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"A visit to one of the many new art museums that have sprouted in China over the last two decades offers a window into some of the incredible changes in China's art and design scene. At a rapid pace, countless, often spectacular new... more
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      Contemporary Asian artChinese contemporary artArt and public policyArt Galleries in the 21st Century
Conférence 30 novembre 2021 : "When New York looks at the School of Paris (1930-1950). Reception, Rereadings and Appropriations". On the occasion of the exhibition : "Chaïm Soutine / Willem De Kooning, painted embodied". Musée de... more
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      PortraitsAbstract ArtMarché de l'artCollectionneurs
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsAbstract ArtHistory of MuseumsFuturism
Jammu which is identified as 'City of Temples' has rich heritage and blend culture. The native's belief that Jammu got its identity, after its founder Raja Jambulochan, who was considered to be ruled in the 14 th century in the region.... more
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      Festivals and musicCultural HeritageJammu and KashmirArt Galleries
The report on the Spanish art market in 2021 analyzes, with data obtained since 2019, the evolution over the last decade and the great impact that the pandemic has had on the art market, and how the context, full of uncertainties and... more
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      Sociology of CultureArt Economics and MarketsArts and Heritage MarketingCultural Economy
Colombo, Cristina F. 2014. “Interiors for Art: Exhibiting Spaces or Exhibited Spaces?”. "Engage in the Visual Arts" 34 (Summer 2014): 18-29. ISSN 1365-9383 Since the Second World War, curators and exhibition designers have had to present... more
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      Museums and Exhibition DesignMuseographyArt GalleriesHistory of exhibitions, museum studies, modern and contemporary art
Madrid careció hasta bien entrado el último cuarto del siglo XIX de unos espacios expositivos que, regentados de forma profesional desde la iniciativa privada, estuvieran hábilmente conformados para dar salida a las obras de los artistas... more
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      Art MarketSpanish ArtArt GalleryHistoria de Madrid
Keywords Bookstore, gallery, '40's , Oporto, Portugália Abstract This research documents the activity conducted by Portugália Bookstore and Gallery, a space dedicated to the dissemination of the arts, which existed in Oporto between... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesMuseologyVisual and Cultural Studies
Convegno internazionale / International Conference Mostre fotografiche in Italia negli anni Settanta: spazi, dialoghi, narrazioni / Photographic Exhibitions in Italy in the 1970s: Spaces, Dialogues, Narratives a cura di / curated by... more
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      PhotographyInterdisciplinarityContemporary ArtIdentity (Culture)
Tourism in Bangladesh is a slowly developing foreign currency earner. The country has everything to attract international and domestic tourists.
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      ArchaeologyTourism StudiesMuseumsTourism
Con la definizione "altre mostre" si intende far riferimento alle occasioni espositive promosse da Case d'asta e Gallerie d'arte che, principalmente in ambito svizzero-tedesco tra 1898 e 1945, hanno presentato opere di Giovanni... more
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      Art MarketCollezionismo d'arteOttocento italianoArt Galleries
The Venice Biennale Sales Department represent an important example of commercial platform in Italy. Aiming to shed light on its role as a predecessor and pioneer, the paper offers an overview of how sales were managed, investigating the... more
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      Collecting and CollectionsArt MarketArt FairsVenice Biennale
Our study, which can be considered as a work in progress, is based on a qualitative analysis of data obtained from interviews carried out with different types of active Spanish artists, both emerging artists in the first phase of their... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsContemporary ArtSociology of ArtsArt Market
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      Contemporary ArtCuratorial Practice (Art)Visual ArtsFine Arts
Colombo, Cristina F. 2011. “Gallerie d’arte: Esposizione e promozione dell’arte contemporanea.” 2555-2564. In "Il paesaggio: Gli interni/Landscape: Interior", edited by Claudio D’Amato. Proceedings of ReteVitruvio I International... more
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      Museums and Exhibition DesignMuseographyArt Galleries
In 1944 Silvio Branzi, art journalist of the Gazzettino di Venezia, was called by Edizioni Delfino of Rovereto to edit some books dedicated to the painters Gino Pancheri, Guido Polo and Tullio Garbari. The monograph dedicated to Tullio... more
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      Critical ArtArt history and critical theoryParisModernist Painting
Purpose of Study: Dementia refers to a variety of diseases that are characterized by cognitive difficulties and an overall decline in daily living skills. Psychologically informed arts and health programs may be particularly beneficial... more
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      Grounded TheoryDementia CareArt GalleriesArts and Health
Interview to Nikol Konstante and the Association of Expressive Arts Therapists in Norway (KTFN),  in  Rubin no. 2/2021 (winter edition 2021). We discuss with colleague Katerina Mavromichali about EFAT's "Art Therapy in Museums" SIG.
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      Art TherapyContemporary ArtExpressive Arts TherapyMuseums
Several studies have addressed the challenges faced by cultural and creative professionals and businesses since the emergence of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Some success stories have surfaced around larger organizations that managed to... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsContemporary ArtAudience Studies
As art museums seek to reach new audiences and broaden the scope of their education departments, they not only exhibit work, but also produce didactic texts, catalogs, timelines, panel discussions, and docent-led tours to contextualize... more
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      Museum StudiesArts EducationMuseum EducationArt and Interpretation
This paper aims at understanding, from the inside, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying restrictive administrative measures on the art market. It is based on the interviews and ethnographic surveys made by graduate... more
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      Social SciencesArt Economics and MarketsEthnographyEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, and the restrictions imposed by the social distance and the enforced confinement, are having an impact on the art markets globally. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of an... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsContemporary ArtArt MarketArts and Cultural Management and Administration
Article publié dans le catalogue de l'exposition Age of Classics ! L'Antiquité dans la culture pop qui s'était tenue au Musée Saint Raymond à Toulouse du 22 février au 22 septembre 2019.
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtReception in popular cultureClassical Antiquity
First published in:
Opper, A. 2008. Drawing by Kilometres. In Art South Africa. Vol. 06. Issue 04. Winter: 58-63.
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      Contemporary ArtPublic ArtMuseums and Exhibition DesignNational Museums
Kunst wird gerade wieder zu Rekordpreisen verkauft. Doch die Mechanismen des Markts haben sich verändert – und nicht nur wegen der Pandemie Art is currently being sold again at record prices. But the mechanisms of the market have changed... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsArt MarketArt GalleriesArt Basel |miami Beach | Hong Kong
In November 2021, a week out from the opening of the new purpose-built Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) and the launch of 'Lin Onus: The Land Within', guest editor Paola Balla shared a conversation with SAM curators Belinda Briggs and Shelley... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary Indigenous ArtsArt writingMuseums and Galleries
è considerato piuttosto un paese di poeti e scrittori, data la sua tradizione letteraria, ereditata da figure tutelari come Rubén Darío e contemporanei come Ernesto Cardenal, Sergio Ramírez o Gioconda Belli; ma esibisce anche una certa... more
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      Latin American StudiesArt HistoryInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Background: This article focuses on art psychotherapists’ experiences of using museum and gallery settings for group art psychotherapy. Aims: It aims to explore the impact of museum settings for group art psychotherapy on the dynamics of... more
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      Art TherapyCreative Arts TherapyMuseumsArt Psychotherapy
‘Is this art?’ is a question often raised by museum visitors when encountering contemporary artworks. But what factors influence museum visitors’ judgement on contemporary art? To what extent do visitors’ prior knowledge,... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCultural SociologyArt Theory
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, and the restrictions imposed by the social distance and the enforced confinement, are having an impact on the art markets globally. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of an... more
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      BusinessArt Economics and MarketsContemporary ArtArts
Published by The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation in the occasion of Meta Grgurevič "Impossible Machines" exhibitions at Umetnostna galerija Maribor, Slovenia (29 November 2019 – 1 March 2020) and at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst &... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtSculpture
Zasadniczy zrąb artykułu stanowi rekonstrukcja historii Salonu Sztuki Nike (1943-1951), galerii sztuki współczesnej i antykwariatu prowadzonego przez Karola Tchorka, rzeźbiarza, ojca Mariusza. Autorki przedstawiają szczegółową historię... more
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      Art HistoryPolish StudiesWarsawHistory of Collecting and Antiquarianism
Traditional postcolonial scholarship on art and imperialism emphasises tensions between colonising cores and subjugated peripheries. The ties between London and British white settler colonies have been comparatively neglected. Artworks... more
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      Art HistoryArt Economics and MarketsBritish EmpireHistory of Art
This article focuses on art psychotherapists’ experiences of using museum and gallery settings for group art psychotherapy. It aims to explore the impact of museum settings for group art psychother...
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      SociologyArt TherapyCreative Arts TherapyMuseums
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, and the restrictions imposed by the social distance and the enforced confinement, are having an impact on the art markets globally. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of an... more
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      BusinessArt Economics and MarketsContemporary ArtArts
Montevideo è uno dei centri culturali più importanti del Sud America. Da secoli la città accoglie immigrati da tutto il mondo, ognuno con il proprio patrimonio culturale. L'intensità di questo scambio culturale è evidente nella fiorente... more
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      Latin American StudiesContemporary ArtUruguayArte Contemporanea
Sei gallerie che dovresti conoscere in Messico: Quando si parla di arte, le gallerie sono sempre in prima linea. Dalle proposte emergenti agli artisti affermati, presentiamo un elenco di questi luoghi imperdibili a Città del Messico... more
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      Latin American StudiesContemporary ArtArte ContemporaneaArtes
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtFrench artModernism
This article explores the complex, “contact zone” nature of museums within the context of the current environmental crisis threatening our planet. Historically and even today, museums have engaged in a practice of “monocultural” thinking... more
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Historical interiors can certainly be seen as repositories for cultural sustainability. They have diachronic aesthetic value and provide us with cultural identity. Their physical materials and methods of construction offer us a connection... more
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      ArtContemporary ArtAuthenticityArt Galleries
Several studies have addressed the challenges faced by cultural and creative professionals and businesses since the emergence of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Some success stories have surfaced around larger organizations that managed to... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsContemporary ArtAudience Studies
This article focuses on art psychotherapists’ experiences of using museum and gallery settings for group art psychotherapy. It aims to explore the impact of museum settings for group art psychother...
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      SociologyArt TherapyCreative Arts TherapyMuseums
Nel corso della storia, l'Iran è stato spesso definito la culla dell'umanità e della cultura. Sebbene i suoi successivi regimi autoritari abbiano inibito lo sviluppo degli artisti, soprattutto dopo la rivoluzione del 1979, quando la... more
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      Middle East StudiesHistory of IranArte ContemporaneaIranian politics and history
Depuis le milieu des années 2000, l’émergence d’un marché de l’art contemporain au Moyen-Orient a généré une recomposition des polarités cultu­relles à l’échelle régionale. Cet article met en perspective deux villes, Dubaï et Beyrouth,... more
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      Urban RegenerationArt MarketTranslocalityUrban Entrepreneurialism
This article documents and comments on Qaumajuq, the new centre for Inuit art at the Winnnipeg Art Gallery, by Michael Maltzan Architects and Cibinel Architecture; in parallel with Nicole Luke's overview of the building and inaugural... more
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      ArchitectureContemporary Indigenous ArtsInuit ArtArt Galleries
From the late 1950s until well into the 1970s, the Düsseldorf gallerist Alfred Schmela was instrumental in helping German artists and collectors to escape the misery and isolation of the postwar era and to engage with a new international... more
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      Abstract ArtArt CriticismAbstract PaintingArt Market
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, and the restrictions imposed by the social distance and the enforced confinement, are having an impact on the art markets globally. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of an... more
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      BusinessArt Economics and MarketsContemporary ArtArts