Biographical narratives
Recent papers in Biographical narratives
Polyamory. Loving More than One A biographical portrait of non-monogamous relationship cultures In the mainstream of academic Psychology, the concept of the monogamous relationship between two people is rarely called into question. The... more
"Cortázar sin barba". Madrid: Random House Mondadori. 2005. pp. 394 Hard Cover : illustrations ; 23 cm. ISBN 84-8306-603-3. In this biographical approach to one of the key figures of the Latin American Boom, the author exposes the... more
Τα τελευταία χρόνια παρατηρείται ένα έντονο ενδιαφέρον για τις βιογραφίες, τις βιο-αφηγήσεις και τις ιστορίες ζωής τόσο στη σφαίρα της καθημερινότητας όσο και στο πεδίο των κοινωνικών επιστημών. Ο αυτοβιογραφικός λόγος έχει κάνει εμφατική... more
Writing about artists' life stories is an old tradition in the West. Giorgio Vasari is known as the first art historian who has written a book about life stories of artists. Thus, art history has always been related to biographies of... more
(2007) La biografía moderna en España (1926-1936). Tesis doctoral en filología hispánica. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura. Director, Dr. José Luis Bernal Salgado. 795 pp. DOI:... more
Book Description (from the publisher): Squarely challenging a culture obsessed with success, an acclaimed philosopher argues that failure is vital to a life well lived, curing us of arrogance and self-deception and engendering humility... more
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, edebiyat araştırmacılarının en çok rağbet ettiği yazarlardan biridir. Edebiyatın birçok alanında eser vermenin yanı sıra edebiyat tarihçisi yönüyle de dikkat çeken Tanpınar’ın hayatı ve sanat anlayışı, Yeni Türk... more
Eine Antikritik auf Bourdieus Kritik am biographischen Schreiben Im Aufsatz wird versucht, grundsätzliche Kritikpunkte Bourdieus am biographischen Schreiben zu entkräften und dazu geeignete theoriebasierte Erwiderungen anzuführen, die... more
Статтю присвячено аналізові специфіки функціонування біографічного наративу в структурі оповіді історіографічної металітератури. Сучасна українська проза на історичну тематику розглядається в контексті світової постмодерної... more
Longer, different version of the chapter 'Cutting Up A Glass Onion'. This literature review from a PhD (2010) reflects on the author's own interview research, and also considers the relationship between Music Journalism and Popular Music... more
This report-cum-appraisal of the life-journey, works and contributions of (late) Prof. Ravi S. Singh (b. 8th Sept.1971 ~ died: 21st April 2021 at 10:50AM IST), a distinguished and senior Professor of Geography at the Institute of Science,... more
L'opera di Primo Levi è come una costellazione, ricca di luci e profondità. Questo Album ne disegna gli addensamenti e ne esplora gli spazi. In ogni sua pagina le immagini, inedite per una quota notevole, si aprono su mondi sempre... more
استاد اسماعیل خویی از جهان گذشت. از او بسیار آموخته ام خاصه در دوران دانشجویی که شیفته شعر و نقد بودم. اولین آدم محبوب ام بود که در لندن دیدم و آخرین بار یک دو سال پیش در خانه اش مهمان بودم به همراه جمعی از دوستان. صدای اصیل و متین شعر... more
Fin dal titolo e dalla premessa, provocatoriamente intitolata L'emulo di Cornelio Nepote, le Vite degli uomini illustri di Campanile esplicitano il riferimento parodistico alla biografistica classica. Il De viris illustribus infatti è tra... more
El documento es una autobiografía descriptiva paradigmático-unidimensional aperiódica. Es unidimensional, por cuanto el autor presenta su propia historia de vida en torno a un unico componente: el conjunto de indicadores de su actuar... more
Introduction to the catalogue of a retrospective exhibition of the work of artist James Walsh (1936-2022), held in the Red Barn Gallery, Melkinthorpe, in the English Lake District, in the summer of 2018.
EX PRAKTIKA 4 TOMOS:m 02-09-19 13:13
En este trabajo presento una serie de aspectos del método biográfico —o método de las historias de vida— que suelen surgir durante procesos de investigación y acerca de los cuales los/as investigadores/as deben poder tomar decisiones... more
"Aquí nació mi vida a la esperanza, y aquí espero también que moriría, ahora que vuelvo aquí, parecería que el tiempome persigue y no me alcanza…Todo paso. Todo quedo lo mismo…ardiendo en el fulgor de su espejismo…la eternidad del tiempo... more
Menzhulin V. Biographical approach within the historiography of philosophy: the main tendencies and landmarks of creation. The article is a short version of the research on the development and establishment of biographic approach within... more
"Can a typeface be biographical?", 'Marianna, Hey! Together' explores this rather paradoxical question via the eponymous typeface designed for Marianna, a daughter of the Samoan-born New Zealand type designer Joseph Churchward (1932-2013).
History of an italian journalist in the world at the beginning of 20th century.
Narracja to słowo wyjątkowo często używane w naukach społecznych. Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi badaczy społecznych, głównie socjologów, na problemy teorii narracji. Narratologia stanowi bowiem ważne źródło inspiracji... more
What do Socrates, Hypatia, Giordano Bruno, Thomas More, and Jan Patocka have in common? First, they were all faced one day with the most difficult of choices: stay faithful to your ideas and die or renounce them and stay alive. Second,... more
Los alumnos como indicio: Conversacion con Piculin Ortiz. "Lo bien hecho necesita tiempo. Lo mal hecho es irreversible. "Como no ser prudentes?" Mundo de Hombres, Zhuang Zi Mi nombre de pila es Jose Rafael Ortiz Rijos y lo de Piculin, se... more
This article addresses a complex heritage configuration in the northern part of the alpine Adriatic region, taking a relational approach to landscape, memorials, and actors. Albeit shaped by wars, population exchanges, and multiple... more
This paper is part of a research study undertaken with Portuguese teachers. The main objective is to understand the impact of recent educational legislation on the quality of teaching and the professional development of teachers. In this... more
La transparencia luminosa: Entrevista con Gilda Navarra 2 "Podría decir Venecia y mencionar arriesgar algún desenlace simbólico o free jazz, robar un cuadro, mostrar mis muslos, sumergirme en largos delirios, hablar de noche de silencio y... more
Objectives: This article aims to elaborate chronotope disruption - a changed relation to time and space - as a sensitizing concept for understanding chronic illness narratives. Methods: Sixteen men and 16 women with Type 2 diabetes were... more
A través de un relato etnográfico y dos narrativas biográficas, en este artículo la autora se propone ilustrar la manera en que una entidad diagnóstica siquiátrica es lugar privilegiado para el análisis de ciertos aspectos socioculturales... more
Son, a día de hoy, pocas las biografías históricas que prescinden en sus primeras páginas de un capítulo introductorio en el que se justifique la elección del personaje y la pertinencia de un determinado enfoque. En ellas suelen abordarse... more
Partindo da equação teórica entre os conceitos de resiliência, empoderamento e migração, este texto analisa as formas concretas através das quais a pesquisa biográfica identifica e constrói processos de resiliência e de emancipação de... more
The problem of how to make the transition to a more environmentally and socially sustainable society poses questions about how such far-reaching social change can be brought about. In recent years, lifecourse transitions have been... more
To cite this article: Haseenah Ebrahim (2016): The cinematic life of the Sistren Theater Collective: forays into biographical documentary, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études... more
Vouée à intégrer des éléments annexes et hétérogènes, la biographie emprunte ses modalités narratives à différents types de récit. Comme telle, elle apparaît définie paradoxalement par sa plasticité et par son hybridité, ces deux... more
Steele’s well-researched book convincingly appends the field’s more materialist notions of security, but the merits lie as much with its novel conclusions as they do with the ideas it inspires. His notions of reflexive self-imaging, for... more
The main of the article is to discuss the question concerning the applicability of The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (1918) by William Isaac Thomas and Florian Znaniecki and Młode pokolenie chłopów [The Young Generation of... more
The tradition of artists’ drawings in libri amicorum is significant from a social and cultural perspective. In recent research this tradition has been completely marginalized, even though it is a fruitful topic. These drawings give an... more