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Na 1815 streefde Willem I, koning van het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, naar een volledige hercodificatie van het recht, zodat de Franse codificaties zouden verdwijnen. In 1830 was dit werk grotendeels voltooid (buiten het... more
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      Legal HistoryBelgian Public LawCode NapoleonBelgian law
Transseksuelen zijn mensen bij wie de genderidentiteit niet overeenkomt met het geboortegeslacht. Ze zijn geboren met de uiterlijke geslachtskenmerken van een welbepaald geslacht maar zijn innerlijk overtuigd tot het ander geslacht te... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawTranssexuality
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      New MediaHuman Rights LawHuman RightsPrivacy
In this research the processes of constitutional amendment in Belgium and in the EU - equating treaty amendment with constitutional amendment – are first assessed from a democratic point of view and subsequently compared. It is suggested... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean integrationEuropean LawDemocratic Theory
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      ReligionConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyHuman Rights Law
Analyse et synthèse de vingt-cinq ans d'initiatives publiques dans le domaine économique, cette contribution explore de nombreuses normes qui ont rarement fait l'actualité doctrinale (notamment le droit bruxellois de l'économie sociale,... more
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      Public AdministrationEuropean LawRegional and Local GovernanceBelgian Public Law
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawLaw and ReligionComparative Constitutional Law
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawEuropean Constitutional LawEuropean Union Law
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      Constitutional LawFederalismBelgiumBelgian Public Law
Un bref regard jeté sur les sources du droit positif révèle que la liberté de la presse a fait l’objet d’une consécration particulière au-delà de la liberté d’expression. Ainsi en va-t-il de la Constitution belge, du Bill of Rights... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternet LawIT law
Enkele topics uit de nieuwe woningkwaliteitsnormen voor "niet-zelfstandige3 woningen (gepubliceerd in Tijdschrift Huur, 2022/1, p. 9-17).
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    • Belgian Public Law
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      History of International LawPolitical History of BelgiumBelgian Public LawNeutrality
Dans la lignée d'une jurisprudence constante de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, la protection des sources journalistiques a été consacrée dans notre pays par la loi du 7 avril 2005. En adoptant ce texte, le législateur a tenté... more
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      JournalismFreedom Of ExpressionMedia LawEuropean Convention of Human Rights
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      Constitutional LawInternational LawFederalismInternational Water Law
Obs. sous Cass (2e ch.), 6 mars 2012
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      Freedom Of ExpressionBelgian Public LawFreedom of the PressBelgian law
Le présent article se penche sur le concept juridique d’accommodement raisonnable comme outil de gestion de la diversité religieuse au sein de nos sociétés occidentales, en ce qu’il permet d’octroyer une exemption à un individu face à... more
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      DiversityCanadian LawBelgian Public LawAccommodation
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      Constitutional LawFilm StudiesMedia LawBelgian Public Law
This Essay outlines the dynamics of Belgian plurinational federalism. It focuses on the major driving forces of Belgian federalism by identifying the sources of change and instability, which are reshaping the institutional and... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismComparative Constitutional LawConstitutional Theory
This paper (written in Dutch) discusses an incident that happend on October 13th 2011 in Foshan, Guangdong. A three-year old todler, Wang Yue 王悦 (Yue Yue 悦悦) got run over twice, while 18 people passed by without helping. Eventually the... more
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      Chinese LawChinese Law and SocietyBelgian Public LawBelgian law
This Essay outlines the dynamics of Belgian plurinational federalism. It focuses on the major driving forces of Belgian federalism by identifying the sources of change and instability, which are reshaping the institutional and... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismComparative Constitutional LawConstitutional Theory
Le riflessioni che succintamente si proporranno qui di seguito hanno ad oggetto una delle colorazioni che assume il quadro dei rapporti tra unità e pluralismo all'interno degli ordinamenti costituzionali europei: le relazioni... more
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      European UnionBelgian Public LawEuropean Single Market
2 rapporto tra autonomie territoriali ed Unione europea. La rilevanza di tale prospettiva emerge con evidenza se si pensa che la realtà sociale, economica e politica contemporanea, nella sua complessità multidimensionale e multiculturale,... more
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      European UnionBelgian Public LawIndirect DiscriminationCommon Single Market
Dans leur premier éditorial collectif, les dix-neuf fondateurs de « Médor », nouveau « trimestriel belge d’enquêtes et de récits », relevaient que l’une des principales menaces qui pèsent sur le journalisme d’investigation est la censure... more
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      Constitutional LawCensorshipHuman RightsFreedom Of Expression
"La régionalisation des tarifs de distribution d'énergie", RDIR/TRNI, 2014/4, pp. 403 et s.
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      Energy LawBelgian Public LawConstitutionnal Law
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      History of International RelationsHistory of International LawFirst World WarPolitical History of Belgium
Syllabus of the introductory course to the history of public law
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      Legal HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryBelgian Public Law