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      ParkingParking policy
Makalah ini berisi mengenai metodologi penelitian dengan mengambil studi kasus pada lahan parkir fakultas teknik di Universitas Syiah Kuala. Terkhusus untuk penataan lahan parkir sepeda motor yang tidak jelas batasan parkir sehingga... more
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      Research MethodologyCase Study ResearchMotorcyclesStudents
Close interaction with the people, administrators and political leaders of historic precincts in Hyderabad and Shahjahanabad, Delhi, revealed a great enthusiasm amongst all to improve their general standard of living. But the notion of... more
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      Heritage ConservationCultural EconomicsUrban RenewalUrban Informality
Regardless of how fuel efficient the cars are or how little pollution they emit, cars need to be parked somewhere and generally a car spends about 95 percent of its life parked and uses several parking spaces each week. Much of the... more
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      Parking policyPublic Policy
Purpose: This chapter explains how and why local parking policies are developed, the sometimes conflicting relationship between parking, revenue raising and economic development and the circumstances in which it may be appropriate to use... more
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      Sustainable TransportationTransportation StudiesRoad TransportTransport Planning
Резиме: Кроз историју, много пута су се јављале фазе у којима је пропагирана одрживост. 70-их година прошлог века еколошки, друштвени и економски проблеми су достигли критичну тачку, на основу којих је и створена идеја о одрживом развоју,... more
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    • Parking policy
The aim of this paper is to study the impacts of bottom-up information provision about on-street parking places on parking dynamics under heterogeneous conditions. Using an agent-based simulation model, performance is compared between a... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransportation StudiesTransport PlanningIntelligent Transportation Systems
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      Urban PlanningTransportation PolicyUrbanismUrban Policy
We present PARKAGENT, an agent-based, spatially explicit, model for parking in the city. PARKAGENT is based on the geosimulation approach, combining real-world GIS database with a multi-agent system. The model simulates the behavior of... more
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      Agent BasedMulti Agent SystemExtreme Value TheoryOn-Street Parking
El presente artículo analiza los requerimientos de estacionamiento en edificaciones de uso residencial dentro de la ciudad de Lima. Se analizarán los máximos y mínimos requeridos con base en casos, normativa y doctrina. Asimismo, el autor... more
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      Property LawParkingParking policyParking Solutions
Deze paper is gericht op de parkeerproblemen op bedrijventerreinen die zijn ontstaan door een te lage capaciteit in verhouding tot het alsmaar toenemende autogebruik. Om deze parkeerproblemen te ondervangen werken locale overheden met... more
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      Transportation StudiesOn-Street ParkingParkingParking policy
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      On-Street ParkingParkingParking policy
Nowadays, in all the cities, there is an acute problem of a lack of parking spaces. The number of vehicles are becoming more and more larger, not only in megacities, but in small cities of the country, as well and there are no more... more
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      Computer ScienceRussiaUzbekistanTrajectory
The aim of this paper is to study the impacts of bottom-up information provision about on-street parking places on parking dynamics under heterogeneous conditions. Using an agent-based simulation model, performance is compared between a... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransport EngineeringTransportation StudiesTransport Planning
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      Urban PlanningSustainable Urban PlanningSustainable CitiesSustainable Transport
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      On-Street ParkingParkingParking policy
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      Parking SpaceOn-Street ParkingParkingParking policy
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      Urban PlanningSustainable Urban PlanningSustainable CitiesSustainable Transport
We present PARKAGENT, an agent-based, spatially explicit, model for parking in the city. PARKAGENT is based on the geosimulation approach, combining real-world GIS database with a multi-agent system. The model simulates the behavior of... more
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      Agent BasedMulti Agent SystemExtreme Value TheoryOn-Street Parking
The paper presents the results of a study on parking standards conducted among the experts involved in developing municipal spatial plans, along with an overview of parking standards in more than 50 municipalities in Slovenia. The study... more
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      Transport PlanningSpatial planningParkingParking policy
We present PARKAGENT, an agent-based, spatially explicit, model for parking in the city. PARKAGENT is based on the geosimulation approach, combining real-world GIS database with a multi-agent system. The model simulates the behavior of... more
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      On-Street ParkingParkingParking policy
MinisteriuM FÜR EIN lebenswertes Österreich 03 Vorwort 07 Klimaschutz braucht umweltfreundliches Parkraummanagement 09 Das klimaaktiv mobil Programm 10 Parkraum beeinflusst Siedlungsstruktur 11... more
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      Urban PlanningTransportation PolicyUrbanismUrban Policy
This paper presents an explicit agent-based model of parking search in a city. In the model," drivers" drive toward their destination, search for parking, park, remain at the parking place, and leave. The city's... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningOn-Street ParkingParking
Verkeer dat zoekt naar een straatparkeerplaats levert veel onnodige uitstoot en brandstofverbruik op. Dankzij voertuig-voertuigcommunicatie kunnen auto’s in de nabije toekomst onderling informatie uitwisselen over beschikbare... more
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      Information TechnologyParking SpaceOn-Street ParkingParking
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      On-Street ParkingParkingParking policy
This paper presents an explicit agent-based model of parking search in a city. In the model," drivers" drive toward their destination, search for parking, park, remain at the parking place, and leave. The city's... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningOn-Street ParkingParking
Faz algumas aproximações a economia e a política dos estacionamentos, ressaltando sua função na política de transporte urbano focada no enfrentamento das externalidade inter e intra setorial.
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      On-Street ParkingParking policyOff-Street Parking