Atlantic Alliance
Recent papers in Atlantic Alliance
La guerra d'Etiopia ha rappresentato una crisi globale, modificando la politica di tutti i paesi. Per alcuni, tuttavia, le questioni sono state ancora più profonde di quelle relative alla politica estera. In mancanza di studi specifici... more
Proširenje NATO-a nakon hladnog rata, izvedeno u dva kruga s ukupno deset novih država primljenih u članstvo NATO-a, predstavlja ključan dobitak u izgradnji sigurnosne arhitekture post-hladnoratovske Europe, te je najznačajniji sigurnosni... more
Officina Internazionale, 28 and 29 November 2024, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Tra le 150.000 e le 246.000 furono le vittime delle due bombe atomiche statunitensi sul Giappone sganciate il 6 agosto su Hiroshima e il 9 agosto 1945 su Nagasaki. Una mattanza di civili inermi fu l’esito finale del progetto Manhattan.... more
Turcia, la fel ca majoritatea țărilor din întreaga lume, folosește din ce în ce mai mult metodele diplomației publice pentru a-și promova interesele și a câștiga favoarea publicului străin, cu scopul de a crea soft power. Pentru a... more
XII convegno di studio sull’Alleanza Atlantica. I settantacinque anni della NATO. Eredità storica e nuove sfide, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 7 maggio 2024
The main onus of responsibility for the current global economic predicament is on the financial system, not on a lack of fiscal discipline. Nonetheless, the crisis is having an extremely severe impact on the real economy, which is felt... more
An article I wrote and published at the Portuguese Instituto da Defesa Nacional, Ministry of National Defense, in 2004, and that was republished at the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2005. In it, I argue that the European Union... more
The paper presents findings of a study developed as a part of the research project "Serbia and challenges in international relations in 2021", financed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic... more
L a p t a i n Clark "Corky" Graham, throughout his naval career, has been a major force in the pursuit of a technology-based vision of the Navy of the future and the development of an engineering bridge to turn the vision into a reality.... more
Les élections présidentielles du 6 mai 2007 ont marqué une date décisive pour la France et a décidé de son destin pour le prochain quinquennat. Les deux candidats qualifiés dans le second tour de scrutin, Nicolas Sarkozy de l'UMP et... more
A series or articles, most in English, albeit some in Portuguese, written by me. I expect to, in the next couple of years, publish two or three more compilations on International Relations articles I wrote — and a possibly larger series... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Given the current geopolitical situations in Europe and the United States, Europe and America: The End of the Transatlantic Relationship? is both timely and insightful. Both the United States and the European Union are on foreign policy... more
uniting rather than dividing its littoral states. The Baltic can now serve to mediate rather than obstruct contacts, and to open up routes of transport and communication previously closed 2. The unification of Germany and the... more
Analisi dell'opera "Storia delle relazioni internazionali" di Ennio Di Nolfo.
Introducere În relaţiile internaţionale, pentru a se înţelege pe deplin anumite evenimente (legături şi acor-duri politice între două sau mai multe state, con-flicte, decizii s.a.) este, în opinia noastră, superficial să tratăm un fenomen... more
Usporedbom dviju geopolitičkih i geostrateških vizija o strateškim izazovima i ulozi NATO-a u suvremenom svijetu i bliskoj budućnosti pokušava se ukazati na različitost izazova koji stoje pred NATO-om. Dvije vizije koje se obrađuju... more
In this research work we analyzed some traditional media, such as newspa- pers and a digital social media such as Twitter, to verify the hypothesis that the emerging narrative about the Ukraine war can be a contrast between a “good” part,... more
The aim of this proposal is to explain the paradigm of the American foreign policy during the Johnson Administration, especially toward Europe, within the NATO framework, and toward URSS, in the context of the detente, just emerged during... more
Charles de Gaulle, gaullism și Europa Cel deal Doilea Război Mondial a reprezentat o experiență catastrofală pentru Europa, atât din punctul de vedere al Holocaustului și al pierderilor de vieți omenești pe
Con la invasión rusa de Ucrania y el nacimiento de una Europa geopolítica, la Unión Europea (UE) se ha encontrado frente a una encrucijada histórica. Le ha exigido un rápido fortalecimiento de sus capacidades, y ha sometido a una difícil... more
27 de março 2023
Isidro Morais Pereira e Armando Marques Guedes
Isidro Morais Pereira e Armando Marques Guedes
Analisi del punto di vista iraniano rispetto al conflitto in Ucraina
Given the current geopolitical situations in Europe and the United States, Europe and America: The End of the Transatlantic Relationship? is both timely and insightful. Both the United States and the European Union are on foreign policy... more
La guerra in Ucraina nel triangolo Washington, Mosca, Pechino di Michele Chiaruzzi Un turbinio di eventi e discorsi si addensa intorno alla giornata del 24 febbraio quando, un anno fa, il governo russo tentò la conquista dell'Ucraina con... more
NATO’nun Afrika’daki askeri varlığı tıpkı Asya’da ve Akdeniz’de olduğu gibi örgütün en güçlü üyesi olan ABD’nin ulusal çıkarlarıyla doğru orantılı olarak kimi zaman artmakta kimi zaman azalmaktadır. Ancak, NATO Soğuk Savaş yıllarından... more
Given the current geopolitical situations in Europe and the United States, Europe and America: The End of the Transatlantic Relationship? is both timely and insightful. Both the United States and the European Union are on foreign policy... more
The West has lost the battle for a modern and democratic Afghanistan not on the battlefield but at the psychological, social and economic levels. The massive withdrawal of Americans and other Western troops from Afghanistan has decisively... more
Proces proširenja Europske Unije prošao je kroz sedam faza i to u različitim političkim okolnostima. Pojam "proširenje" predstavlja više od brojčanog širenja članstva i zapravo je sinonim za ujedinjenje kontinenta. Proširenje prvenstveno... more
Following the end of the Cold War, NATO decided to expand its membership to Central and Eastern European countries. In the 1990s, the Alliance opened its door to the former members of the Warsaw Pact as part of a strategy of uniting... more
Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju političkih ciljeva. Navedeno je temeljna pretpostavka ove doktorske disertacije koja je potvrĎena kroz znanstveno istraţivanje i komparativnu analizu tri... more
What is Grand Strategy? Every State has always had a Grand Strategy, which is wider and more inclusive than military strategy even if it has seldom been formalized in strategic documents. Some strategic documents of the past are... more
Recent disasters, poor leadership and bad policies reveal the USN is not "world class".
Ovaj završni rad donosi pregled procesa pristupanja Hrvatske najznačajnijim međunarodnim organizacijama – Ujedinjenim narodima, NATO i Europskoj uniji. Od vremena nastanka te strukture bile su jamac mira, stabilnosti, društvenog razvoja,... more
Il saggio va a indagare il mutamento della strategia britannica tra Ottocento e Novecento, momento in cui la Gran Bretagna, trovandosi sempre più in difficoltà nella gestione del suo immenso Impero, è obbligata a stringere accordi... more
The Three Seas (Baltic-Adriatic-Black) Initiative was originally rationalised as a geopolitical alliance of NATO/EU member states of "New Europe", from Estonia to Croatia, connecting the Baltic and Adriatic Seas. The member states, with... more
The article analyses the narratives of political parties and representatives, which call for Slovakia to withdraw from NATO and for the neutrality of the Slovak Republic. Criticism of the foreign policy of the United States, the claim to... more
This paper will assess the alleged relevance of the realist thinking in International Relations by answering the question whether Realism still dominates the theory and practice of International Relations. Examination of some core... more
Il saggio si basa su documentazione recentemente desecretata. Attraverso tali fonti d’archivio viene ricostruito il dibattito in seno all’Amministrazione Clinton in merito all’allargamento della NATO in Europa centro-orientale. Il lavoro... more
Prostori koji cine teritorij Republike Hrvatske kroz povijest su uglavnom bili položeni na granicama između velikih država i carstava, interesnih sfera i blokova te se položaj razlicitih hrvatskih prostora smatrao kontaktno- spojnim. To... more