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There was a time in history when Italian and English tort’s structure had lots in common. Nowadays, instead, it’s not like that anymore, in particular if the plaintiff claims a non-pecuniary damage. Also in this case negligence is based... more
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      SelfdeterminationTort LawNon pecuniary lossesCivil liability
The article offers a critical analysis of non-pecuniary damages in contractual liability, by discussing the remedy’slegal bases, the role of the doctrinal category of the “obblighi di protezione” (Schutzpflichten) and the relevanceof the... more
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      Contract LawLaw of ObligationsNon pecuniary losses
SOMMARIO: 1. Il framework. -2. Gli assi portanti di una possibile tassonomia. -3. I danni non patrimoniali da inadempimento nella cornice della distinzione fra obblighi di prestazione e obblighi di protezione. -3.1. La violazione di un... more
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      Contract LawLaw of ObligationsBreach of ContractNon pecuniary losses
Legal scholars have been encouraged to examine alternative remedies for defamation in response to an increasing criticism of monetary damages. Various types of non-pecuniary relief (such as retraction, right of reply, publication of court... more
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      TortsRemedies (Law)Defamation LawLibel
La ley española permite que los datos de los morosos se inscriban en ficheros de solvencia patrimonial. Sin embargo, la inclusión indebida de esos datos puede ocasionar daños por los que hay que responder civilmente. Se examinan las... more
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      PrivacyTortsTort LawFundamental Rights
SOMMARIO: 1. Le tipologie di tutela e le loro sfumature funzionali in ragione della natura patrimoniale o non patrimoniale del danno. - 2. La ricostruzione del sistema generale dei danni non patrimoniali. - 3. Il quantum dei danni non... more
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      Diritti Fondamentali E InviolabiliNon pecuniary lossesResponsabilità da fatto illecito / aquiliana / extracontrattualeRisarcimento Del Danno
SOMMARIO: 1. Un'auspicabile svolta nel diritto tedesco della responsabilità civile. -2. Il richiamo alla coscienza sociale da parte della giurisprudenza italiana per individuare il soggetto danneggiato. -3. Il danno non patrimoniale... more
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      DeathDamages lawLaw of TortsPunitive Damages
In the note we upload, we try to show how judges, by triyng to give to plaintiff a decision not only legally correct but also substantially fair, sometimes 'forget' to respect the norms that rule the matter they should deal with.
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      Non pecuniary lossesCivil liabilityRisarcimento Del DannoCertezza del diritto
A Deus, por todas as graças que colocou em minha vida e pela força de vontade para superar qualquer dificuldade.
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      Civil LawCommon LawPunitive DamagesNon pecuniary losses
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      Private lawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawLaw of Contract
RESUMO: Há cada vez mais um interesse maior na medida, predição e controle das perdas suplementares, pois estas são um dos fatores importantes na determinação do rendimento e temperatura de operação de motores de indução. Portanto, é... more
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      Non pecuniary lossesInduction MotorLossesStray Load Losses(SLL)
This chapter offers a slightly different account of what corrective justice requires for the payment of monetary damages. Specifically, it argues that while corrective justice does require full compensation for the costs of future care,... more
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      Legal TheoryTort LawDamages lawNon pecuniary losses
When the doctor recognizes a deformities of the foetus just near the birth, the mother can claim damages for violation of the right to abortion provided that there has been causation between the breach of contract and the wrongful birth.... more
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      Medical NegligenceSelfdeterminationWrongful BirthNon pecuniary losses
O artigo avalia a evolução das noções que cercam o dano extrapatrimonial ou moral nos últimos 20 anos.
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      Direito CivilDerecho de DañosResponsabilidade CivilNon pecuniary losses
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      Civil LawContract LawLaw of ObligationsTort Law
Over 40 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada set an “upper limit” on the amounts which can be awarded as compensation for the non-pecuniary component of a bodily injury. This upper limit is now an effective cap. While the interpretation... more
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      Private lawTortsPersonal Injury LawTort Law
zastrzeżenie Kary uMownej a KoMpensacja nieMajątKowych uszczerBKów wierzycieLa I. truizmem jest stwierdzenie, że w obrocie gospodarczym istnieje zapotrzebowanie na instrument prawny zapewniający skuteczny i szybki sposób kompensacji... more
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      Civil LawContract LawLaw of ObligationsDamages law
The A. analyses the hypothesis if a defendant who does not enter in appearance can claim damages for the violation of Art. 6 of the ECHR, which declares that everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time. The... more
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      Non pecuniary lossesCivil liabilityObligations