This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two e... more This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two exceptional narratives, "The Places in Between" by rory Stewart and "Danube" by Claudio Magris. In their respective works, both authors examine the complex notion of identity as defined by ethnicity, religion/culture, politics/ideology and socioeconomics, albeit in very different surroundings. Stewart's narrative describes his trek across the harsh Afghan landscape in the middle of Winter, scant weeks after the overthrow of the Taliban, while Magris follows a group of four Italian friends (the author being one of them), who set out to trace the Danube from its source to the mouth in mid 1980s. Both authors' accounts confirm the transience of identity, which largely depends on the broader environment, the specific point in time in which the examination occurs, and the perspective of the examiner. In both cases, the authors' analyses provide profound insights into the regions through which they travel.
Polemos : časopis za interdisciplinarna istraživanja rata i mira, Dec 30, 2020
diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je i doktorirao na Fakultetu ... more diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je i doktorirao na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Profesionalno je angažiran na vođenju projekata u području informacijske sigurnosti i analizama strateških rizika.
Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju političkih ciljeva.... more Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju političkih ciljeva. Navedeno je temeljna pretpostavka ove doktorske disertacije koja je potvrĎena kroz znanstveno istraţivanje i komparativnu analizu tri studije slučaja. Pokušaj stvaranja Velike Srbije, zbog činjenice da se relativno nedavno odvijao na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske, najrelevantniji je slučaj kada govorimo o aktualnim vanjskopolitičkim i obrambenim izazovima Republike Hrvatske. Izraelsko-libanonski rat iz 2006. godine smatra se oglednim primjerkom hibridnog rata izmeĎu drţavnog i nedrţavnog aktera. Rat Rusije i Ukrajine i aneksija Krima najrecentniji je primjer hibridnog rata izmeĎu dva drţavna aktera, i katalizator koji je aktualizirao pojam hibridnog rata, pokrenuo meĎunarodnu zajednicu i NATO savez da preispitaju svoj pristup suvremenom ratovanju. Ova disertacija temelji na se razmatranju ratova s vojnopolitičkog stajališta, a kombiniranjem tri teorijska okvira odabrano je 16 čimbenika ...
This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two e... more This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two exceptional narratives, “The Places in Between” by rory Stewart and “Danube” by Claudio Magris. In their respective works, both authors examine the complex notion of identity as defined by ethnicity, religion/culture, politics/ideology and socioeconomics, albeit in very different surroundings. Stewart’s narrative describes his trek across the harsh Afghan landscape in the middle of Winter, scant weeks after the overthrow of the Taliban, while Magris follows a group of four Italian friends (the author being one of them), who set out to trace the Danube from its source to the mouth in mid 1980s. Both authors’ accounts confirm the transience of identity, which largely depends on the broader environment, the specific point in time in which the examination occurs, and the perspective of the examiner. In both cases, the authors’ analyses provide profound insights into the regions through which ...
This paper examines the existing theory of risk management in international business, as well as ... more This paper examines the existing theory of risk management in international business, as well as the effects that the globalization and digital transformation have on the development of contemporary security risks. Besides the analysis of the key elements of globalization and digital transformation, this paper points out that the imperative for success in international business is a systematic approach to security risks, and the new categorization of risks in international business. While the pandemic has provided an impetus for the rapid and widespread adoption of digital technologies, it has also created new opportunities for hostile threat actors leading to an increase in cybercrime and thus reinforced the demand for robust and responsive security measures. The paper argues that more now than ever, there is a burning need to address the problem of security risks properly. Initial efforts to address these risks have sought to include the aforementioned security risks in existing risk mitigation practices and to address them through existing business risk processes, but it has become evident that success risk mitigation requires new and adapted approach. The authors present the review of existing theory of security analysis and propose the new categorization of risks in international business to include security risks. Security risks include, but are not limited to threats such as loss of data and intellectual property, fraud, disruption of business processes, and the possible endangerment of the physical security of both employees and assets.
diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih zn... more diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Bio je pripadnik Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske, te je sudjelovao u dvjema mirovnim operacijama u Afganistanu. Zaposlen je kao konzultant području informacijske sigurnosti u firmi Diverto d.o.o.
This article’s objective is to categorize potential jihadists in Europe and provide an overview o... more This article’s objective is to categorize potential jihadists in Europe and provide an overview of contemporary methods for their recruitment. Taking into account the ubiquity of the Internet and social networking platforms, and the fact that younger generations are spending an ever increasing amount of time using contemporary communication technology, this article focuses on those recruitment methods that make use of social networking platforms and mobile applications for the spread of extremist propaganda, as well as for communication with potential adherents. An analysis of the age structure of individuals involved in the planning and carrying out of terrorist acts in Europe from November of 2015 to September of 2017 supports a hypothesis that contemporary recruitment methods are especially effective in targeting a younger demographic. In addition, this article negates the importance of traditional physical exposure to radical behavior, which serves to explain the increasing numb...
Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju politickih ciljeva.... more Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju politickih ciljeva. Navedeno je temeljna pretpostavka ove doktorske di
In the 21st century, warfare has evolved into a challenge that many countries are ill prepared to... more In the 21st century, warfare has evolved into a challenge that many countries are ill prepared to face. In contrast to the warfare of yesterday, victory is not defined by defeating an opposing military force, but rather defeating their ability to pursue political objectives by violent, often unconventional, means. Increasingly, these unconventional means are based on asymmetries between the two opposing forces. A plethora of definitions for the term ‘asymmetric conflict’ exist, but they can largely be summarized by a general idea that one side in a conflict, due to its own failings or its opponents’ strength, is unable to achieve its political aims through conventional (i.e. symmetric) military means. Because of this, the weaker side uses new ideas, weapons and tactics in a manner that is not expected, exploiting surprise to undermine the relative strength(s) of their opponent (Lele, 2014). The character of contemporary asymmetric threats can be analyzed through a framework of sever...
Polemos Casopis Za Interdisciplinarna Istraživanja Rata I Mira, Dec 27, 2012
diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih zn... more diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Bio je pripadnik Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske, te je sudjelovao u dvjema mirovnim operacijama u Afganistanu. Zaposlen je kao konzultant području informacijske sigurnosti u firmi Diverto d.o.o. Stručni rad Primljeno: 18.VI.2012. Prihvaćeno: 15.II.2013.
This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two e... more This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two exceptional narratives, "The Places in Between" by rory Stewart and "Danube" by Claudio Magris. In their respective works, both authors examine the complex notion of identity as defined by ethnicity, religion/culture, politics/ideology and socioeconomics, albeit in very different surroundings. Stewart's narrative describes his trek across the harsh Afghan landscape in the middle of Winter, scant weeks after the overthrow of the Taliban, while Magris follows a group of four Italian friends (the author being one of them), who set out to trace the Danube from its source to the mouth in mid 1980s. Both authors' accounts confirm the transience of identity, which largely depends on the broader environment, the specific point in time in which the examination occurs, and the perspective of the examiner. In both cases, the authors' analyses provide profound insights into the regions through which they travel.
Polemos : časopis za interdisciplinarna istraživanja rata i mira, Dec 30, 2020
diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je i doktorirao na Fakultetu ... more diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je i doktorirao na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Profesionalno je angažiran na vođenju projekata u području informacijske sigurnosti i analizama strateških rizika.
Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju političkih ciljeva.... more Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju političkih ciljeva. Navedeno je temeljna pretpostavka ove doktorske disertacije koja je potvrĎena kroz znanstveno istraţivanje i komparativnu analizu tri studije slučaja. Pokušaj stvaranja Velike Srbije, zbog činjenice da se relativno nedavno odvijao na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske, najrelevantniji je slučaj kada govorimo o aktualnim vanjskopolitičkim i obrambenim izazovima Republike Hrvatske. Izraelsko-libanonski rat iz 2006. godine smatra se oglednim primjerkom hibridnog rata izmeĎu drţavnog i nedrţavnog aktera. Rat Rusije i Ukrajine i aneksija Krima najrecentniji je primjer hibridnog rata izmeĎu dva drţavna aktera, i katalizator koji je aktualizirao pojam hibridnog rata, pokrenuo meĎunarodnu zajednicu i NATO savez da preispitaju svoj pristup suvremenom ratovanju. Ova disertacija temelji na se razmatranju ratova s vojnopolitičkog stajališta, a kombiniranjem tri teorijska okvira odabrano je 16 čimbenika ...
This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two e... more This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two exceptional narratives, “The Places in Between” by rory Stewart and “Danube” by Claudio Magris. In their respective works, both authors examine the complex notion of identity as defined by ethnicity, religion/culture, politics/ideology and socioeconomics, albeit in very different surroundings. Stewart’s narrative describes his trek across the harsh Afghan landscape in the middle of Winter, scant weeks after the overthrow of the Taliban, while Magris follows a group of four Italian friends (the author being one of them), who set out to trace the Danube from its source to the mouth in mid 1980s. Both authors’ accounts confirm the transience of identity, which largely depends on the broader environment, the specific point in time in which the examination occurs, and the perspective of the examiner. In both cases, the authors’ analyses provide profound insights into the regions through which ...
This paper examines the existing theory of risk management in international business, as well as ... more This paper examines the existing theory of risk management in international business, as well as the effects that the globalization and digital transformation have on the development of contemporary security risks. Besides the analysis of the key elements of globalization and digital transformation, this paper points out that the imperative for success in international business is a systematic approach to security risks, and the new categorization of risks in international business. While the pandemic has provided an impetus for the rapid and widespread adoption of digital technologies, it has also created new opportunities for hostile threat actors leading to an increase in cybercrime and thus reinforced the demand for robust and responsive security measures. The paper argues that more now than ever, there is a burning need to address the problem of security risks properly. Initial efforts to address these risks have sought to include the aforementioned security risks in existing risk mitigation practices and to address them through existing business risk processes, but it has become evident that success risk mitigation requires new and adapted approach. The authors present the review of existing theory of security analysis and propose the new categorization of risks in international business to include security risks. Security risks include, but are not limited to threats such as loss of data and intellectual property, fraud, disruption of business processes, and the possible endangerment of the physical security of both employees and assets.
diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih zn... more diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Bio je pripadnik Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske, te je sudjelovao u dvjema mirovnim operacijama u Afganistanu. Zaposlen je kao konzultant području informacijske sigurnosti u firmi Diverto d.o.o.
This article’s objective is to categorize potential jihadists in Europe and provide an overview o... more This article’s objective is to categorize potential jihadists in Europe and provide an overview of contemporary methods for their recruitment. Taking into account the ubiquity of the Internet and social networking platforms, and the fact that younger generations are spending an ever increasing amount of time using contemporary communication technology, this article focuses on those recruitment methods that make use of social networking platforms and mobile applications for the spread of extremist propaganda, as well as for communication with potential adherents. An analysis of the age structure of individuals involved in the planning and carrying out of terrorist acts in Europe from November of 2015 to September of 2017 supports a hypothesis that contemporary recruitment methods are especially effective in targeting a younger demographic. In addition, this article negates the importance of traditional physical exposure to radical behavior, which serves to explain the increasing numb...
Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju politickih ciljeva.... more Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju politickih ciljeva. Navedeno je temeljna pretpostavka ove doktorske di
In the 21st century, warfare has evolved into a challenge that many countries are ill prepared to... more In the 21st century, warfare has evolved into a challenge that many countries are ill prepared to face. In contrast to the warfare of yesterday, victory is not defined by defeating an opposing military force, but rather defeating their ability to pursue political objectives by violent, often unconventional, means. Increasingly, these unconventional means are based on asymmetries between the two opposing forces. A plethora of definitions for the term ‘asymmetric conflict’ exist, but they can largely be summarized by a general idea that one side in a conflict, due to its own failings or its opponents’ strength, is unable to achieve its political aims through conventional (i.e. symmetric) military means. Because of this, the weaker side uses new ideas, weapons and tactics in a manner that is not expected, exploiting surprise to undermine the relative strength(s) of their opponent (Lele, 2014). The character of contemporary asymmetric threats can be analyzed through a framework of sever...
Polemos Casopis Za Interdisciplinarna Istraživanja Rata I Mira, Dec 27, 2012
diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih zn... more diplomirao je na američkoj vojnoj akademiji West Point. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Bio je pripadnik Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske, te je sudjelovao u dvjema mirovnim operacijama u Afganistanu. Zaposlen je kao konzultant području informacijske sigurnosti u firmi Diverto d.o.o. Stručni rad Primljeno: 18.VI.2012. Prihvaćeno: 15.II.2013.
Papers by Nikola Brzica