Black Glazed Pottery
Most cited papers in Black Glazed Pottery
The study of the ancient black ceramic coating that decorates the surface of Classical and Hellenistic pottery from Attica and other main production centres in the Mediterranean has been the subject of more than three centuries of... more
Colonia optimo iure dedotta del 101-100 in territorio confiscato ai Salassi nell’alta valle della Dora Baltea, lungo l’itinerario obbligato per i valichi delle Alpi Graie e Pennine, Eporedia fornisce un t. p. q. di sicuro riferimento per... more
The results of the archaeological work carried in the eastern area (Zone 4) of the El Palao oppidum in Alcañiz (Teruel) since 2003 to 2008. Excavation has allowed the documentation of the Republican and Early Empire period town planning... more
Resum El present treball recull els vernissos negres localitzats en els contextos de culte del turriforme esglaonat de Son Ferrer, a Mallorca, tant de les produccions de Campaniana A com del repertori formal de la Campaniana B, etrusca i... more
l objetivo fundamental de este estudio consiste en mostrar el periodo de cambios que trajo la conquista romana de la Meseta Sur y su posterior romanización (s. III a.C.– s. I a.C.). Creemos que, durante esta etapa tardorrepublicana, se... more
Famous as the homeland of Odysseus, Ithaca has been a preferred research area for archaeologists. However, the archaeology of Ithaca has been severely biased by its Homeric focus. As a result, Late Archaic and Classical Ithaca remains... more
X-RAY METHOD provides insight into the material that gives Grecian pottery its distinctive look.
Ceramicd d uernice nerd e cerdmica grigia La ceramica a vernice nera recuperata nel corso degli anni in localitàTesa proviene sia dall'area dellavilla (MI 1), che dalla zona a prevalente destinazione produttiva e funeraria (MI79), mentre... more