Recent papers in Biomorphism
Joan Miro, known for her surrealist paintings, produced her works, in which a child scribbled unconscious, shapes and lines randomly and without aesthetic concern. Much influenced by the subconscious and dreams, the artist... more
Most architects believed that nature offered many countless ideas as a source of inspiration. They showed the overlapping between biology and architecture through the bio-morphism to illustrate its effect on the improving of the... more
Essay on Tay Kheng Soon's career from a contextual perspective of Singapore & Malaysia crossing several colonial and post-colonial events during his life
Semiotische Kernpunkte (Kap. 8) 1. Die Grundfunktion der Architektur ist die des Schutzes. Der abri oder Höhlen- eingang mag der Urtypus sein, der sich zu unterschiedlichen Kulturformen ent- faltet hat. 2. Geometrisch dominieren der... more
ALL RIGHT RESERVED - TOUS DROITS RESERVES à Eliott Bertrand et Hélène Brisard Chapeau -ESA
Il saggio tratta fondamentalmente di due questioni strettamente correlate: 1) il passaggio tra la dimensione plastica e quella figurativa nell'analisi semiotica dell'architettura considerata come forma di “rappresentazione”; 2) il... more
By analysing the relationship between drawing and actual object, it is observed that the design of glass artefacts depends on the features of the material itself, on the processing techniques and their limits. More generally, therefore,... more
This paper is an exploration of the ecopoetics of Basil Bunting’s Briggflatts (1966) within the context of current critical discussions on the relations between modernist abstract art and nature, with particular reference to the concept... more
Approches sensibles et conceptuelles des formes du vivant Sous la direction de
The significance of design thinking is strongly influenced by design work circumstances. But nowadays many research fieldworks use design thinking process to solve problems. Design thinking is an epistemology process to understand how... more
The digitisation and cataloguing of the Seguso Vetri d'Arte archive-together with other archives of glass factories preserved in the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice-has led to the analysis not only of the documents themselves, but also... more
Il saggio intende focalizzarsi sul valore della forma scultorea nell’opera di Alberto Meli, mettendo in evidenza la centralità dei contatti e delle esperienze internazionali dell’artista bergamasco. In particolare, l’incontro e la lunga... more
Sebastian Irarràzaval explains his peculiar and idiosyncratic project as an adaptive response to the place and its conditions, hinting however to a more stratified ambiguity, a duplicity readable on many levels and already contained in... more
By analysing the relationship between drawing and actual object, it is observed that the design of glass artefacts depends on the features of the material itself, on the processing techniques and their limits. More generally, therefore,... more
ERICH NEUMANN ON HENRY MOORE: PUBLIC SCULPTURE & THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS BY TIM MARTIN The psychoanalyst Erich Neumann applied Carl Jung’s concepts about the unconscious mind in his book on Moore’s sculpture, The Archetypal World of... more