Recent papers in Ethnopsychiatry
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The idea of studying migration from an applied standpoint is certainly not new, but it brings to light the added value of considering daily practice as a source of new questions that challenge the common disciplinary views. This... more
The volume retraces the intellectual adventure of Suzanne Taïeb, a Jewish-Tunisian MD, who joined the School of Antoin Porot, founder of the French colonial psychiatry in Algiers. Her biography is the pretext for a regeneration of her... more
Non sempre gli operatori sociali dispongono di competenze e strumenti utili a costruire con persone di background migratorio una comunicazione effettivamente comprensiva, che dia luogo ad efficaci percorsi di intervento. Questa ricerca... more
This dissertation attempts to explain how Chinese officials, physicians, and ordinary families construed and handled mad speech, crazy behavior, and insane people from roughly 1000 CE to the end of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). I treat... more
Cultural psychiatry (transcultural psychiatry, cross-cultural psychiatry, or ethnopsychiatry) is an interdisciplinary field of research and clinical practice concerned with the impact of culture on mental health and illness. Culture, in... more
Un aperçu sur l’ethno-psychiatrie, qui ne permet malheureusement pas de saisir ses traits caractéristiques, en raison d’une absence de comparaison avec d’autres approches.
Le présent mémoire de CIU relate une expérience d'accompagnement à la reconstruction de soi d'une victime-témoin (ex-compagne d'un adepte de mouvement sectaire), victime de traumatisation indirecte dite secondaire. Le parcours d'Inès vers... more
This article follows the theoretical analysis and the ethnographic work carried out in 2017 and 2018, condensed in the master's thesis in anthropology on mental health, transcultural psychiatry and asylum seekers/refugees. The analysis of... more
This case-study is inspired by Tobbie Nathan’s ethno-psychiatric perspectives on trauma discourses and gives an additional example to this problematic; it is a case of a popular healer, who treats an illness known in the South-Slavic... more
Jacques Mabit, Les médecines initiatiques amazoniennes : Accès au Soi à travers le corps ou l’incarnation de l’Esprit, 2001
Pussetti C. 2009. Psicologias Indígenas: da antropologia das emoções à etnopsiquiatria. In Lechner E. (eds.) Migrações, saúde e diversidade cultural, Lisbon: ICS, pp. 85-119. ISBN: 9789726712329.
Madness is a major disorder of social ties and a universal problem for all societies. The formation and transformation of local treatments of madness are therefore a major area of study within social and cultural anthropology. In this... more
"Michel Weber and Will Desmond, (eds.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought X1 & X2, 2008. (695 p. + 726 p. ; ISBN 978-3-938793-92-3 ; 398 €) Gathering 115 entries written by 101... more
In this article the Author explores the methodology on which Ernestode Martino’s monograph The Land of Remorse (1961) was based. De Martino’s originally articulated interdisciplinary research is studied focusing on three aspects: 1) a... more
In present-day Morocco, animal sacrifice still plays a major role in the lives of many people, inasmuch as the social character of everyday life possesses, as an important aspect, the religious one. In the context at hand, animal... more
Short version of my introduction to Fanon's psychiatric writings, to be published in Frantz Fanon's _Écrits sur l'aliénation et la liberté_ , La Découverte, 2015
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients’ irrational beliefs and treat them in a ‘symbolic’ way. If they get results, it’s thanks to their capacity to listen, rather than any influence on a clinical level. At the same... more
Bei der rituellen Chirurgie soll sich der Jüngling zur Frau verwandeln. Er soll menstruationsbluten wie eine Frau, sein Genital so beschneiden, dass es zum weiblichen Genital wird. Die Eliminierung seines Geschlechts ist die Voraussetzung... more
Thomas Lambo è il primo psichiatra nigeriano operante in Africa, in Nigeria, noto soprattutto per aver dato origine, durante l'indipendentizzazione del proprio Paese, al methodological syncretism, dispositivo di indagine e di lavoro... more
Ce rite initiatique semble participer d’une forme autorégulatrice, par les effets cathartiques dont les retombées sur les personnes et sur le groupe d'humains s’accompagneraient de conséquences psychiques émancipatrices. Une mise à jour... more
Rassemblant des éléments de définition de l’exorcisme provenant de plusieurs sciences humaines (anthropologie, psychologie et littérature), cet article lance des pistes de réflexion sur le mal envisagé sous l’angle anthropologique. Il... more
Principali argomenti dall'Indice: o La cultura del suono verso un nuovo umanesimo o SoundHology, il silenzio, cultura e poetica dell’infinito o SoundHology, il silenzio tra natura, società, mistica e ricerca interdisciplinare o Trance,... more
Maria Sabina, Le Sage aux champignons sacrés. Propos recueillis en langue mazatèque par Alvaro Estrada. Traduit de l'espagnol par Michel Bibard, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1974. Alvaro Estrada, A Vida de Maria Sabina. A Sabia dos... more
Publicación a cargo de revista D-Mentes Virtuales (2014: 22-27) de la Clínica Psiquiátrica "Dr. Everardo Neumann Peña" financiada por Servicios de Salud de San Luis Potosí. El artículo fue realizado para la ponencia “Hacia una... more
« Syntonie ou agencement ethnopsychiatrique ? », Michel Weber et Vincent Berne (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IX. Annales de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2013, pp. 55-68.
Il s’agira ici de saisir les enjeux de la pratique « ethnopsy », c’est-à-dire ethno-psychiatrique et ethno-psychanalytique. Pour ce faire, on définit tout d’abord ses prémisses ; puis on repose la question de l’émergence de la... more
AM Rivista della Società italiana di antmpologia medica / n, :3-4) ortobre 1997, pp. 24. 7-280 Culture-bound syndromes: un concetto vago e di dubbia utilità Maria Luisa Ciminelli dottore di ricerca in antropologia eulturale, etnologia)... more
A composição animal da mente humana, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao imaginário, é explorada neste artigo, no qual as aves merecem saliência exemplar. Utilizando-se a abordagem etnocientífica, busca-se uma integração entre a etnozoologia... more
Si tratta del lavoro conclusivo del progetto “Com-prendere l'Altro. Consulenza antropologica e mediazione esperta”, finanziato dal Comune con fondi della Legge 40, si è proposto di introdurre in modo sperimentale le competenze... more
m.) įgijo augalų botanikos ir morfologijos pagrindus. 6 Vilkonis K. K. Lietuvos žaliasis rūbas, Kaunas, 2008. 3 LIETUVOS LOKALINIAI TYRIMAI. ETNOLOGIJA LIETUVOS VALSÈIAI. UŽPALIAI © VðÁ "Versmës" leidykla. Lietuvos lokaliniai tyrimai ISSN... more
Eric Wittkower founded McGill University’s transcultural psychiatry unit in 1955. One year later, he started the first international newsletter in this academic field, which became (and remains) the main journal today: Transcultural... more
Since the 1990‘s Lithuanian society undergoes a devastating epidemiological situation of suicide. Lithuania has been the leader of suicide in the World since 1996. Before the Second World War the majority of our population was living in a... more
A propos de "Ethnopsychiatrie psychanalytique", François Laplantine, Éditeur : Beauchesne
Résumé : Une trajectoire intellectuelle, de l'ethnopsychiatrie à l'anthropologie des religions, entre Roger Bastide et Georges Devereux.
Résumé : Une trajectoire intellectuelle, de l'ethnopsychiatrie à l'anthropologie des religions, entre Roger Bastide et Georges Devereux.
Ethnomedicine examines and translates health-related knowledge and theories that people inherit and learn by living in a culture. Each society has a particular medical culture or “ethnomedicine,” which forms the culture’s medical common... more
This work analyses the world wide growing phenomenon of pentecostal and charismatic religious movement from an anthropological perspective. The contemporary, scientific state-of-the-art related to pentecostalism is initially stated and... more
Nigerian video movies are one of the most visible developments of an emergent African culture industry that, while participating in global forms, does not take its ideological or imaginative directions from academic or corporate forces... more
Ritengo che la dimensione rituale possa costituire un ponte per riflettere su affinità e differenze tra la pratica analitica da un lato e quella dell'etnopsichiatria (senza escludere il vertice sistemico). In questa breve premessa vorrei... more
Terwijl we dit nummer aan het samenstellen en redigeren waren, kwamen bij mij twee termen opborrelen; verwondering en ongemak. Twee kanten van dezelfde medaille, twee gevoelens die vaak onderdeel ziin van interculturele ontmoetingen. Van... more
El campo de la salud mental ha sido hasta el tiempo presente una de las áreas de formación y práctica clínica abordadas con menor profundidad en el currículum de pregrado de los profesionales de la salud. Reducida en la enseñanza de la... more