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      Greek TragedyLate AntiquityThe Classical TraditionEkphrasis
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureLiterature
La mia tesi di Laurea Triennale in Grammatica Greca (Relatrice: Prof.ssa Valentina Garulli, Correlatore: Prof. Camillo Neri). Un sondaggio in alcuni esempi di παρακλαυσίθυρον della letteratura greca. Si cercano comunanze e differenze per... more
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      AristophanesAncient Greek LiteratureAnthologia PalatinaDaphnis and Chloe
En la época helenística, los primeros filólogos y gramáticos se enfrentaron al grave problema de la transmisión de los textos antiguos. Conscientes del valor clásico de algunos de ellos, que justificaría la importancia de su transmisión a... more
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      Women's writingWomen's LiteratureLiterary CanonGreek Anthology
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic Literature
The subject of this monograph is the 8th book of Anthologia Palatina (AP), which includes 254 epigrams of Gregory of Nazianzus. The Cappadocian poet and Church Father as an epigrammatist of the AP is connected with two peculiarities. The... more
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticLiteraturePoetry
Nasenmotiv from the Anthologia Palatina to Rostand.
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      Renaissance HumanismErasmusCyrano de BergeracSir Thomas More
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      ClassicsClassical philologyGreek and Latin EpigramHellenistic Military History
Catalogo e Archivio fotografico: tutti i diritti risErvativietato ogni tipo di riproduzione anche parziale senza l'autorizzazione dell'editore
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      NeoplatonismAnthologia Palatina16th Century Milanese ArtCristoforo Landino
Analisi critico-testuale e letteraria delle versioni ebraica e greca del Salmo 90 e dei topoi che lo tramano.
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureHebrew LanguageHebrew Bible
Intellectual puzzles have a tendency to intermix and accumulate in miscellaneous collections, as happens in present-day puzzle magazines. This phenomenon may already be observed in old compilations (cf. Palatine Anthology, book 14, which... more
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The historical narratives describing the Battle of the Champions and those describing the Thermopylae were distorted by the Spartan mirage to such an extent that the descriptions of the two battles became more and more similar. This is... more
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      Second SophisticWar StudiesHistory and MemoryMemory Studies
1. La pubblicazione dell'Anthologia Graeca, raccolta di sedici libri di epigrammi greci, quale oggi noi la conosciamo, è abbastanza recente. Per quanto la silloge contenuta nel codice Palatino (ora Palatinus 23 + Parisinus Suppl. Gr. 384... more
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      ErasmusLatin translationAnthologia PalatinaAnthologia Graeca
The Aesopic fable and the riddle are primarily folk genres and have a close affinity with each other. Both of them are based on ambiguity and employ metaphor and analogy in order to refer to a deeper layer of meaning under their... more
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      AthenaeusSumerian & Akkadian literatureMesopotamian literatureRiddles
This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the Histories of Herodotus and the excerpta of the Γοήτων φώρα of Oenomaus of Gadara (II century AD), which constitutes a not yet adequately-studied case in the context of the... more
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      Greek LiteraturePatristicsEarly ChristianityPrediction
Bachelor's dissertation (it. Lettere Classiche) at the University of Naples Federico II in Greek Literature entitled “La tradizione della Saffo epigrammatica. La ricezione della figura di Saffo nell’epigramma greco” (eng. THE TRADITION OF... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureWomen's StudiesLiterary Canon
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      Greek and Latin EpigramGreek EpigramAnthologia Palatina
This paper deals with an oft-neglected aspect of the complex relationships between the Hellenistic culture and the Archaic and Classical tradition, namely the epigrams handed down to us in both epigraphical and literary sources. These... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureEpigramsAnthologia Palatina
Success in war over rival kings or barbarian invaders was one of the marks of legitimation for the Hellenistic rulers. Depictions of, or allusions to, war are quite rare in the surviving Hellenistic court poetry; however, we can have a... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceClassicsGreek Literature
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      Greek LiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismErasmus
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      Latin LiteratureHoraceClassical philologyGreek and Latin Epigram
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      ClassicsTextual CriticismClassical philologyGreek Epigram
Detailed examination and commentary on poem Anthologia Palatina 5.294 of Agathias Scholastikos
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      CatullusConstantinopleNonnus of Panopoliscallimachus, Aetia
Abstract: Epigram AP 10. 42, attributed to Lucian in the Palatine Anthology, probably is not by Lucian, nor is it originally even an epigram: the allusion to the oral publication of the verses, which must be protected by a “seal” affixed... more
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      Sympotic PoetryCritiasAnthologia PalatinaTheognis
Chapter 10 studies Hellenistic and Roman military epitaphs, and addresses a number of interconnected issues: the unpopularity of epitaphs for individual soldiers in the Greek Anthology; the near absence of inscribed epitaphs in literary... more
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      PhilologyMilitary HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
In what follows I shall analyse funerary epigrams in which the wayfarer is invited to abstain from violating the tomb. I will deal fijirst with inscriptional epigrams, in order to survey motifs and language of the so called arai... more
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      Greek EpigraphyGregory of NazianzusGreek EpigramAnthologia Palatina
The aim of this paper is to show and to analyse the image of youth given by Book XII of the Palatine Anthology, whose subject-matter is homoerotic and ironic, and its representation of the young is created by desirable adolescent ephebes.... more
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      Greek LiteratureYouthGreek AnthologyLiterature and homoeroticism
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      Local HistoryByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine History
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      Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityJustinian I, EmperorByzantine art
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic Literature
aula XXII (secondo piano) ore 9.00 apertura dei lavori: introduce Roberto Nicolai ore 9.30 -11.00 presiede Maria Broggiato Giacomo Teti (Sapienza -Università di Roma): "La scelta di Parmenide. Valore storico e simbolico del bivio in VS 28... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramHellenistic poetryEpigram (Classics)
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      PlatoHoraceLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaApuleius
Research Seminar presented in Munich at the Department of Greek and Latin - Department II - of Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich, as part of the "Forschungsseminare Latinistik - Wintersemester 2016/2017", coordinated by Frau... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureGreek EpigraphyRomanian Literature
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      CallimachusGreek and Latin EpigramTheocritus (Classics)Hellenistic poetry
Es ist die außerordentliche Fülle an Epigrammen, die sich auf Kreta und auf Personen der kretischen Mythologie beziehen, die dem Forscher der Anthologia Graeca auffällt. Es sind zwar beiläufige Bemerkungen gemacht worden (Ph.E. Legrand,... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureLiteratureGreek Epigraphy
This paper analyses a group of anonymous skoptic epigrams on rhetors, AP 11.145, 11.149, 11.151, APl 318, illustrating how cleverly they adapt and manipulate the language and conventions of ekphrastic epigram for satiric purposes. It... more
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      RhetoricEkphrasisGreek and Latin EpigramGreek Epigram
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman poetry
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      Greek and Latin EpigramEpigram (Classics)Greek EpigramPhilodemus
In the present paper I focus on the occurrences of the motif of the lamp (λύχνος) in the fifth book of the Palatine Anthology. It turns out on numerous oc casions the lamp is not merely an element of night scenery but it also performs... more
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      Greek EpigramPhilodemusErotic EpigramAnthologia Palatina
Intellectual puzzles have a tendency to intermix and accumulate in miscellaneous collections, as happens in present-day puzzle magazines. This phenomenon is already observable in ancient compilations (cf. Palatine Anthology, book 14) and... more
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      AristophanesAthenaeusRiddlesAristophanes Frogs
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      Greek EpigramAnthologia Palatina
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      Latin LiteratureTextual CriticismLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
Προπτυχιακή εργασία Στ' εξαμήνου για το σεμινάριο "Ελληνιστική Ποίηση", ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2018-2019
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      ClassicsClassical philologyHellenistic poetryPhilodemus
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      ErasmusCyrano de BergeracSir Thomas MoreAnthologia Palatina
Dans le "De mensibus" de Dracontius, la poétique mise en œuvre révèle un rapport essentiel entre le genre de l’épigramme et le thème de la nature. Cinq principes d’écriture se conjuguent – énumération, allusion, accumulation, antithèse et... more
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      Late AntiquityGraeco-Roman EgyptGreek and Latin EpigramAnthologia Palatina
D i incerta attribuzione, 1 A. P. 11, 102 è una variazione su un tema caro all'epigramma scoptico della prima età imperiale : la derisione di un leptoṽ. 2 ∆Exaiv rwn pot∆ a[ kanqan oJ leptakino; Diov dwro~ auj to; ej truv phsen tw/ podi;... more
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      Visual StudiesGreek and Latin EpigramHumourGreek Epigram
Review of E. Villanova, "Nell'ombra del poeta". Quasimodo traduttore dell'Antologia Palatina, Roma, Carocci, 2019
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      Greek LiteratureTranslation StudiesItalian LiteratureGreek and Latin Epigram
This paper offers a collection of generally neglected Hellenistic epigrams and some literary and epigraphic evidence that attest to the worship of Aphrodite as a patron deity of navigation. The goddess' temples were often coastal not... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Greek ReligionAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Hellenistic poetry
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureClassical philologyHellenistic poetry
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      ClassicsHellenistic LiteratureClassical philologyGreek and Latin Epigram