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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeMass extinctionsPrecambrian Geology
Odilon Redon's noirs were produced during a time when European society was first grappling with Darwinian theories of evolution and human origins. In this article I argue that Redon's imagery, especially his 1883 album of lithographs, Les... more
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      Origins of LifeOdilon RedonHuman Body
Because of the continuous focusing of thermal and chemical energy, ancient submarine hot springs are contenders as sites for the origin of life. But it is generally assumed that these would be of the acid and high-temperature 'black... more
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      GeologyOrigins of LifeMembranesMinerals
In 1978 I proposed the biocosmological thesis that the form of life's origin and evolution is a cosmological interactive process defined in the cosmic symmetry-breaking at the origin of the universe. With the passage of time, the pendulum... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)Origins of Life
Lower and Middle Cambrian carbonate rocks of the Çal Tepe Formation, cropping out in the western Taurus Mountains, yielded a large number of microfossil remains. Small shelly fossils from a single level in the upper Lower Cambrian... more
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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeMass extinctionsEdiacaran
Nuestra gran curiosidad es el motor que nos impulsa a dar respuesta a grandes preguntas, una de las más difíciles de responder por mucho tiempo fue el origen de la vida y del ser humano. Esto se debe a dos fenómenos transcendentales en la... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyChemistryHealth SciencesPhilosophy of Science
Sulphur isotope data from early Archaean rocks suggest that microbes with metabolisms based on sulphur existed almost 3.5 billion years ago, leading to suggestions that the earliest microbial ecosystems were sulphur-based 1-5 . However,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiogeochemistryOrigins of LifeAstrobiology
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
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      Origins of LifeEvolutionEdiacaranProterozoic
Observar, contemplar, mirar, son simples acciones que llevamos a cabo incluso sin darnos cuenta, pero que nos permiten saber qué es lo que está sucediendo a nuestro alrededor. Después de observar algún acontecimiento, solemos... more
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    • Origins of Life
Panvitalism and panmechanism are "comprehensive hypotheses" about what exists, what is real (ontologies).
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      Philosophy of BiologyOrigins of LifeContinental PhilosophyEvolution
Over the past 10 years, it has become unpopular to talk about definitions of life, under the assumption that attempts at a precise definition are counterproductive. Recent attempts have failed to meet strict philosophical criteria for... more
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      MetabolismPhylogeneticsOrigins of LifeAstrobiology
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      Evolutionary BiologyOrigins of LifeBiologyLife Sciences
Gerald Rau
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      Evolutionary BiologyOrigins of LifeDarwinismCreationism
Approaches from the sciences, philosophy and theology, including the emerging field of astrobiology, can provide fresh perspectives to the age-old question ‘What is Life?’. Has the secret of life been unveiled, and is it nothing more than... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyOrigins of LifeAstrobiology
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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeMass extinctionsEdiacaran
La Terre est née il y a 4,6 milliards d'années (4,6 Ga). Les bactéries fossiles les plus anciennes datent de 3,5 Ga mais des traces chimiques font penser que la vie bactérienne est apparue il y a 3,8 Ga. Mais par quel processus? On a... more
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    • Origins of Life
The concept of spontaneous generation is traced from the 17th century up to 2005, summarizing the most recent research from the history of biology. The concept of spontaneous generation was always debated in a context where its... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of BiologyOrigins of Life
Many mechanisms, functions and structures of life have been unraveled. However, the fundamental driving force that propelled chemical evolution and led to life has remained obscure. The second law of thermodynamics, written as an equation... more
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      GeologyPhysicsThermodynamicsOrigins of Life
Corso di Storia della Scienza (a. a. 2020/2021, titolare: Prof. Claudio Pogliano) - Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsGeologyPaleontology
Inleiding DAVDP 2014
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      Ancient HistoryGeologyMedieval HistoryScience Education
It can easily be shown that the prior probability of the spontaneous formation of a living system is near zero. The same is true even for the prior probability of the spontaneous formation of a single macromolecule carrying biological... more
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      Self-OrganizationOrigins of LifeArt SpiegelmanRandomness
Upheaval Dome crater is a good example of how the earth looks like on a much larger scale.->This explains his remarkable name. Upheaval Dome is an impact structure, the deeply eroded bottom-most remnants of an impact crater, in... more
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      Ancient HistoryGeologyOceanographyPlanetary Science
The project investigated the geological setting and biogenicity of microscopic structures in the early Archean 'Apex chert', widely regarded as representing Earth's oldest microfossils. The Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA)... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEarth SciencesGeologyOrigins of Life
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      EmotionHistory of ScienceOrigins of LifeCensorship (History)
Book review of a 2016 compilation of essays regarding the historical Adam. Essays range from a variety of disciplines: biology, anthropology, biblical studies, theology, and paleontology (to name a few). The review may also be read at the... more
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      Human EvolutionOrigins of LifeBook of GenesisCreationism
The hypothesis that the Ediacara biota were giant protozoans is tested by considering the external morphology, internal organization, suggested fossil representatives and molecular phylogeny of the xenophyophores. From this analysis, we... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMacroevolutionOrigins of LifeTaphonomy
This is a paraphrased transcription of the conversation between Lennox and Dawkins that can be seen in YouTube with the title “Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox: Has Science Buried God?” (at... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyAristotleHistory of Science
In this article, I attempt to accomplish two objectives. The first is a diagnosis of our contemporary understanding of nature, which I propose to characterize (borrowing a term from Merleau-Ponty) as an ontological diplopia between the... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyOrigins of LifePhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-Ponty
The origin of life can occur in fluctuating conditions of hydrothermal fields associated with volcanism. Wet-dry cycles add chemical potential that drives polymerization and encapsulation of polymers to produce protocells, the first step... more
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    • Origins of Life
In this spoken discourse, P.R. Sarkar (1922-1990) first proposed the revolutionary scientific concept of microvita. These mysterious living creatures, “smaller or subtler than atoms, or electrons or protons” are, in his view, the carriers... more
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      HinduismBioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMicrobiology
While modern academia seems to adhere to Robert Frost's adage “Good fences make good neighbors,” in reality, the demarcation of the disciplines is hardly rigid. Engineering and the Ultimate takes the reader back to a time when disciplines... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceOrigins of Life
Urmăresc în materialul de față, câteva chestiuni-limită din câmpul cercetării științifice, care în ultimele decenii au generat dezbateri aprinse, menționând poziții care sugerează că ele ar ascunde discontinuități de fond, ce fragmentează... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Biology
There are five theories available on the historical origin of the Nagas as appropriated from different sources located in the contemporary Naga society. There theories are (1) mythical origin, (2) originated from Mongolia, (3) originated... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyOrigins of LifeNagaland
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The grinding and wearisome Spirit of War, a perversion of the oft-lamented but inescapable Struggle for Existence, is suddenly unmasked as the pathological reflection of... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
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      Russian StudiesMedical AnthropologyHistory of IdeasSoviet History
A new, consciousness-first scientific paradigm, incorporating Supreme Consciousness, Cosmic Mind and subtle sub-atomic cosmic intelligence agents called microvita, can replace the present materialist paradigm. The new paradigm can provide... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHuman EvolutionCosmology (Physics)Yoga Philosophy
Puji syukur saya panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena atas kehendak-Nyalah saya masih dapat berkereasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya berupa sebua makalah yang berjudul Asal usul dan persebaran manusia di kepulauan Indonesia.
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      Origins of LifeAncestors (Anthropology Of Religion)History of Indonesia
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      Origins of LifeClay MineralsMinerology
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      History of ScienceOrigins of Life
These three propositions revolutionized humankind's concep-tion of the universe. Obviously, they were truly vast in their implica-tions. Yet they were not fully agreed to by all astronomers until the early decades of the twentieth... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyOrigins of LifeGalaxy Formation and EvolutionExobiology
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    • Origins of Life
A deep research in the philosophical (between phenomenology and new metaphysics) anthropology of Zubiri looking for how the human person connects and grows with others from metaphysical root until social development, studying love as... more
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      EthicsOrigins of LifeIntersubjectivityAnthropology of Death
The Modern Synthesis explains the evolution of life at a mesolevel by identifying phenotype–environmental interactions as the locus of evolution and by identifying natural selection as the means by which evolution occurs. Both micro- and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyCultural StudiesBiophysics
Recently reported signs of liquid water on early Mars and volcanic activity suggest that Mars’s subsurface could harbour traces of microbial life, making the tracing of life on Earth’s subsurface even more compelling. Caves on Earth host... more
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      Analytical ChemistryOrigins of LifeBiomineralisation
The term biology is of Greek origin meaning the study of life. On the other hand, chemistry is the science of matter, which deals with matter and its properties, structure, composition, behavior, reactions, interactions and the changes it... more
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      Human EvolutionEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)Morphological evolutionSynthetic Biology