Anthropology of Taiwan
Recent papers in Anthropology of Taiwan
Introduction [to] "A Journey through Chinese Hell: Hell Scrolls of Taiwan" (by) Neal Donnelly. Taipei: Artist Publishing Company. (Introductory essay in English & Chinese: pp. 2-5.) Donnelly's "A Journey through Chinese Hell,"... more
cwaip newsletter No.5
The rescue archaeology project of the Blihun Hanben site yields large amounts of the remains from ferrous pyrotechnology. The amount of these remains, which including iron objects, furnace/hearth, furnace lining, and slag, are no less... more
在当前人类学与认知科学、生物-演化科学等多领域交融的思潮下,早期儿童发展成为解开这个人类道德起源之谜的核心领域,中国社会则为探索道德发展提供了独特的实验场。从心理认知人类学视角出发,本文以儿童道德发展为题,梳理人类学和心理学的理论交集历程,回顾汉学人类学相关研究,并以作者“好孩子”系列作品为案例介绍引入心理学前沿理论和方法的人类学经验研究;同时,呼吁推动人类学和认知科学在理论、方法论和经验研究层面的全方位对话、给“人类学道德伦理研究”开拓新视野、注入新活力。... more
This essay investigates Kukuli Velarde’s intervention in the permanent collection display of the New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan during 2014 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, Terra Nova: Critical Currents / Contemporary Ceramics.... more
ThakBong 是一個以數位人文資訊系統及語料庫來紀錄台灣墓碑的研究計畫。本計畫目前已積累了 843 個天數的田野工作,在資料庫中收錄來自四萬五千多座墳墓的十七萬多張照片,每張都附有 GPS... more
""Baseball was introduced in Taiwan at the turn of the twentieth century, when the island was ruled by the Japanese. The practice meets a particularly favorable echo owing much to the affinities between its formal properties and local... more
When the ROC conducted in 1956 an ethnic census with the obvious political purpose to show that, as Minister HSU formulates it, “The Taiwanese are part of the Chinese nation ...” and “all the surnames of Taiwanese originated in the middle... more
Review of Teri Silvio's 'Puppets, Gods, and Brands'
Online ISSN: 2150-9301
Print ISSN: 2150-9298
Online ISSN: 2150-9301
Print ISSN: 2150-9298
"The Thai and Taiwanese states structure the flow of transnational contract labor migration to benefit goals of national economic development. Migrant-workers from the northeastern Thailand are produced at the intersection development... more
CWAIP Newsletter No.4
Ask your librarian to be sure, but for most universities library e-copies grant unlimited subscriptions which means if your library purchases this book a whole class could check it out at once. Examining Internet culture in the... more
On 19 February 1951, a state-sponsored funeral took place in north Taipei in which a splendid cenotaph to commemorate the “five hundred martyrs of Taiyuan”—heroic individuals who died defending a distant city in northern China against the... more
Contemporary impressions of Taiwan’s relations with Southeast Asia tend to focus on flows of labor, capital, tourism, and marriage. Countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand carry the impression that they are the... more
The Republic of China on Taiwan (Taiwan) successfully, and peacefully, transitioned from authoritarian one-party rule into a constitutional democracy in the early 1990s. Yet, due to the island's complex international status and fraught... more
In this paper I will explore the description of the meeting and interference of different living and cultural systems in the mind of two great travelers: Roland Barthes and Marco Polo. I will analyze their different approach in writing... more
In recent years, scholars in (critical) applied linguistics have troubled long-standing attitudes regarding the privileged position held by the native-speaker in language learning. This chapter is rooted in and extends this body of... more
Introduced during the Japanese occupation (1895-1945), baseball in Taiwan is part of a martial education system and maintains a playing style similar to that practiced in Japan. It continues to be a special cultural link with the former... more
In this paper we focus on the column-shaped tombstone as an obvious relict of Taiwan's colonial history under the Japanese. The column seems to have been introduced in Taiwan and Penghu by the Japanese themselves, for their own people or... more
Coffee was first raised as a crop in Taiwan by the British in the late 1800s. For all intents and purposes, however, coffee culture was a Japanese import during the colonial era. The Japanese model for coffee houses was remarkably similar... more
The presence of different religions and the freedom of people to navigate the religious space shows that religion in the Philippines is not a monolithic entity. This study validated three versions of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale... more
"In Taiwan, baseball is a national passion that the whole society can relate to. Appeared under Japanese rule, it was enrolled in the nationalist physical culture (tiyu) just after WWII and became, at the turn of the 1970s, the "national... more
""本書の目的は、社会科学の視点から、初学者のための「台湾入門」を提供すると同時に、現代台湾社会の諸特徴に関する最新の歴史学的・社会科学的知見に基づき、17世紀のオランダ統治時代以来の変化と対比しつつ、現代台湾社会の構造的特徴を明らかにすることである。 目次: 第一章 「台湾」~名称、自然、地理~ 第二章 オランダ統治時代から清朝統治時代まで~二元・二層構造の誕生~ 第三章 日本植民統治の時代~二元・二層構造の確立と徹底~... more
Heritage and Religion in East Asia examines the relationship between cultural heritage and religion in East Asia, a region which has been defined geographically and ethno-culturally to refer to the modern states of China, Taiwan, Korea... more
Assister à une rencontre de baseball professionnel dans un stade taïwanais ne manquerait pas de surprendre le spectateur néophyte. Il y règne un brouhaha quasi permanent et assourdissant. Et quand la cacophonie des tambours, des... more
This article explores the role of legality in conceptions of state and society among bureaucrats in the Taipei, Taiwan city government. When administrators confront the global arena, the existence of law emblematizes modernity and the... more
Introduction [to] "Gods of Taiwan: A Collector’s Account" (by) Neal Donnelly. Taipei, Taiwan: Artist Publishing. (Introductory essay in English & Chinese: pp. 6-11.) Statues of deities, such as those described and illustrated in... more
This paper tackles the question of the rise and the use of the tánghào, a mythological placename, on Taiwan’s tombstones. This type of placename started to be used during the Japanese colonisation of Taiwan (1895–1945) and replaced... more
祖先在漢人文化裡占有很重要的位置,幾乎每一個家庭都有祭拜自己祖先的習俗。以前研究人類宗教的人類學家,都研究一般民間宗教信徒,本研究將以天主教徒為主。什麼研究對象僅限於天主教範圍之內?因為從過去到現在,在中國天主教歷史當中,這個現象成為教會最大的爭論題目。即使到現在雖然“敬祖”這種禮儀已被天主教會准許了,但是這方面的爭論還持續著。Freedman(1958),許烺光 (Hsu 1967)以來,人類學家對漢人祭拜的研究,一直綿延不斷。在台灣,過去數十年來的研究,譬如Ahern... more
This article explores how the Public Television Service (PTS) of the Republic of China-Taiwan, born in 1998, has contributed to promoting the Taiwanese identity through documentaries, by conveying cultural issues in a way that could be... more
This study validated three versions of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRSi-7, -14, and -20), which propose an adequate assessment tool for the diversity of religious belief systems co-existing in Taiwan’s society. The sample (N =... more
Taiwan’s importance in Austronesian studies arises from not only the great diversity of its indigenous peoples and cultures, but also its archaeological information crucial to the understanding of pre-historical migration patterns and... more
In Chinese culture the concept of the household is deeply linked with concepts such as ancestors’ worship, kinship, inheritance, division of the home, etc. Inside the complex Chinese cosmology, all these concepts continually influence... more
Tao (達悟 oder Yami雅美) ist der Name einer der sechzehn anerkannten indi-genen Volksgruppen in Taiwan. Sie leben auf der Orchideeninsel (蘭嶼) süd-östlich der taiwanesischen Hauptinsel. Ihre Sprache gehört zur austronesischen Sprachfamilie und... more
Court cases of betting-related match fixing regularly affect Taiwanese professional baseball league since the mid-1990s. They involve a large number of players and coaches, local politicians and members of the police. The act of cheating... more
In this paper I would like to contribute to the anthropological discourse about the so-called “agent” in one hand, and on the other to contribute to the discussion on “cultural contact” – specifically the one between Christian faith and... more
The paper aims to discuss the role that visual anthropology and subaltern cultural medias play among the considered indigenous peoples in the Chinese speaking world, and particularly in the four cross-Strait territories of China, Taiwan,... more
General Information: Job description: Info about CWAIP: CENTER FOR WORLD AUSTRONESIA AND INDIGENOUS... more