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الخلاصة خلا التشريع المقارن وقصر الفقه عن إيجاد تعريف للمنتوجات المتشابهة وكذلك المسؤوليّة المدنيّة الجماعيّة الناجمة عن أضرارها، وبشكل عام يمكننا تعريف المنتوجات المتشابهة بأنها: (المحاصيل المعدة للاستخدام والاستهلاك والمتشابهة من حيث... more
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      Class ActionsMass Tort LitigationTort LawStrict Liability
L’Autore, dopo una breve introduzione, offre una panoramica dei principali sviluppi giurisprudenziali e dottrinali che hanno interessato, dal 2008 al 2018, l’art. 2050 c.c. (responsabilità per l’esercizio di attività pericolosa).... more
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      Private lawPersonal Injury LawTort LawDamages law
The European Parliament has proposed legal personhood for artificial intelligence entities, to ensure honouring of rights and responsibility. The article discusses the question of legal personhood for non-human beings from a... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningAutonomous AgentesProduct liability
According to conventional wisdom, negligence is a unique tort. It is different from strict liability because it is based on fault. Although it shares fault with intentional torts, negligence's version of fault is different because it... more
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      Strict LiabilityFault
En el capítulo se analiza, en primer término, qué tipo de responsabilidad es la que recae sobre los superiores respecto del delito de genocidio cometido por sus subordinados, conforme la jurisprudencia del TPIY. En segundo lugar, y en... more
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      International Criminal LawGenocideStrict LiabilityICTY
This dissertation examines the World Anti-Doping Agency’s harmonised set of anti-doping rules, known as the World Anti-Doping Code. The predominant focus of this study is the consequences which an athlete faces when confronted with the... more
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      Criminal LawCivil LawEthicsContract Law
The purpose of this paper is to offer a pedagogical road map for an alternative way to engage students when arriving at the torts portion of the business law or legal environment course. It is designed to encourage utilizing sports cases... more
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      LawPrivacyActive LearningComparative Studies on Legal Education
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The primary purpose of this article is to challenge the proposition that the rule in Rylands v Fletcher is best regarded as an offshoot of the tort of private nuisance, being an extension of that cause of action to isolated escapes. This... more
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      Law of ObligationsPrivate lawTortsTort Law
Dietro all’apparente semplicità della regola prevista dall’art. 82 c.p. si celano in realtà numerose questioni problematiche che sono fonte di notevoli oscillazioni applicative. L’articolo si propone di fare luce sulle diverse ipotesi di... more
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      Criminal LawLegal TheoryStrict Liability
In 1996 Keane J, then an ordinary member of the Supreme Court, suggested that the complete removal of mens rea from criminal offences would be unconstitutional. Ten years later the Supreme Court in CC v Ireland struck down a statutory... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawStrict LiabilitySubstantive Criminal Law
Il presente contributo affronta alcuni aspetti problematici legati alla re-sponsabilità da cose in custodia, disciplinata dall’art. 2051 cod. civ. Al-la luce dell’ampio contenzioso e degli incerti indirizzi giurisprudenziali, la... more
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      Comparative LawComparative Private LawPrivate lawTorts
In the summer of 1992, a leak developed in an underground water pipe belonging to the Stockport Borough Council. The pipe ran from the water main to a tower block where it supplied the water tanks in the basement of the block. The cause... more
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      Comparative LawStrict Liability
In this paper, we argue that clients who purchase commercial sex from victims of forced prostitution should be strictly liable in torts towards the victims. Such an approach is both normatively defensible and doctrinally feasible.... more
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      Human TraffickingTort LawStrict LiabilityBattery
A survey on the ambiguous statute of Fault principle aka Schuldprinzip (nulla poena sine culpa)  in the ECJ and ECHR Jurisprudence and its impact on National Courts decisions.
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      Criminal LawEuropean Criminal LawStrict LiabilityCriminal Law, Mens Rea, Culpabiltiy
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      DeathArbitrationMediationMultinational Corporations
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      JurisprudenceCivil LawContract LawStrict Liability
There is an ebb of consumer protection in Nigeria notwithstanding the existence of numerous laws and regulations governing the subject matter. Reported cases of fake and substandard products, adulteration, underweight, defects and the... more
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      International Human Rights LawConsumer Protection (Law)Product liabilityStrict Liability
Online service providers (OSPs)—such as AOL, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter—significantly shape the informational environment (infosphere) and influence users’ experiences and interactions within it. There is a general agreement... more
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      Business EthicsApplied PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyApplied Ethics
I will discuss the relationship between two different accounts of remedial duty ascriptions. According to one account, the beneficiary account, individuals who benefit innocently from injustices ought to bear remedial responsibilities... more
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      Political PhilosophyGlobal JusticePhilosophy Of LawMoral Luck
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      PhilosophyEuropean LawWasteStrict Liability
In Law of Torts: “Where no duty is owed, there can be no liability.” This statement is being discussed under following heads: - What is Duty of Care? - When is the duty of care breached? - What could a person be entitled to if a duty of... more
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      Judicial PrecedentStrict LiabilityLaw of TortsCase law
ÖZET Çalışmada, veteriner hekimin hukuki sorumluluğu bağlamında hayvan kavramı ve hayvanın hukuki niteliği bu konuda Türkiye’deki, diğer hukuk sistemlerindeki ve uluslararası düzenlemelerdeki esaslara yer verilerek ele alınmış; ardından... more
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      TortsStrict Liability
American and English criminal law is characterized by wider use of strict liability than one finds in the criminal law of many European jurisdictions. With respect to English law, scholars have suggested that the use of lay juries... more
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      LawCriminal LawJurisprudenceComparative Law
The development of driving support and cruise assist systems in the automotive industry has been astonishing, accelerating dramatically in the last ten years: since the first DARPA Urban Challenge field tests have multiplied in the US –... more
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      Strict LiabilityTort Liability
O chamado princípio da razoabilidade tem sido utilizado como um dos mecanismos disponíveis ao administrador para afastar eventual rigidez formal que trazem juntos os tradicionais princípios da legalidade estrita e supremacia do... more
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      Strict LiabilityPrincípio da RazoabilidadeRevista de direitoRevista da AGU
InDret presenta, por cuarto año consecutivo, una selección de diez sentencias del Tribunal Supremo sobre cuestiones centrales del derecho de daños. El lector también encontrará en este trabajo las selecciones de 2004, 2005 y 2006... more
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      CausationStrict LiabilityJoint and Several Liability
ÖZET Çalışmada, öncelikle iş kazası ve meslek hastalığı kavramları ve birbirinden ayrılan yönleri üzerinde durulmuş, ardından, iş kazası ve meslek hastalığından doğan zararlardan sorumlulukta sorumluluğun süjesinin kim olması gerektiği... more
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      Strict LiabilityAccident at WorkOccupational DiseasesWork Accidents
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      Comparative LawTort LawStrict Liability
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      Environmental LawIndonesiaStrict Liability
Many national legislative frameworks in Europe limit the scope of strict liability to the specific sources of danger listed by statute. This in itself causes disparate treatment of seemingly similar dangers, since legislatively mandated... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawEuropean LawTort Law
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    • Strict Liability
Strict liability for ultra-hazardous activities is entirely different from strict products liability. Since strict liability has been applied to so-called dangerous or ultra-hazardous activities, the application has been limited to... more
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      Strict LiabilityCulpabilityRisk Benefit AnalysisLiability
Türk Borçlar Kanunu’nun 71. maddesinin son fıkrası, önemli ölçüde tehlike arzeden bir işletmenin faaliyetine hukuk düzenince izin verilmiş ise, bu tür faaliyetlerden zarar görenlerin denkleştirilme isteyebileceğini düzenlemiştir. Bu... more
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      Civil LawTort LawStrict LiabilityLaw of Torts
Die Vorhersehbarkeitsklausel nach dem Modell des Art. 74 des Wiener Kaufrechtsabkommens (CISG) ist eine der wichtigsten vorgesehenen Änderungen der neuen ungarischen Privatrechtskodifikation im Bereich des Schadensersatzrechts. Es wird... more
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      Civil LawContract LawStrict LiabilityHungary
Vicarious liability is the doctrine by means of which liability for wrongful conduct may be imposed on a party that is not itself at fault; the party held liable is most commonly an employer and the immediate wrongdoer an employee.... more
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      LawEmployment LawLegal TheoryTort Law
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      LawCommercial LawContractProduct liability
ABSTRAC: This article examines three linked questions which are considered key elements for the confi guration of a products liability system. First, defect categories, i.e., manufacturing defects, design defects, and insuffi cient... more
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    • Strict Liability
The limitation of liability (known as financial caps) of the ship owner has a long tradition in maritime law in general and in the marine oil pollution compensation regime in particular. This paper uses the economic instrument to... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceDeterrencePath Dependence
Este trabajo propone un análisis crítico de los pronunciamientos de la STC 181/2000, de 20 de junio, sobre el sistema para la valoración de los daños y perjuicios causados a las personas en accidentes de circulación, y de los criterios... more
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      Tort LawStrict LiabilityDerecho de DañosResponsabilidad Civil
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawPrivate International LawEnglish language
Some considerations of the mechanism of compensatory funds for pollution damages, with special reference to CLC system, and its third level of compensation (2003 Fund Protocol)
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      Strict LiabilityCLC
The paper has dual aim: to analyse the structure of negligence, and to use it to offer an explanation of responsibility (for actions, omissions, consequences) in terms of the relations which must exist between the action (omission, etc.)... more
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      EthicsResponsibilityJustifications and ExcusesDamages law
In this paper I argue that Coleman’s mixed conception of corrective justice is subject to three important objections. First, it does not offer an explanation of the normative structure of tort law. The values of responsibility and concern... more
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      Distributive JusticeTort LawStrict LiabilityConceptual analysis
for useful comments on earlier drafts. Michael Faure is grateful to the Centre of Civil Law Studies at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge) for providing research assistance for this paper. In addition, we benefited from information... more
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      Strict LiabilityLiability Insurance
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    • Strict Liability
Liability and compensation for personal injury and death resulting from road traffic accidents is one of the great issues on the liability and compensation agenda of our time. Applicable liability regulations of Turkish Law in road... more
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      Road Traffic CrashesTort LawStrict LiabilityCompensation