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In line with the time and space allowed us, this paper will examine several pieces of research undertaken in Italy in the last two decades. Both those that have been completed and those still ongoing, although different, are held to be... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyResearch MethodologyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture Studies
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      ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesRoman PotteryArchaeology of Northern Italy
Studi e ricerche della scuola di specializzazione in Archeologia di Matera -ISBN 88-7228-670-8 -© 2012 · Edipuglia s.r.l.
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      Material Culture StudiesGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaAncient Technology (Archaeology)Greek Pottery
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Roman Pottery
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Roman stamped pottery
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      Funerary ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyLa Tene culture
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      Terracotta FigurinesEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeologyBlack Glazed PotteryWestern Greece
Oggetto di questo lavoro è la ceramica a vernice nera reperita nel corso degli scavi condotti negli anni 1954-1957 nell'area della città romana (località Civita di Sassoferrato, AN), probabile vicus degli umbri Sentinates elevato a... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Roman stamped potteryCeramics (Archaeology)Craft production (Archaeology)
Transport amphorae of Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean origin appear sporadically in the Hellenistic period coastal sites of the Gulf. The last five years of excavations and surveys at Thaj (aš-Šarqiyya, Saudi Arabia) carried out by CNRS... more
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)The Persian GulfSaudi ArabiaArabian Gulf
La presenza a Sentinum di bolli nominali su ceramica aretina a vernice nera di I sec. a.C. (1), rivelatisi sconosciuti altrove, mi ha fornito lo spunto per tentare un censimento di questo tipo di bolli. Lo spoglio bibliografico,... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Roman stamped potteryCraft production (Archaeology)Hellenistic Pottery - black glaze
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Roman stamped pottery
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      Black Glazed PotteryAttic black-glazed pottery
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
Famous as the homeland of Odysseus, Ithaca has been a preferred research area for archaeologists. However, the archaeology of Ithaca has been severely biased by its Homeric focus. As a result, Late Archaic and Classical Ithaca remains... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyIsland StudiesCoastal and Island ArchaeologyGreek Archaeology
A dolgozatban egy jellegzetes, késő szarmata kori korongolt edényeken megfigyelhető besimított díszítési technológiát elemzünk. A vizsgált figurális motívumra kialakítása alapján a meanderes-spirális motívum elnevezést használjuk. A... more
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      SarmatiansSarmatian pottery productionBlack Glazed PotterySarmatians, Gepids
During the final excavation seasons of the archaeological site at Colle Plinio (San Giustino, Perugia), contexts were discovered containing many fragments of ce- ramic wasters dating to circa the mid-3rd century BC, which came from a... more
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      Roman PotteryEtruscan languagePliny the YoungerHellenistic Pottery - black glaze
The path for the recognition of the gray pottery, relatively young, was difficult and complex over time, for its 'hybrid' character, always divided between the fine productions and the coarse ones. Gray ware is a fine depurated pottery,... more
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      Roman PotteryAcculturation and 'Romanisation'Black Glazed Pottery
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      Funerary ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyLa Tene culture
Hero cult, bouleuterion, black glazed pottery, cooking ware. Keywords Kahramanlık kültü, bouleuterion, siyah firnisli kaplar, pişirme kapları. ÖZET Aigai bouleuterionu kazılarında yapının orkestrasında gerçekleştirilen bir sondajda... more
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      Amphorae (Archaeology)Hellenistic Pottery - black glazeCooking potsGreek transport amphorae
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    • Black Glazed Pottery
A revision of black glazed pottery from Vth to IIIth centuries BC, includind mains studies with contexts, and tipological analysis
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      Greek PotteryHellenistic PotteryBlack Glazed Pottery
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      Phoenician Punic SicilyArcheologia SicilianaBlack-glaze potteryArcheologia Fenicio-Punica
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      Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)LanguedocHellenistic PotteryHellenistic Pottery - black glaze
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      Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)Archeologia
The paper shows the results of archeological intervention carried out in 2006 in the suburban southern area of the ancient town of Praeneste (mod. Palestrina). The excavations led to discovery a late republican viaduct and votive... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman ReligionSacred (Religion)
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramics (Archaeology)Craft production (Archaeology)
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      Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)ArcheologiaAmphorae (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesMediterranean Studies
The preliminary publication of the finds from the first cistern excavated in the ancient mining town of Thorikos. I was responsible for the black-glazed and decorated vases (cat. 1-21), mainly late fifth and fourth century BCE.
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      Greek ArchaeologyArchaeological ExcavationExcavationThorikos
Vessels of the Hellenistic period constitute about half of all finds of Black Glazed pottery from Panticapaeum in the eastern Crimea -more than 450 pieces in total. These finds, gathered in the course of many years of exploration (from... more
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyHellenistic Pottery - black glazeAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea ShoreBlack Glazed Pottery
Study of the imported black-glazed potteries recovered from the monetary workshop's area during the archaeological excavation of at Place Villeneuve-Bargemon on the Vieux-port of Marseille with some consideration about the maritime trade... more
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      CeramicsAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceAttic potteryBlack Glazed Pottery
Предварительный анализ комплекса чернолаковой керамики VI-II вв. до н. э. из раскопок Пантикапея 1945-1992 гг.
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      Black Glazed PotteryAttic black-glazed pottery
Le savoir des augures comme interpretes Iovis chez Cicéron (De legibus, De natura deorum, De divinatione) .
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      Roman ReligionEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan languageUmbria
La céramique arétine à vernis noir, jusqu'à présent assez peu signalée en Gaule, semble au contraire bien présente dans les régions voisines : l'Italie septentrionale, bien entendu, mais aussi la péninsule Ibérique. Au cours de l'étude de... more
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      Roman stamped potteryCéramique campanienneCeramica a Vernice NeraCéramique à Vernis Noir
Paragraphs "La ceramica" (pp. 191-198) & "Conclusioni" (p. 198) by M. Pignataro.
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      Amphorae (Archaeology)Stamped Amphora handlesRoman LampsRoman Amphorae
Resum El present treball recull els vernissos negres localitzats en els contextos de culte del turriforme esglaonat de Son Ferrer, a Mallorca, tant de les produccions de Campaniana A com del repertori formal de la Campaniana B, etrusca i... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyReligion and ritual in prehistoryBalearic prehistoryBlack Glazed Pottery
Κατόπιν πρόσκλησης που μου έγινε να συμμετέχω στη δημιουργία του καταλόγου της περιοδικής έκθεσης με τίτλο «Κώμες και πολίσματα στον μυχό του Θερμαϊκού κόλπου» που οργανώθηκε από την ΕΦΑΠΟΘ το 2019, ανέλαβα τη συγγραφή λημμάτων για τρία... more
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      Greek PotteryMacedonian archaeologyBlack Glazed PotteryRed Figure Pottery
A part of the cemetery of the Classical period was excavated 200 m southwest of Toumba Dautbali. Twelve burials came to light. The earliest dates back to the Late Archaic period, indicating that the cemetery of archaic times was probably... more
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      CemeteriesAncient MacedoniaBlack Glazed PotteryArchaic Pottery
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Craft production (Archaeology)Hellenistic Pottery - black glaze
Immagini senza forma. Il potenziale informativo della documentazione grafica relativa alle collezioni vascolari ottocentesche nell'ottica della loro valorizzazione attuale Giuseppina Gadaleta La collezione de Brandis del Museo... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyArcheologia della produzione e del commercioBlack Glazed PotteryLocri Epizefiri
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      Greek PotteryAncient Greek PotteryBlack-glaze potteryBlack Glazed Pottery
The study of the ancient black ceramic coating that decorates the surface of Classical and Hellenistic pottery from Attica and other main production centres in the Mediterranean has been the subject of more than three centuries of... more
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      Clay Technology (Archaeology)Glass & Glass-CeramicsAttic potteryBlack Glazed Pottery
The results of the archaeological work carried in the eastern area (Zone 4) of the El Palao oppidum in Alcañiz (Teruel) since 2003 to 2008. Excavation has allowed the documentation of the Republican and Early Empire period town planning... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman RepublicLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
Colonia optimo iure dedotta del 101-100 in territorio confiscato ai Salassi nell’alta valle della Dora Baltea, lungo l’itinerario obbligato per i valichi delle Alpi Graie e Pennine, Eporedia fornisce un t. p. q. di sicuro riferimento per... more
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      Roman HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Alpine Archaeology
Wheel-thrown pottery from the excavations at Althiburos (Tunisia)
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      Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ancient Greek PotteryInter-cultural contacts in colonisationCooking Pottery
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyHellenistic Pottery - black glazeBlack Glazed PotteryApollonia Pontica
The project of study of the necropolis of Valle Trebba in Spina, coordinated by the Chair of Etruscology and Italic Archaeology of Bologna University in agreement with the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Emilia Romagna,... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)ArchaeometryEtruscan ArchaeologyBlack Glazed Pottery Resumo: A costa algarvia e em especial a actual cidade de Lagos foi, desde muito cedo, permeável aos contactos com as populações que habitavam o Mediterrâneo.O Monte Molião, demonstra uma longa... more
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      Roman RepublicBlack Glazed PotteryRoman ArchaeologyCampanian ceramics
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      Black Glazed PotteryAttic black-glazed potteryArchaic, Classical potteryLocal pottery of Macedonia