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Observation d'un héron cendré (Ardea cinerea Linnaeus, 1758), du 28 septembre au 3 octobre 2017 sur le site INRA de La Grande ferrade à Villenave d'Ornon Le Centre de recherche INRA Nouvelle Aquitaine-Bordeaux est sis sur le Domaine de la... more
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      HeronArdea cinereaBiodiversitéOiseaux
Cita recomendada: Garrido, J. R., Molina, B. y Del Moral, J. C. (Eds.) 2012. Las garzas en España, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. © De la Edición: SEO/BirdLife C/ Melquiades... more
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      SpainArdea purpureaBubulcus ibisEgretta garzetta
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      ZoologyOrnithologyBird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)
Given the limited information regarding the anatomy of the thoracic limb in European avian species, we decided to investigate the related muscles in the grey heron (Ardea cinerea), in the eurasian buzzard (Buteo buteo), and in the common... more
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      AnatomyBirdsWild animalsArdea cinerea
The fish community
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      DietEcologyFeeding EcologyWaterbirds
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      ZoologyOrnithologyBird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)
Given the limited information regarding the anatomy of the thoracic limb in European avian species, we decided to investigate the related muscles in the grey heron (Ardea cinerea), in the eurasian buzzard (Buteo buteo), and in the common... more
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      AnatomyBirdsWild animalsArdea cinerea
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      OrnithologyPhenologyCape VerdeArdeidae