Most cited papers in Avienus
In Symposius' riddle 65 the virtuosic mixture of multiple referential fields seems to hide some echoes from the astronomical tradition on the constellation of the Arrow. The disclosure of this semantic level is not incompatible with the... more
In this article, I examine the name of a friend and correspondent of the fourth-century poet Rufius Festus Avienius, commonly identified hitherto as Flavianus Myrmeicus. After summarising the current state of research and translating the... more
This paper offers an interpretation of the epigraphic poem signed by Avienus, where the politician that blooms as a writer in the mid-fourth century chooses the very local goddess Nortia, the goddess of fortune in Etruria, in a text in... more
Il rapporto tra l’autore e il suo pubblico riguarda tutti i momenti della vita di un’opera. Durante l’ideazione e la composizione, lo scrittore ha chiara nella sua mente un’idea di chi è il destinatario del suo messaggio. Questa immagine... more