Social Systems Theory
Recent papers in Social Systems Theory
Die Systemtheorie und die Kritische Theorie sind Schulen, die Theoretikerinnen seit langem ein Zuhause bieten. In der Zeit ihres Bestehens kam es immer wieder zu Treffpunkten und Theoriekollisionen dieser beiden Traditionen des Denkens... more
В статье уточнены свойства трансграничных территорий с позиции системного подхода. В качестве особенностей проявления общесистемных свойств, обусловленных двухзвенной структурой трансграничья, установлены такие черты, как относительная... more
Messages conveyed by media act as a major drive in shaping attitudes and inducing opinion shift. On the other hand, individuals are strongly affected by peer pressure while forming their own judgment. We solve a general model of opinion... more
The emergence of modern societies is an evolutionary puzzle. Homo sapiens is the only animal species capable of cooperating in large-scale societies consisting of genetically unrelated individuals. From a biological point of view, this... more
This research is based on 243 interviews conducted in various workplaces and with a wide variety of individuals in modern-day South Africa. The research analysis unearthed a number of themes within the diversity discipline, however, for... more
In urban communities, infrastructures that support living are indispensable. There is increased interest in alternative ways of providing such support systems, including semi-autonomous infrastructures resulting from the self-organization... more
Un apunte de clases. Cuatro páginas, tres resúmenes. Dos de una carilla, uno de dos carillas. Conceptos fundamentales, y la lógica interna de su teoría de la acción y los sistemas sociales. Los tres resumen el modelo trisistémico, y el... more
O artigo em questão dispõe acerca da crescente onda de proliferação de redes sociais na sociedade da informação e do papel que os ditos influenciadores digitais têm exercido sobre os indivíduos em rede e suas vontades de consumo, sob o... more
Umwelt, Technik & Risiko – damit verbinden wir eine Symptomatik, die für die Moderne von bestandskritischer Bedeutung ist. Soweit herrscht Einigkeit. Kontrovers sind hingegen Diagnose und Therapie. Ist die industriegesellschaftliche... more
Climate change is a threat to society, including the global tourism industry. If hotels around the world do not take responsibility, in relation to the development of new climate-friendly solutions, the industry risks undermining itself... more
This study focuses upon the ruling court in medieval Bohemia, which is viewed as a social system. The study also deals with the definition of a ruling court. Examples for the conduct of court society are primarily drawn from the Court of... more
Desde Talcott Parsons, a teoria sobre os meios simbolicamente generelizados ocupa um lugar especial na análise sociológica. Suas derivações em Niklas Luhmann e Jügen Habermas têm conseguido manter, por mais de quarenta anos, as reflexões... more
Thesis of a dissertation
This paper is a systems theoretic examination of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy's "cross of reality," a structure that fuses a vertical spatial dyad of inner-outer and a horizontal temporal dyad of past-future into a space-time tetrad. This... more
La organización política de la Unión Europea y su proceso de estructuración en curso no encuentra un modelo de referencia en el pasado de la historia de los sistemas políticos. El estudio analiza la situación inicial de cambio tras la... more
In unserer technisierten und weitgehend durchorganisierten Welt gehen wir im Allgemeinen davon aus, dass die Dinge, die unseren Alltag betreffen, planbar und steuerbar sind. Zwar akzeptieren wir, dass es immer mal wieder zu Überraschungen... more
This article illustrates how to create an interview protocol and process that leverages Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems model. In addition to providing the template, the authors also discuss the challenges and opportunities associated... more
Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (1999): Diskursive analysestrategier. Foucault Koselleck Laclau Luhmann, Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, Frederiksberg.
This chapter focuses on out-of-school suspension examining the relationship between behaviour, antecedent school and family factors. In this analysis, the biological, biopsychological and biopsychosocial-cultural needs of a secondary... more
Circuits of information in 1960s Argentina were entwined with Europe and the United States for goodor ill. Following the ouster of President Juan Perén bythe militaryin 1955 for his populist policies and full-throated support of the union... more
In this paper I will first reconstruct the central role of the problems of interpretation in Eco’s theory since the famous definition of the open work, which is actually much more a research on the conditions and the forms of closure.... more
An edited version of the study is available in; Das 'Prinzip Störung' in den Geistes und Sozialwissenschaftebn Hrsg. von Carsten Gansel und Norman Ächtler Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur Hrsg. von Norbert... more
The properties of the firm are crucial starting points for developing theories on economy and management. The aim of this study is to propose a general theory of the social organization of production, mapping the essential conditions for... more
本文主要探討科技(technology)與隱私(privacy)之間的關係。其中較為主要的觀點是,科學與技術發展在人們對於隱私概念的認知與實作上,構成不同程度之變化。本研究將從技術哲學觀點出發,輔以俗民方法學對於社會成員在日常生活中之實作的探討,並以行動數位設備或所謂「穿戴式科技(wearable technologies)」為例,提出對科技與隱私之關係在理論上不同的觀察。本研究在過去已建立之隱私研究的基礎上,發展「隱私實作(doing... more
A semântica do constitucionalismo está historicamente conectada à problemática da organização (“controle”) do poder e a garantia de direitos fundamentais no Estado nacional. Porém, diante das modificações sociais impostas pela... more
본 연구는 일상의 금융화에 따른 투기적 삶의 양식이 신자유주의적인 소유주의 문화와 계산적 합리성에 인도되거나, 비합리적인 열정과 무분별한 탐욕에 이끌린다기보다 투기적 선취와 안전에 대한 기대라는 역설적인 논리를 따른다는 점을 분석한다. 신자유주의에 대한 이단경제학 진영의 비판은 근본가치와 허구적 가치라는 이분법 속에서 금융과 투기를 단지 허구적이고 비합리적인 것으로 치부하곤 한다. 그러나 가치의 결정이 미래의 불확실성과... more
A interpretação jurídica não escapou às recentes transformações ocorridas no Estado e no direito. Ao longo das últimas décadas, esta importante operação comunicativa do sistema jurídico sofreu metamorfoses que justificaram a realização da... more
This report intends to analyze the two companies dealing in the arena of “combat sports”, with the additional constraint being that the company’s operations should be primarily located in North America. Over the past decade, “professional... more
The idea of the new shows a basic bivalence, which makes the concept fascinating and mysterious: In order to be recognized and appreciated, a novelty must have some familiar (old) aspects. The new supersedes the old, but at the same time... more
Von Bertalanffy's General System Theory represents in a streamlined way most of his career, the key ideas he developed, the most important applications, and developments in a variety of fields. We as editors believe that the book, the... more
RESUMEN A través de una teoría de los medios de comunicación simbólicamente generalizados, la teoría de sistemas sociales desplaza el concepto de cultura a un nivel secundario en la arquitectura de la teoría sociológica. Este... more
When considered in terms of the broader notions of second and third order systems theory-especially in terms defined by Hutchins' notions of distributed systems-we have always been posthuman, as Katherine Hayles famously points out in How... more
O trabalho a seguir versa sobre o Transconstitucionalismo de Marcelo Neves e seus desafios de relações transconstitucionais diante de ordens jurídicas transnacionais que se utilizam do terrorismo como prática habitual para atingir seus... more
‘Law and economics’ studies are considered to have given to legal doctrine and argumentation a powerful analytical apparatus, which helped to detail the empirical consequences of legislative and judicial decisions. The main body of... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Wir Menschen sind soziale Wesen: unser alltägliches Leben steht in vielfacher Wechselwirkung/Über-schneidung (imbricación) mit dem Leben anderer. Und im allgemeinen lassen wir dies auch ohne Vorbehalte zu. Gleichzeitig sind wir jedoch... more
Questa tesi presenta un’introduzione allo shift di paradigma in psicologia veicolato dalla scoperta delle origini primariamente intersoggettive del Sé. Sulla base di una riconsiderazione dell’essenza della natura umana e della mente come... more