Breach of Contract
Recent papers in Breach of Contract
A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law... more
this may be of interest to those who have not seen our case. in 2015 i caused a Notice of Default to be filed against BONYM et al. It is in the case and filed into the country recorders. The Waiver of Tort was violated, leaving over 15... more
The writing is a comment on a decision of the Italian Supreme Court, in plenary session, about public authority’s precontractual liability (n. 615/2021). It follows other recent judgements, always related to an unfair behaviour of a... more
This paper represents a deep analysis of one of the most famous cases of Western law: Donoghue v. Stevenson. Many legal principles arose from the ruling of the House of Lords: privity of contract, duty of care and, above all, negligence... more
RESUMEN: La dispersa y precaria reglamentación de la resolución por incumplimiento, sumada a la pretendida hegemonía que nuestra doctrina y jurisprudencia atribuyen al ejercicio judicial de la resolución, no armoniza con las actuales... more
This paper refers to a breach of contract which means failure to keep the promises or agreements of a contract and as a result of that breach, the one party suffers damage. First of all, this paper highlights the correlation between... more
This writing analyzes, from a diachronic point of view, medical malpractice and how it has been impacted by the Italian law 8 March 2017, n. 24. The study shows that recognizing doctors directly liable in tort (art. 7) introduces a... more
international promises? Invasion versus Humanitarian intervention? Humanitarian interventions? Peacekeeping Forever war? Politicization of the financial system Prerequisite demilitarisation? Problematic parallels: Ukraine, Taiwan,... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Il framework. -2. Gli assi portanti di una possibile tassonomia. -3. I danni non patrimoniali da inadempimento nella cornice della distinzione fra obblighi di prestazione e obblighi di protezione. -3.1. La violazione di un... more
Contemporáneamente la responsabilidad contractual, en sentido amplio del término, se ha entendido como el sistema de acciones que dispone el acreedor frente al incumplimiento del contrato; dentro de las que se comprende tanto la acción de... more
Duke sued over grade fraud, negligence, unjust enrichment, breach of contract. Student sued teacher and school over failing grade.
Specific performance and the right to cure are often two main concepts in question when there is a breach in an international sale contract. This article, in a different approach, compares the differences between provisions of English... more
The essay analyses the new regulation of non-pecuniary damages submitted by the law proposal no. 1151/2019. Once explored the reasons why to intervene in the field of torts and liability for breach of contract, the author addresses the... more
En este trabajo de investigación se analiza el origen y presupuestos de la teoría del incumplimiento eficiente de origen norteamericana en contraste con los fundamentos axiológicos de la teoría general del contrato consagrados en el... more
RESUMO: A questão central sob investigação no presente estudo consiste em definir a consequência do descumprimento de deveres laterais de conduta oriundos da boa-fé objetiva. Nessa empreitada, adotam-se como premissas teóricas específicas... more
There is a big difference between a minor oversight or a failure to fulfill a small detail of the contract versus a total failure to perform any aspect of the agreement. Learn more about material breach and non-material breach contract in... more
This chapter deals with general rules of contract law in various legal systems. It is the chapter 6 of the manual "International Business Law" designed mainly for multinational audiences of students in management. The purpose is to... more
This case addresses how students might actually proceed in starting their own Internet company. It is inevitable that many students will currently be thinking about their big idea that will reshape the Internet. A story from this business... more
SARBANES OXLEY ACT, Secretary Pompeo states, " Their books are not wide open." This is why we do not get to discovery as when one brings in the Sarbanes Oxley Act the Pandora's box of hidden criminal actions cannot be shut back in. Once... more
Parties to a repeat transaction contract are assigned a property rights bundle with partial ex-post decision rights. I show for an investing buyer with incomplete bargaining power, that granting her the right to terminate the contract... more
RESUMO: O artigo tem por objetivo promover análise a respeito da teoria do inadimplemento eficiente do contrato, notadamente pelo exame da quebra contratual e seus efeitos. Nesse sentido, são discutidas, na perspectiva de direito... more
The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit decided twenty-four insurance-related cases between June 2004 and April 2005. Those cases originated in nine federal district courts. Unlike its 2002-2004 rulings, the Court of Appeals did not... more
Leasing adalah kesepakatan bersama oleh masing-masing pihak yang menimbulkan ikatan satu sama lain. Perkara yang diputus oleh Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 1507 K/PDT/2010 menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi hubungan sewa menyewa... more
RESUMO: O presente estudo tem como escopo primordial a investigação da oponibilidade da exceção de contrato não cumprido em caso de descumprimento de deveres oriundos da boa-fé objetiva. Nessa empreitada, analisam-se cada um dos... more
Este livro trata do inadimplemento eficiente do contrato, tendo por objetivo estudar os seus elementos e a viabilidade de sua incorporação no direito brasileiro ou, pelo menos, desenvolver uma teoria propriamente brasileira a partir da... more
Leasing is a mutual agreement by each party which causes a bond to each other. The case which is ruled by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1507 K/PDT/2010 indicates that there has been land leasing relationship since... more
The justifications for strict products liability and other cases of strict liability in torts are different and distinct. The United States judiciary has limited strict liability in tort law to seven distinct scenarios: (1) animals that... more
Los contratos se celebran para cumplirse. De ello se deriva que el incumplimiento es siempre una situación irregular e indeseada. Siendo así, la ley garantiza diversas medidas de protección frente al incumplimiento, tanto en contratos... more
This article is focussing on the study that how psychological contract breach harm the organisation. In troublesome occasions when organizations must adjust to various changes in the worldwide financial atmosphere work practices are of... more
Leasing adalah kesepakatan bersama oleh masing-masing pihak yang menimbulkan ikatan satu sama lain. Perkara yang diputus oleh Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 1507 K/PDT/2010 menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi hubungan sewa menyewa... more
Indagine sui rapporti tra rimedi specifici e rimedi per equivalente nei contratti di scambio
Investigation on specific performance and money damages as remedies for breach of contract
Investigation on specific performance and money damages as remedies for breach of contract
Consumers are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the services and products that the American insurance industry provides. Correspondingly, they are filing an ever-increasing number of lawsuits against insurers in state courts.... more
Cuando una persona cede a otra un solar a cambio de pisos o locales a construir sobre el mismo, pueden surgir numerosos problemas de tipo práctico, en los que a menudo se ven implicados no sólo los intereses de las partes sino también de... more