Recent papers in Boundary
Cadre général et problématique Depuis les années soixante, et surtout depuis la signature en 1978 du Traité de coopération amazonienne (TCA), la politique des pays amazoniens a oscillé entre la coopération dans le cadre d'accords bi-ou... more
In contemporary sociology, there has been significant interest in the idea of mobility, the decline of the nation state, the rise of flexible citizenship, and the porous quality of political boundaries. There is much talk of medicine... more
Most ecologists are comfortable with the notion of habitats as recognizable entities and also with situations where the junction between two adjacent habitats forms a discrete edge. Such edges form naturally because of sharp changes in... more
This paper is a product of the World Bank Group. The World Bank Group does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the... more
Even seasoned observers of academic fashions may feel giddy noticing the rise of something called the" New Historicism," especially as we had just grown accustomed to pronouncements-whether celebratory or derogatory-that... more
Spanish and American colonisers ascribed the identity 'Igorot' to the peoples of the northern Philippine mountains, positioning them in the 'tribal slot' , after Trouillot 1991, somewhere between ordinary Philippine peasants and... more
Page 1. Good Morning, Midnight; Good Night, Modernism Judith Kegan Gardiner Jean Rhys is one of the greatest novelists of alienation. Because much of her work has an obviously autobiographical base and because she ...
... I would like to thank Bainard Cowan for checking my translations. ... We could begin with the rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen to political prominence as the leader of the xeno-phobic National Front and with the trial of Klaus Barbie and the... more
A pre-requisite in slope stability analyses is that the internal structure and the mechanical properties of the soil or rock mass of the slope, are known or can be estimated with a reasonable degree of certainty. Geophysical methods to... more
The purpose of this plan to get wall reinforcement, it's longitudinal reinforcement, transversal reinforcement, and boundary component reinforcement.The design of shear wall elevator / core lift on the 10-story office building, its using... more
Freire, and the Russian literary critic and philosopher, Mikhail Bakhtin. While there are commonalities in their understanding of dialogue, they differ in their treatment of dialectic.This paper addresses commonalities and dissonances... more
This paper presents a study of the roji, a form of Japanese urban alleyway, which was once part of people's personal spatial sphere and everyday life, but has increasingly been transformed by diverse and competing interests. Marginalized... more
La constitution de l'Indochine française est passée par la conquête du Vietnam, la mise sous protectorat du Cambodge, et la cession du Laos, mais aussi par l'intégration des hautes terres du centre de la péninsule. Celles-ci appartiennent... more
The zombie has been one of the most prevalent monsters in films of the second half of the twentieth century, and as many have noted, it has experienced a further resurgence (or should we say, resurrection) in British and American film in... more
Historia social de la Iglesia y la religiosidad novohispanas. Tendencias historiográficas ¿Continúa teniendo valideZ el concePto de frontera Para estudiar la historia de los llanos en el siglo XXI?
Kibadachi is a rather simple karate exercise performed during a several-day-long special training, in which the participants squat in a crouching position for an hour and a half without moving. Despite its simplicity, and because its main... more
Grain boundaries play an important role in determining the mechanical properties of metallic materials. The impedance of dislocation motion at the boundary results in a strengthening mechanism. In addition, dislocations can pile-up, be... more
Williams understands lack in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, neither as a barrier to political recognition nor as the means of its deconstruction, but as a term that is inherent in definitions of masculinity.-Kevin Arnold, "Masculinity and Fantasy... more
This qualitative study used grounded theory methodology to explore the experiences of 30 self-employed, home-based workers in Canada. Using boundary and work–family border theories as central theoretical constructs, this research examined... more
This article describes the manner in which the shrines of a popular childbirth affliction-related goddess known as the Satvai determine notions about the traditional settlement patterns prevalent in rural Western Maharashtra since... more
Planktic microfossils arguably provide the most complete (stratigraphic and taxonomic) record of biodiversity of any group of organisms. The phytoplankton record is of particular significance as it most likely tracks global changes in the... more
... Lynda D. McNeil ... Cyrus Hamlin, who hopes to revise our notions of Romantic theory and poetry in the light of Ricoeur's concept of "living meta-phor," discusses the metaphoric relationship between the... more
Calcareous nannoplankton evolution and diversity through time Paul R. BOWN', Jackie A. LEES and Jeremy R. YOUNG" i Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower... more
En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de construcción social de los espacios de acción femenina para detectar algunos de los mecanismos de control que regulan el tránsito de las mujeres migrantes entre el espacio doméstico y diferentes... more
Generalization of the measure of returns-to-scale from a single number to an interval permits extension of the concept to DEA data domains with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. The key new approach is a partition of the optimal... more