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Academic explorations of anti-authority movements are virtually non-existent in Canada. We have no reliable primary data or empirical insights into Freemen-on-the-Land (FOTL) or other similar contingents. What we do know comes largely... more
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      Social MovementsTerrorismViolenceInternational Security
An introductory pamphlet of on anti-statism and the anarch.
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      Community OrganizingAnarchismIdeologyIndividualism
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryPhilosophyApplied Philosophy
Academic explorations of anti-authority movements are virtually non-existent in Canada. We have no reliable primary data or empirical insights into Freemen-on-the-Land (FOTL) or other similar contingents. What we do know comes largely... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismRight-Wing MovementsCanada
For 45 years, the Virginia State Bar and the Virginia Supreme Court have been violating the Code of Virginia based on lack of authority in the Constitution of Virginia and the Code of Virginia to discipline lawyers practicing law in... more
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      Criminal LawJurisprudenceConstitutional LawCivil Law
Social media greatly enhanced the capabilities of Ukrainian dissidents to wage a successful Euromaidan movement against former president Viktor Yanukovych in 2013–14. It was used to rapidly break the government’s monopoly on mass media,... more
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      New MediaInternet StudiesPropagandaRevolutions
The evils of the state cannot be fixed through reforms, checks and balances, elections, international treaties, or virtuous politicians. Because the state is always a violent structure of domination it must be replaced by non-state social... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismState Theory
A foreword to _Romantic Rationalist: A William Godwin Reader_, edited and introduced by Peter Marshall (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2017): xiv-xxi.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryAnarchism
Although this literary figure is little known today, Morbello/Malaguerra was famous in Sicily and elsewhere in Italy from the mid-19th to mid-20th century. This essay focuses on his vicissitudes in print (Storia dei paladini di Francia)... more
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      Italian StudiesPuppetryChansons De GesteChivalry (Chivalry)
This is a draft of a review of To Dare Imagining: Rojava Revolution (Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 2016).  Please cite the final, edited version, which appears in Capitalism Nature Socialism,  vol. 27, no. 3 (Sept. 2016):103-110.
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      Political SociologySocial ChangeSocial MovementsSocial Theory
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      HistorySocial TheoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Despite a pervasive concern among law enforcement and security agencies, there are relatively few academic explorations of the likelihood of violence associated with anti-authority activists from groups such as the Freemen-on-the-Land,... more
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      TerrorismSovereigntyPolitical Violence and TerrorismCanada
Our research suggests that the relation between GDP per capita and sociopolitical destabilization is not characterized by a straightforward negative correlation; it rather has an inverted U-shape. The highest risks are typical for the... more
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      Political AnthropologyDemocratizationPolitical Violence and TerrorismWorld History
A linguist analyses the first speeches of Australian coalition senators to see what they think about the concept of government. In light of the current crisis, the results are most troubling.
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      GovernanceNeoliberalismAustralian PoliticsDenialism
Included here are links to four texts published in Itaatsiz : three installments of a Turkish translation of “Municipal Dreams: A Social Ecological Critique of Bookchin’s Politics” (pt. 1, Oct. 16, 2017; pt. 2, Nov. 1, 2017; pt. 3, Nov.... more
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      Political EcologyAnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of Anarchism
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory