachy and bradyarrhythmias and congestive cardiac failure. A 36 year's old male residing at Navi Mumbai was admitted with the... more
Background: The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on cardiovascular calcification is unknown. We sought to evaluate the effects of EMF on vascular calcification in normal rats and in rats with chronic kidney disease (CKD)-a... more
Introduction: This study describes the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and the cardiac geometry and heart function assessed by transthoracic echocardiography. Materials and methods: We analyzed 5,898 echocardiographic studies... more
9 years) and a giant LAD (more than 60 mm) should be re-evaluated. Further studies are needed to elucidate the causes for the lower success rate of the Maze operation in redo-cardiac surgery.
The paper discusses the burden of heart failure to the patients and their families.
Aim: Diuretics are a cornerstone in treatment of heart failure (HF). Torasemide is a loop diuretic with a potential advantage over other diuretics. We aim to meta-analyse and compare the effect of torasemide with furosemide in HF... more
The objective was to relate the response of the HSP70 and P53 genes to the cessation and the recovery of cardiac muscle cell functions when submitted to ischemia-reperfusion. We have measured the electromechanical activity, the released... more
Background: Noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death in the world and low and middle-income countries suffer from preventable premature death. The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors for non- communicable... more
According to the World Health Organization, health has been defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” [1]. Health websites are an internet-based source... more
Background: Myocarditis of viral origin can be frequently missed due to its various manifestations and possible false negative results after a classical fluoroscopyguided endomyocardial biopsy. The 3D-electroanatomic mapping... more
Major Diagnostic Criteria Positive blood culture for typical infective endocarditis organisms (S. viridans or S. bovis, HACEK organisms, S. aureus without other primary site, Enterococcus), from 2 separate blood cultures or 2 positive... more