Archaeology of Roman Gaul
Recent papers in Archaeology of Roman Gaul
How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and how did new ‘barbarian’ political frontiers shape those changes? Synthesising historical and archaeological approaches, this interdisciplinary... more
A little cartographic experiment in the footsteps of Greg Woolf's Becoming Roman, trying to identify the influence of increasing mobility on cultural change in early Roman Gaul.
Throughout history, the Druids have always been seen as sorcerers who had a strong bond with nature. Ancestral knowledge holders within Celtic society, directed all religious activity as the highest authority linked to the gods, practiced... more
Article de présentation de la statuette en bronze de Cernunnos retrouvée en 1950 au sanctuaire lémovice gallo-romain des Pièces-Grandes (commune Margerides, dép. Corrèze). Publié dans Keltia, 58, 2022, pp.14-17.
Documentation of the late cities of the Aedui and Chalon allows study of several aspects of the burial practices in the central section of the province of Lugdunensis I at the end of Antiquity. This paper proposes a typology of funerary... more
For know the controversial history of the Druids in the Celtic world, will investigate the sources of its origin, through stories of classic texts and medieval legends of Gaul, Britain and Ireland. His role in Celtic society surpassed the... more
For the first time, this PhD thesis offers a systematic presentation of the excavations at Bitburg (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) since 1889. The aim is to show the settlement genesis of the site from the 1st to the 5th century AD. The... more
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif d’identifier entre le second Âge du Fer et le haut Moyen Âge les occupations et les activités humaines d’un territoire de marge aux confins des cités arvernes, vellaves et ségusiaves, le... more
Coin moulds of the 3rd century in the collections of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz The 43 coin moulds from the collection of the RGZM were used to cast denarii of the period from Antoninus Pius to Caracalla (141-217). They... more
VITTIMULA-SAN SECONDO AND THE INVENTION OF THE ICTIMULI (O VITTIMULI) In two previous publications (2000 and 2004) a lot of evidence had been brought to support the non-existence of the pre-Roman Ictimuli (or Vittimuli) population,... more
A survey of the 'classic' late Roman city walls in Gaul arguing that they respond more to the requirements of the state than they express civic monumentalism.
Mots-clés. Transition urbaine, urbanisme, acculturation, Sud-Ouest. Résumé. Les recherches archéologiques récentes permettent de s’interroger sur les conditions d’apparition de deux capitales de cités du sud-ouest de la Gaule : Toulouse... more
The paper deals with several categories of archaeological features occurring in Roman funerary contexts: cremation areas, postholes, single pyre debris pits, pits filled with other material. The available evidence is discussed in the... more
Le chaudron d’abondance du dieu-druide irlandais Dagda aiguise depuis longtemps la curiosité des Celtisants amateurs et ceux plus académiques. La rareté, tout autant que le caractère tardif et christianisé des sources mythologiques y... more
Well-tempered offerings. Coin offerings at a river-crossing, as exemplified by the ford at Selles (dép. Marne / F) During the survey by B. Lambot in 1995-1996 of the tributaries and their crossings around Château-Porcien and Rethel (dép.... more
A summary (French-language) of the results of the British project on the standing fabric of and excavations on the late Roman wall-circuit at Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Haute-Garonne, France. The hilltop walls enclosing an area of 4.43... more
Article on the Excavations of Ribemont-sur-Ancre.
Report of archaeological excavations on a Roman Tile Kiln in Hegeney (67, Alsace, France). 2013
Ce volume constitue les actes du colloque annuel de l’AFPMA qui s’est tenu à l’École normale supérieure à Paris, en novembre 2015. Toichographologues, archéologues, conservateurs, restaurateurs… ont présenté vingt-six contributions,... more
This paper resolves the debate over the occupation of the utricularii, whether they were raft-men or muleteers. It also makes some proposals about the business of the collegia of the centonarii, dendrophori and fabri.
Now also online on Une des conséquences les plus manifestes de la conquête des Gaules fut sans conteste le passage de la monnaie gauloise à la monnaie romaine. Jusqu’à présent, aucune étude... more
Road stations, often improperly defined as post-stations or mansiones and mutationes, are a peculiar category of archaeological sites, which includes a large variety of possibilities, from small isolated buildings to large complexes. Most... more