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The problem of climate change arguably constitutes the greatest challenge to humankind. However, climate ethics has so far been better on the side of the diagnosis rather than of the solution or therapy of that problem. We attempt to show... more
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      Energy SecurityEconomic DevelopmentPrecautionary PrincipleClimate ethics
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the main questions and aims guiding Charles Sanders Peirce’s phenomenological inquiries concerning the universal categories. The paper divides into four parts. In the first section, I provide a... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsEpistemologyPhenomenology of the Body (Philosophy)
This paper will critically assess the interpretation of one modern thinker associated with later modern virtue ethics who positions the Stoics as decisively what we will call “proto-Kantians”, Julia Annas. Annas’ Morality of Happiness... more
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      StoicismRoman StoicismPhilosophy as a way of life
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteratureAristotleThe Novel
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      Greek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesHagiographyAristotle
This review discusses an important new commentary on one of Lucian’s wittiest dialogues (“The ship, or: The wishes”).
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    • Classics
Proclus, the head of the Neoplatonic school of Athens in the 5th century AD, was not only a prolific writer of philosophical texts, but also the creator of one of the most complex systems ever developed in Western philosophy. Recent... more
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      ProclusNeoplatonismProclus & Neoplatonism & Greek Philosophy
La noción aristotélica de elección (proaíresis) desde hace algunos años viene siendo objeto del interés de los estudiosos. En 1963 Pierre Aubenque sostuvo la tesis de que, en realidad, en Ética Nicomaquea habría dos proairéseis distintas:... more
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La noción aristotélica de elección (proaíresis) desde hace algunos años viene siendo objeto del interés de los estudiosos. En 1963 Pierre Aubenque sostuvo la tesis de que, en realidad, en Ética Nicomaquea habría dos proairéseis distintas:... more
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      AristotleAristótelesLetrasFilosofía Antigua
El sentido de la vista suele asumir un caracter metonimico; a menudo se cifran en el mucho mas que simples y aislados actos de ver. Afirma una difundida tesis aristotelica que la vision es la sensacion que mas hace conocer, la que nos... more
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  Estas páginas se proponen presentar la traducción comentada de dos textos de Pedro de Juan Olivi, franciscano provenzal del s. XIII; el primero es el artículo 19 de la Impugnatio quorundam articulorum Arnaldi Gallardi, y el otro es la... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesDante StudiesAristotle
This paper analyzes and explains certain parts of Syrianus’s Commentary on book M of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, which details Syrianus’s response to Aristotle’s attack against the Platonic position of the separate existence of numbers.... more
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Rani grčki filozofi bavili su se slabljenjem tradicionalne religije na jedan od dva načina. U prvom pristupu, mogli su gotovo u potpunosti ostaviti po strani pitanje religije. Stoga su jonski fizičari tražili objašnjenja o univerzumu i... more
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      SociologyPolitical Sciencemouvements
Pourquoi Gilles Deleuze s’est-il tant intéressé à l’éternel retour nietzschéen, dans son aspect cosmologique et physique et dans son aspect éthique et sélectif ? Et pourquoi, lorsqu’il s’y intéresse, ne cesse-t-il de le comparer à la... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
The main purpose of this paper is to understand the complex and many-sided nature of the theory of regimes elaborated by Aristotle in Politics III and thereby to identify the main philosophical and conceptual elements that make it... more
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Новый перевод трактата Аристотеля "О сновидениях" (De Insomniis), тематически и методически примыкающего к трактату "О сне и бодрствовании" (De Somno et Vigilia) и являющегося прямым продолжением начатого там исследования сна. Основную... more
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      AristotleAristotle's philosophy of biologySleep and DreamingAristotle's Parva Naturalia
That the fifteen aporiae^ to whose exposition Aristotle devotes all of Metaphysics B originate from Platonism is widely accepted. However, the text provides no account of how Aristotle constructed these aporiae, and the exact path by... more
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In this short book, Anthony Kaldellis argues for the abolition of the field of Byzantine Studies and its replacement by a new field of East Roman Studies. The latter will not only bear the epithet 'Roman' instead of 'Byzantine', but will... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine History
Approches philosophiques 1. Éthique de la vertu (Platon) L'éthique de la vertu se concentre sur le développement des qualités morales et du caractère vertueux. Un propriétaire vertueux choisirait de ne pas expulser un locataire uniquement... more
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    • Francophone Canada
Suele ser recurrente indicar que el desarrollo del pensamiento científico no se detiene. Por lo que, en coherencia, en el presente artículo se describe tal proceso ilustrando la evolución de un nuevo modelo del saber científico tomando... more
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Z podobieństwa działań zewnętrznych u zwierząt do działań, które my sami wykonujemy, sądzimy o tym, że ich wewnętrzna strona również podobna jest do naszej.
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International Workshop Series in Classical Studies (Part I: Dec 2024 - Jan 2025) Speakers: Orly Lewis (Department of Classical Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sophia Connell (Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of... more
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      Gender StudiesAristotleGender HistoryHistory of Medicine
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    • Art
The Court's Taking Clause holding, at pp 63-64, likely supports property owners arguments that courts as instruments of government cannot award successors and assigns of mortgages that are not Note Holders possession of property owners'... more
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      Constitutional LawFifth Amendment Takings
Brunetto Latino from Republican Florence acquired Greco-Arabic learning from Alfonso X el Sabio in Spain and from Frederic II in Sicily, teaching this to Dante.
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      AristotleBrunetto LatiniAlfonso X el SabioEmperor Frederick II
Heródoto e Aristóteles apresentam as formas de governo de uma perspectiva quantitativa (quando um, poucos ou muitos ocupam o poder) e qualitativa (quando o governo é bom ou ruim). O governo de muitos é a democracia e para entender seus... more
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      Ancient HistoryComputer ScienceGreek LiteratureAristotle
This course addresses some of the eternal questions that man has grappled with since the beginning of time. What is good? What is bad? Why is justice important? Most human beings have the faculty to discern between right and wrong, good... more
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Estratto dalla propria tesi di dottorato, dedicata al confronto fra la posizione di Giordano Bruno espressa nei suoi Dialoghi Italiani e la tradizione di alcune opere aristoteliche (Metafisica, Fisica, Il Cielo), il testo qui presentato... more
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      AristotleGiordano BrunoAristotelesAristotele
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Forms and Concepts is the first comprehensive study of the central role of concepts and concept acquisition in the Platonic tradition. It sets up a stimulating dialogue between Plato s innatist approach and Aristotle s much more empirical... more
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There have only been very few ideas in the history of Western philosophy as influential as that of the ensoulment of the world or the cosmos.1 The first explicit mention of a World Soul or soul of the all (gr. tou pantos psuchê, lat.... more
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During the classical period, the tekhnai, which until then had been practiced without distinct self-awareness, underwent a substantial development. Philosophers began to build arguments concerning the theoretical status of the arts,... more
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      EthicsAristotleAncient PhilosophyXenophon
In his later writings, Husserl posits the original life of transcendental consciousness as the ultimate subject of phenomenological inquiry. Through self-criticism in his work Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a... more
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyConsciousnessTranscendental Philosophy
The Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk's work feeds from the parallel between architectural and literary production of space on multiple levels. His texts possess an architectural structure of functionality and interdependence, and Pamuk... more
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      Urban ImaginaryOrhan PamukArchitextualityRemediation
The everyday experience of time can be disrupted by the events in our lives, and disquiet notions of predictability about the passage of time. In this work, I describe an alternate experience of time passing that occurred in the context... more
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      AristotleAristotle's PoliticsPolitische PhilosophieAristoteles
If in its simplest form, hermeneutics is a quest for understanding, then part of that quest will always include striving to understand being and the meaning of being.This open access book takes that ambition seriously, arguing that... more
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En el presente estudio, examinamos el estatus ontológico de los dos estados existenciales del hombre adulto entre los cuales se interpone la salvación, con el fin de poner en evidencia su relación con el acto de ser. En una primera parte,... more
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      Theology of Thomas AquinasThomistic theology of graceCornelio FabroReginald Garrigou-Lagrange
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      Philo of AlexandriaPost-Hellenistic PhilosophyTime and EternityEternalism
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      HistorySociologyPhilosophyReligious Studies
Dans cet article, je donne un aperçu de la manière dont la narratologie et la théorie de la littérature ont intégré les concepts de la raison néolibérale (1980 - aujourd'hui). En particulier, j'analyse deux mouvances principales : 1)... more
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      AristotleNarratologyLiterary TheoryNeoliberalism
Deleuze déclarait en 1946 : "Vichy invoquait le remords. Le gouvernement de DeGaulle, au contraire, nous révèle en tant que chef un monde extérieur possible, où la France serait grande".
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      AristotleGeopoliticsPolitical ScienceGilles Deleuze
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      ArtAristotleLiteratureRenaissance Studies
The works of Aristotle left an indelible impression on Arabic philosophy after the translation movement. While many philosophers accepted the works of the revered First Teacher (Al-Mu‘allim al-awwal), as Aristotle was designated, others... more
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Review of Emily Hughes and Marilyn Stendera's book, Heidegger's Alternative History of Time
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      Martin HeideggerPhilosophy of TimePhenomenology of TimePhenomenology of time-consciousness