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The stereotype of women's limited parking skills is deeply anchored in modern culture. Although laboratory tests prove men's average superiority in visuospatial tasks and parking requires complex, spatial skills, underlying mechanisms... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceGender StudiesSex and Gender
In this study, the method of direct-motion parallel parking is introduced both in theory and in simulations for the vehicle with and without a trailer. The results show that not only a vehicle with a trailer park in parallel using direct... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
The existing use of underground space and further options of strengthening and integrating underground spaces into traditional planning process in urban areas has been surveyed through various studies and importance of underground spaces... more
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      Underground SpaceExcavationMetroCar Parking
The Interlaced concept relates to fitting of one part into another and here the part relates to connection of buildings for the proper utilization of space, which was done for parking and classroom purposes. This project presents the... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban DesignParkingCar Parking
In this study, the method of direct-motion diagonal and perpendicular parking is introduced both in theo-ry and in simulations for the vehicle with and without a trailer. The results show that not only a vehicle with a trailer park in... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringMobile RoboticsControl EngineeringAutonomous Robotics
Searching for the parking space is a time-consuming task while visiting for shopping or unknown cities. Real-time parking management gets benefited for the development of the smart city and also reduces time for finding the parking place.... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingTraffic SimulationDigital Signal Processing
With the growth of economy, vehicle has become a necessity in our daily life making the vehicle quantity increase dramatically. Vehicle brings convenience to people, yet parking causes serious problems because of poor management at the... more
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    • Car Parking
In this study, the method of direct-motion diagonal and perpendicular parking is introduced both in theo-ry and in simulations for the vehicle with and without a trailer. The results show that not only a vehicle with a trailer park in... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringMobile RoboticsControl EngineeringAutonomous Robotics
Finding empty parking spaces is a common problem in densely populated areas. Drivers spend an unnecessarily large amount of time searching for the empty spots, because they do not have perfect knowledge about the available vacant spots.... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban PlanningComputer Aided DesignHousing
Purpose: This chapter explains how and why local parking policies are developed, the sometimes conflicting relationship between parking, revenue raising and economic development and the circumstances in which it may be appropriate to use... more
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      Sustainable TransportationTransportation StudiesRoad TransportTransport Planning
In this study, the method of direct-motion diagonal and perpendicular parking is introduced both in theo-ry and in simulations for the vehicle with and without a trailer. The results show that not only a vehicle with a trailer park in... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
Parking is a huge problem in densely populated areas and drivers spend a significant amount of time finding a suitable place to park their cars. A system that could show drivers the nearest available space would result in enormous savings... more
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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionOn-Street ParkingParking
Car parking lots are an important object class in many traffic and civilian applications. With the problems of increasing urban traffic congestion and the ever increasing shortage of space, these car parking lots are needed to be well... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingEdge DetectionImage matching
Nowadays, in all the cities, there is an acute problem of a lack of parking spaces. The number of vehicles are becoming more and more larger, not only in megacities, but in small cities of the country, as well and there are no more... more
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      Computer ScienceRussiaUzbekistanTrajectory
In this study, the method of direct-motion parallel parking is introduced both in theory and in simulations for the vehicle with and without a trailer. The results show that not only a vehicle with a trailer park in parallel using direct... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringMobile RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsIntelligent Control Systems
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      Space and PlaceSoundscape StudiesAtmospheres (Architecture)Surveillance Studies
This paper presents an intelligent reactive controller which is capable of performing parallel parking in a confined space slightly larger than the dimensions of the vehicle. This controller combines the features of fuzzy logic control... more
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      Learning AutomataSliding mode control, stability, and nonlinear controlCar ParkingSliding Mode Controller
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      Agent Based SimulationModeling and SimulationOn-Street ParkingParking
Parking is a huge problem in densely populated areas and drivers spend a significant amount of time finding a suitable place to park their cars. A system that could show drivers the nearest available space would result in enormous savings... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingPattern RecognitionOn-Street Parking
An intelligent reactive controller which is capable of performing automated parallel parking in a confined space very little larger than the dimensions of the vehicle, is presented. The effectiveness of this controller is demonstrated via... more
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      Nonholonomic VehiclesCar Parking
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      FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETEFerrocementCar ParkingConcrete Pavers
Searching for the parking space is a time-consuming task while visiting for shopping or unknown cities. Real-time parking management gets benefited for the development of the smart city and also reduces time for finding the parking place.... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingDigital Signal Processing
Now a days, finding an available parking space can be considered as time and fuel consuming. Therefore, it may cause drivers to be frustrated; which will lead to inappropriate parking. This will lead to bad traffic around the parking... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceCar ParkingParking Lot
Verkeer dat zoekt naar een straatparkeerplaats levert veel onnodige uitstoot en brandstofverbruik op. Dankzij voertuig-voertuigcommunicatie kunnen auto’s in de nabije toekomst onderling informatie uitwisselen over beschikbare... more
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      Information TechnologyParking SpaceOn-Street ParkingParking
This paper builds upon recent research on mobility infrastructures to question the usefulness of the mobility/moorings binary and suggest that scholars should examine the practices of infrastructuring by which mobile subjects, affects and... more
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      Cultural GeographySustainable TransportationMobility/MobilitiesTransportation Infrastructure Systems
The existing use of underground space and further options of strengthening and integrating underground spaces into traditional planning process in urban areas has been surveyed through various studies and importance of underground spaces... more
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      Underground SpaceExcavationMetroCar Parking
"Il est interdit de laisser stationner sans nécessité sur la voie publique aucune voiture attelée ou non attelée" : l'article 10 du Décret Impérial du 10 août 1852 sur la police des voitures montre l'ancienneté de la prise en compte par... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban mobilityOn-Street ParkingParking
ABSTRACT Parking is a huge problem in densely populated areas and drivers spend a significant amount of time finding a suitable place to park their cars. A system that could show drivers the nearest available space would result in... more
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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionOn-Street ParkingParking